Hello! Canadian Newbie here!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Mahalo 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hello everyone! I am so happy to have found this site. I think intermittent fasting will work well for me. I have struggled with weight pretty much my entire life. I’ve been through it all and have probably lost and regained hundreds of pounds. I am at the age now where I want to lose the weight and KEEP it off. I have learned a lot about myself and the human condition by being overweight. I have A LOT to lose – more than 100 pounds – and I welcome new friends. I am here to encourage, to be encouraged, to learn and to teach. Welcome aboard my ride! It’s going to be an interesting, educational and amazing journey!!!

    Hi there, Diane,

    thanks for your warm welcome that I like to return 🙂 and greetings to Canada from Germany 🙂

    I have been on that journey and it did work out perfectly for me. Never before have I kept being motivated and saw results like I have been seeing over the past twelve months. Even neighbors have talked to me about my weight-loss.

    I am wishing you the very best and am happy to share with you what I can. Feel free to ask me anything any time.

    Cheers and FFF!

    Thank you! It will be nice to have someone to chat with. Isn’t is wonderful when people begin to notice how you’re changing? Makes you feel good. Can’t wait for that! I don’t need people’s approval, but I appreciate positive comments!

    Yes, most important thing is to approve oneself, isn’t it 🙂 FDs rise the general energy-level – that was what happened with me and I read that many times, too. So this is and was a huge motivator by itself – apart from the weight-loss: energy gain. I do a lot of sports (biking). That made me fitter.

    When I read about your goal I instantly thought of a German woman who had lost 57 kg in seven months (that was years ago and she is still maintaining). She was at a clinic first (and thus under physicians’ watch). There she learned how to use the 30 gram fat method. I do this several times a week on my non-fast days: consciously cutting down on fat. Maybe that can be supportive for you, too. She has written a cook book that is available in English (Never fat again by Susanne Schmidt). I read a book of hers in German and found it highly motivating.

    I like method-combining in order to stay focused on non-FDs. I still stick to the “laws” of food combining (the method I started with in the very beginning before I heard of FD). 5 hours between meals, mostly protein-based, low-carb dinners. A mix for lunch-time.

    For the last six weeks I signed a contract with myself (really ^^ literally): again no alcohol, no cheat days, no sweets, no chips. Eleven days left. After my weigh-in on 1st of August I will have a fiest day with all kind of yummy stuff. And a glass of champagne as well as a present I’ll give to myself: The Susan Lordi angel with the apple (It’s called You’re the best). I am so looking forward to that day. No matter what my weight will be. I am happy with myself for doing this. A wonder-ful lesson in self-efficacy.

    I am wishing you all the good vibes I have experienced on that one-year-journey.


    Hello Diane,

    I was just checking in here at the forum after a looong while.
    Hope you’re doing well.

    Best wishes
    M 🙂

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