Hello Fast Day Dieters & Thank You Michael & Mimi & Others Very Much

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Hello Fast Day Dieters & Thank You Michael & Mimi & Others Very Much

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  J Cato 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hello to all new 5:2 starters.

    Single best piece of advice I can pass on is “stick with the programme” in all that it offers, from forum advice, snippets of general info to recipes to frequently asked questions etc and in most cases, unless there is another very good reason,(medical or otherwise) you will see results in the direction in which you want to go.

    “Keep On Keeping on” appears on these forums and this 5:2 idea by many accounts, is not a quick fix but a longer term weight reduction, improved fitness and an overall ‘better way of living’concept in my short experience of the programme.

    I visited my Doctor about 18 months ago and he mentioned that ‘statins’ might be on my horizon as I had some health issues developing. Alarm bells rung.My weight had been increasing for years and many feeble attempts at dieting had been made.
    I had even made an attempt at 5:2 but did not take the concept too seriously or focus and soon it went the way of all other diet attempts. On exertion on physical tasks I would quickly become breathless which was another alarm bell. I stepped on the scales at end of January 2015 and the game was up.I did not want to believe the reading so I recorded a kilo less, reasoning that the weighing scale could be out of calibration!.
    Since starting the 5:2 that very day it has been downhill all the way (the weekly weigh-in graph that is) and as expected, encountered the odd Mogul along the slopes.
    The first few weeks were a period of adjustment, new routines that were not truly painful and the need to plan for Fast Days. I increased my activity levels gradually and sustainably. I reached my target last month and lost 13kgs. One year ago when faced with a weight problem I would never have believed that what has now been achieved was ever possible, based on previous attempts.

    What is noteworthy, in my personal experience, is the health and well-being values that have also been achieved which I truly didn’t expect to be so obvious.
    My BP is back within normal range, full health check and cholesterol levels all good in recent checks. Fitness levels all improved, personal shape ditto, clothes fitting again, attitude to food and awareness of the demons much better, not to mention a much better mental outlook.
    I believe the more you can relax in your approach to working with the 5:2 the more positive the experience (again this is just a personal view). Take the longer term view rather than the instant fix we nowadays expect of so many things.Do not stress too much about when the 24 hours do or don’t start.Do not over-complicate amounts/activities or what others advise. Get a routine going that suits yourself and as long as the trend is towards weigh reduction, stay with it. Fretting if it is 250 grams one way or the other from one week to the next is neither here nor there when we look at life spans and the grand scheme of things.
    The type of excessive weight (that people like myself had) did not build up in a few weeks or months, so patience with those scales when you start the 5:2 should be observed.
    Finally, I would like to say a well deserved ‘Thank You’ to Dr Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer for all the work they have put into this programme. It has certainly helped me way beyond expectation for which my health and well-being is very grateful. I would also like to thank some of the super, practical advice-giving contributors to the Forums on this website, good people,who take the time like Simcoeluv for example will get you back on track and many of the new queries and concerns I see on the site have already been answered or covered in the FAQ so read widely new folks.

    Onwards to 5:2 a ‘Better way of living’ and success to all new starters.

    J Cato

    well said! thanks for your insights.

    Well done and keep posting. I do believe it is the long term picture we need to look at rather than a quick fix. Keep going with the positive relaxing attitude. 🙂

    Hi Krysk,

    Thank you for the kind remarks. It is good to know someone got to read them amidst the 000s of postings on these forums.

    Stick with it this time and do not try to make too many changes at once, we humans are such creatures of habit that too many new routines and those where any extremus is involved is simply not sustainable.
    If the changes are gradual and you are able to make an almost seamless transition into your new daily routines then you are on to a winner.
    Many forum contributors want to lose all that excess weight and by yesterday, (it certainly did not get on that way). There is some great advice on these forums but it must not always be taken too literally as we are never comparing like with like and we never have the full picture of that person’s weight story and their personal circumstances etc etc and it probably would never have worked for us in any case.
    Following the essentials of the 5:2 and adapting and shaping it to fit in with your personal circumstances and avoiding extremes is, in my opinion, a good route to success.

    Good Luck & Keep On Keeping On
    J Cato

    Hi Serenity,

    Thank you for the feedback. I firmly believe that if you can achieve something in a positive frame rather than the negativity usually associated with achieving something through a lot of pain then that goal attained is a more sustainable one and can be easily achieved again if you have to get motivated to go out and kick off those kilos anytime in future.
    I have found the extra exercise I took up on the 5:2 to also be very relaxing, now I look forward to it and that is sustainable in the long term.

    Good Luck in your quests

    J Cato

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