Hello! Any one out there? Im just starting out on this venture!

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Hello! Any one out there? Im just starting out on this venture!

This topic contains 65 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  SamanthaJB70 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Just did my first day Fast. Oh My Goodness. It was over 500 calories but that will get there for sure. The most awesome thing is I know I can have the desert today. I can make stuff I’ve been telling my self shouldn’t make it you’ll eat it all. So looking forward to this journey. The forums has given me much insight and encouragement.

    Hi everyone

    Thank you for the support. Can anyone suggest how to practice this protocol by a person with type 2 diabetes. What precautions shall be taken?

    Hi akhil and welcome:

    Fasting is successfully being used to totally reverse type 2. People that have had diabetes for years and are on insulin are off all meds of any kind in a couple of months. There are at least two threads on this site devoted to the subject. This video will get you started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcLoaVNQ3rc. There is a ‘search’ box at the top right of the page that will help you look around. Look for Dr. Fung’s videos and blogs.

    There really are not precautions necessary. 5:2 by itself will not reverse type 2, but it is a good entry point to the fasting and dietary changes necessary to reverse your type 2.

    Here are some tips: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/. Several Dr. Fung lectures are linked on this thread.

    Good Luck!

    Thanks a lot simcoeluv

    My friend is diabetic with blood sugar 264. She takes tablets everyday. I suggested her 5:2 diet. She did it successfully first week. There was no issue on week one . ( she stopped taking tablets ) . While fasting 3 rd day in the 2nd w
    eek she fell down and went unconscious. Her blood sugar level was dropped much lower than required. We aborted the plan for the time being. Now we don’t know what to do. Hope someone can help

    akhil29, is your friend’s diabetes Type I or Type II?

    Hi akhil:

    Why did she stop taking tablets? Wouldn’t her blood sugars go out of control if she did?

    Another reason for fainting while fasting is low blood pressure. It is the most common reason for dizziness and fainting while fasting.

    People generally will not have their blood sugars fall to dangerous levels just because of doing 5:2 – the body has more than enough sugar stored to meet its needs. Type 2 diabetics have a lot more sugar than they need, so it is rarely a problem. In fact, lowering blood sugars to more normal levels is the main reason for using fasting to reverse diabetes.

    She is type 2. She stopped tablets because we were expecting low sugar as she was fasting.

    Dr Mosley who pioneered the 5:2 diet has now looked more at Type 2 and written about it. There is a separate website (like this one) https://thebloodsugardiet.com/ and I suggest you look there. The forum will include lots of people able to help.

    Incidentally it was hearing Dr Mosley talk on the radio about sugar that brought me to this diet.

    Week three and have just finished my second fast of the week. Fingers crossed that my total weight loss will be half a stone!

    Hi akhil:

    You have to remember that even on ‘fast’ days you eat with 5:2. And for 5 days you eat ‘normally’. So blood sugars won’t decline significantly, especially if the normal diet is high carb. Dr. Fung often starts people out with a 7 day water fast. Even then, meds are not immediately cut.

    5:2 can be used simply as a weight loss diet in conjunction with all required treatments. I would never recommend a change in physician recommended treatments until the doctor saw evidence that it was warranted after testing. But people respond differently to the diet days from a blood pressure point of view. Most are unaffected, but some do have the low blood pressure response. Your friend needs to understand this, not ‘get up fast’, and sit or lie down immediately if feeling dizzy or ‘funny’.

    I wish her good luck!

    Good to see a lot of guys willing to help. I hope she will be able to get rid of diabetes. Now we plan to increase the fasting time slowly. I do practice 5:2 diet and convinced about its benefits .. But when it comes to someone already diabetic, its a challenge.

    Hi akhil:

    To reverse the diabetes she will also have to change her diet. She will have to go to a HFLC – high fat low carb – or Atkins type diet. 5:2 will not do it by itself and it will never happen if a high processed carb diet is continued.

    I do suggest she watch the video I linked.


    I just started this week and bought the Elly Pear book for inspiration. I’m a keen cook so love the chance to make my own meals and the fast recipes in this book are full of substance and so far really easy to follow.
    Some people i know did this just having cuppa soup for lunch (BLEUGH!) and it put me off big time as i knew if that was all i had for lunch i was doomed to fail. I made her courgette dahl for lunch and it was so tasty.

    Any other good sources for UK recipes out there?

    Fingers crossed i can keep going with the 5:2 and feel healthier!!

    Hi Razzle and welcome:

    There is a recipe thread on this site. Just check the Forum links at the top of the page. Many people find that eating one evening meal high in fat and protein on diet days works best. I suggest that after one or two successful months on 5:2 you not eat anything at all on diet days. Here are some tips: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    Hi all

    I’m on my 2nd week – lost 2lb last week and sadly seem to have gained it back over the weekend (didn’t eat any more than I usually would). A few people at work are in maintenance now having lost well over 35lb and they have just said to keep going and that it takes time and throws up different weights occasionally. So I’ll stick with it and hopefully will start to see a shrinking stomach soon.

    The inches are probably more important than the lbs for me, but it would be nice to see the scales move too – still not sure what’s the best day to weigh – someone said they go for a Monday when they are probably at their heaviest rather than the morning after their last fast day (I guess it’s all psychological!).

    Super! Thanks simcoeluv

    Hi all!
    Well week four has begun! Weigh day today and another 1lb off so that’s 4 over the three completed weeks! So a slow and steady approach going on! In all fairness I haven’t done any proper exercise for the last ten days as I’m injured, so I’m hopeful that this week may be a little more of a loss as I can now go back to exercise this week!!
    I haven’t stuck to the same fasting days either in a bid to mix it up a bit! So found the fasting days much easier this week!!!
    Best of luck to everyone for the forthcoming week!

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