Hello! Any one out there? Im just starting out on this venture!

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Hello! Any one out there? Im just starting out on this venture!

This topic contains 65 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  SamanthaJB70 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi!
    I have read the book cover to cover! I know what I need to do to get going, I just need to commit! After very busy Easter weekend with food and wine, I seriously need to stop now and get myself back to where I need to be! I just need some encouragement to stay motivated, unfortunately I am one of those souls who starts out with the best of intentions and easily forgets to stay motivated!!!
    So if anyone else is in the same boat we could motivate each other???


    Hi Sam,

    Welcome! I’m one week in and have lost 3lbs. I too need support and motivation to keep going! I didn’t find the fast days as difficult as I thought I would. Knowing you can eat something the next day really helped me. Best of luck with your week.

    Hi Sam, I am the same, I have good intentions and then get derailed. I went to weight watchers for a year. Lost the weight and then gained it all back. But I have heard good things about this method. My friend at home said that soup broth really helps on the fasting day’s. I just started this diet today. So I hope we can help each other. Ebony

    Hi Sam

    Definitely in the same boat! Too much food and wine (way too much) and it was a great Easter weekend. But I am now left with a body that feels dead and useless. When I came home on Sunday I could hardly move let alone run. My feel ached; my hips ached and I had absolutely zero energy.

    So I read the book yesterday and am now on Fast Day #1

    I had my first of two “meals” at 11:30 this morning and am now looking forward to the second this evening.

    Hi all:

    If you can find the motivation, here are some tips that will help you lose weight on 5:2: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    There’s a lot of us in the same boat then! I’ve just had the second of my meals for today and it was lovely! My danger time is when I get in from work at 5.30, so I made myself a cup of ginger green tea whilst I got my dinner ready. Might have to go to bed at 8 but hey……!

    Hope I can join you here.
    I’m just starting this today. I’m horrified at the way I look and feel.
    I want to have more energy and to fit into my lovely clothes again.

    I plan on Monday and Thursdays being my fast days.

    So here goes! Good luck everyone!

    Hi All

    I’m starting this again for the second time and deffo know the feeling. It does work if you stick with it, the problem is sticking with it!! Started again on Monday and done my two fast days this week, weighing in tomorrow… fingers crossed something’s shifted. I’m feeling lighter today which is a good sign.

    Good luck everyone!!

    Hi everyone,

    And thank you all for your replies. Sounds like many of us are in the same boat and a bit of motivation from all of us will keep us all on the right track!!
    Well I am day two now! I’ve done my fast days back to back as I thought it would get them out of the way mid week, and then it’s over and sorted!
    Day one wasn’t as hard as I had thought it would be! No headaches and no cold! I did go for a 3 mile walk after work and then came back in for my dinner, which, although was just a salad, tasted like something out of this world!!
    I’m finding today a little tougher as all I am thinking about is food!!! And tonight is run night so I am quite intrigued to see how I do on my usual run but on a n empty stomach!! Though I could be overthinking it!!
    Have a good and positive day everyone!! And keep in touch!!

    All exercise regardless of intensity will use a combination of blood glucose, glycogen and stored fats for your energy need. The ratios vary depending on the intensity. Low to moderate exercise you will use predominantly stored fats. So as long as your run is more of a gentle jog then it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. If your run is more sprint intervals then you will probably struggle.

    You need to hang tough for about 4 weeks. It gets a lot easier after that. After 2 weeks on 5:2 I just ended up water fasting for my two days (I did the days consecutively). As weird as this sounds it was easier just not to eat rather than eating just a little.

    Drink lots of water. I used to get mild headaches initially but that is because your body is so poorly adapted to burning stored fats and turning it into ketones as your primary energy source rather than just using glucose. You body gets lazy if you keep stuffing it with carbs. Reduce the carbs and it then has to start working at converting stored fats. The headaches are your brain screaming for glucose. It can only process glucose or ketones. It will take about a month for you liver to ramp up and become active again. Becoming fat adapted will be a bonus if you like running.

    Hang in there for a month. I did it and lost 20kgs (44 pounds). Only you know how bad you want it achieve your goal!

    hi big booty,

    Thanks for that, I had been wondering about a pure fast, but wasn’t sure, I have previously fasted for 36 hrs on water but not managed a full two days. And to do it consecutively is, I think the best way to go!
    Yes the run this evening will involve intervals, but I am sure I will be fine! It’s only half an hour after all!!
    I am certain that sticking won’t be a problem, but you had fantastic results, so we’ll done on that, quite an inspiration.
    I’m keen to know how long you’ve been on it in total and have you been able to easily slip this into your lifestyle?

    Hello all.

    I would like to join please. I am 5,4 and weigh 13 stone and feel horrible. I am a binge eater and I am bigger than I have ever been and it’s miserable. I am on first fast day today and so far feel ok. I have drank water, lemon and ginger tea.

    Its going to be a long journey I know but feel better with support.

    Welcome, Mrsjeffery1982. I have been following this way of eating since March 9 and have lost 4 pounds. I am 5 1, and another 6-8 lbs to go. Today is a fast day for me. Just coffee so far. I keep pushing that hard boiled egg later and later, and it gets easier.

    Hi Sam,

    I started my weight loss journey in Feb 2015 but only discovered 5:2 in October and have been doing it ever since. You do not have to do the days consecutively, that just worked for me. Find a pattern that works for you!! I used to do Mon/Tues and now its just Mon. Im in maintenance mode and I now do 6:1 and do a complete fast on that day. I think there are benefits in fasting other than weight loss hence my desire to still fast as a regular lifestyle thing. I picked Monday as that leaves me free for weekends and going out with family and friends. Ive found that I naturally eat more healthy without really trying as a result of 5:2. It will get easier after about 4 weeks as your body gets used to using fats as an alternate energy source.

    To make life easier for yourself go through your cupboard and get rid of anything with sugar in it. Biscuits, cakes, chips, chocolate, ice cream etc. Just ditch it. As a family we decided to do this and after about a week of complaints even the kids didn’t miss all those sweets!!

    Try and avoid simple carbs like bread, rice, pasta as much as possible. You can still have them but be sparing with how often you have those staples. Avoid anything with sugar in it like the plague. You will go through a sugar detox but it does get better after about 4 weeks.

    I love my bike riding and initially I couldn’t do it while fasting, now its not a problem. I used to get mild headaches as well, now its not a problem. Hang tough for 4 weeks, after that it gets a lot easier.

    I let my work colleagues and friends know I was doing 5:2. That way they wouldn’t get upset if I didn’t eat if I happened to be out with them on a fast day. I look in the mirror and I can see my ribs again and my chest is bigger than my belly. Its like being in my early 20s again. πŸ™‚

    Hi there Sam and others,
    I’m on FD#2 and so far just an ITSU noodle pot at 180 calories. They are really strongly flavoured that I keep the taste in my mouth for some time after and feel as if I’ve eaten a lot more. I’ve bought smoked salmon for later but trying not to think about it for now!

    Hi Big Booty!

    Well I’ve completed two fast days and I didn’t find it too tough, I decided against a run last night and went for a walk instead, just because I didnt want to feel like i hadn’t succeeded if it didn’t go well! there is no reason whatsoever that it shouldn’t have done, but i did err on the side of caution! Having said that I’ve been for a run this morning and knocked out my best times per mile of the year!
    What I did do this morning, was eat like a pig,and this was not a good idea. Id done the 21 day diet which is also based on fasting, basically you miss out breakfast and eat lunch at noon and your last meal of the day at about 7pm, so for about six weeks i haven’t eaten breakfast, and had very little carbs, I’ve had no pasta or rice since February and just the occasional day where I’ve eaten toast, so bread has been to a minimum, I cut all dairy out of my diet nearly twelve months ago, but today, I’ve had a ‘fluffy’ coffee – made with milk, bacon sandwich AND a hot cross bun! I feel disgusting! and bloated. So a huge lesson learned on day 3! NO NEED TO PIG OUT!!!
    I have now just gone on to water until the awful sensation has passed!
    Its a fantastic feeling watching your figure change, and exercise just gets easier the lighter you become, i have managed to put back 2 stones of the 3 that i initially lost and my running has suffered because of it, I have lost 12lbs on the 21 day diet but decided that this may fit into my lifestyle much better! I did back to back because i thought it would be easier for me, I’m not much of a sugar junkie, but I have begun to fancy sweet things, which is bizarre, I’m putting it down to age!!!
    Im looking forwards to getting to the four weeks marker as I am sure that everything will have settled down by then, and i know what i’ll be doing, without over thinking it!
    Well done for being on the maintenance programme, I cannot wait until I can say that!!

    Hello Mrs Jeffery, Jani and K-Lo

    So good to have so many new friends to share this experience with!! I am sure it makes it easier!! Hope you are all doing well! Ive done my two fast days and now i am concentrating on menu planning for the week, so that I have the right balance of foods that are within my TDEE!!

    Good luck!

    Stay in touch too!!


    Hi Sam,

    Way to go! Don’t be too scared about eating fats. Ive found that as long as you dont have fat AND carbs youre OK. I’ll regularly have high fat low sugar yogurt for breakfast with some berries and some raw almonds. No problems and it satiates you for as long time. I used to crave protein after my bike rides so if your craving food after your runs try and go for protein rather than carbs. I usually have a big bowl of salad with some tuna and cheese.

    Good luck with it.

    Are we (the newbies) still here and starting week 2?
    I was disappointed to have gone back to my pre-diet weight after this weekend. But I suspect I may have gone over my TDEE!! But at least I didn’t go up!
    Obviously I need to be more careful on non-fast days.
    I’m beginning to enjoy the taste of black coffee and when I start getting hungry, I take the dogs for a walk.

    Hi Jani 123,

    Not done my first weigh in yet, that will be Wednesday! I try and track all of my foods using my fitness pal, just so I know where I am, I did have a day on Friday where I was initially an absolute hog and ate much more than I needed to and made myself feel sick! I had water for the rest of the day until the feeling passed and then only had fish and veggies later on!!!
    Yes I’m getting into black coffee too!! I’m not struggling with hunger so much, but as I work from home the temptation is strong to nibble!! On anything!!
    Keep at it, I’m sure it will all get so much easier!


    Hi all!
    Hope its ok to jump in and join you. I started the 5:2 last week so have done 3 days total so far.
    So far so good though did find yesterday (Monday) more difficult this week..lots of grumblings . i guess its is to be expected.. I didn’t cave..just had water and green tea.
    I am doing Monday and Wed (or thursdays)..i am having a small breakfast, a flat white in the arvo at work then a small tea at night. I know lots of people go all day until tea but i workout most mornings so feel i need that something to start the day.
    Anyhow good luck everyone. Encouraging to read the thread thanks.

    Dons68, in the US here, and I have no idea what “a flat white in the avo” means. πŸ™‚

    Ha ha K-Lo
    You’re not the only one but I guessed (I’m in the UK) it was a coffee with just a little milk in the afternoon. Intrigued to know if I am right.

    From Wikipedia — A flat white is a coffee beverage that originated in Australia. The beverage is prepared by pouring microfoam (steamed milk consisting of small, fine bubbles with a glossy or velvety consistency) over a single shot (AU) or double ristretto shot (NZ) of espresso.

    And here I thought it was either a bread product or something to do with egg whites!


    Oh..haha oops..yes a flat white is a coffee..that’s what it’s called in nz what’s it in US and UK??

    Arvo.. short for afternoon. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ sorry 4get that you are talking to widespread places not just in this part of the world..I will keep it unabbreviated from now. 😁

    Latte? Macchiatto? Not sure. I just pour whole milk in my strong coffee and call it done.

    Laughing out loud at my desk…quite literally. I was thinking it was an appliance!

    Week two starts with a 2lbs weight loss! Fast day today and then again tomorrow. Quite looking forward to it this time!
    Hope everyone else is doing ok?

    Haha K-Lo…definately not drinking appliances……though some days…… πŸ™‚

    So who have we got on this thread on just their first or second week? Apart from Sam and me, I think there is Donna, plus, if they are still around Eve, Mrs Jeffrey, Ebony, Chasey and N4M. I like that there are a few of us starting at the same time.

    I am on day 2 of my 2nd week. 😊 πŸ˜πŸ‘ it’s good to have people starting same time I agree…and some that have been om it for a while to for advice. Domna☺

    Help!!! Second day of fast and I’m struggling! Does any one else struggle to fast when it’s the time of the month???
    My every second is filled with thoughts of food! Not even naughty food! Just food!!!

    I haven’t struck that yet Samantha but ill be following to see if anyone has advice. Stay strong doll, tomorrow is another day πŸ™‚

    Hahah!! It is indeed another day! And it seems forever away!!!!
    I’m sure I can be strong! Willpower needs to kick in and determination!!!
    Thank goodness for this chat!!


    Hi Its may second day of my first week,I have struggled over the last year lose weight it comes off through the week and goes back on over the weekend so hoping this will work for me

    I’m just starting out. I have done three fast days over the last eight days. I am leaning towards 5:2.
    I fast on Mondays, Wednesday’s and sometimes on Fridays. If I do well with 5:2 – meaning a slow steady release of weight, I’ll continue with that plan. If 5:2 is not so viable, I’ll go to a 4:3 plan.
    Weigh in is on Saturday mornings. I have measured myself, so I can feel confident if some numbers are getting smaller during the week.
    I am looking forward to health benefits and a lean, mean, fighting machine. (I practice martial arts.) I have 23 kg to melt off.
    What kind of technology is anyone using to help on this journey?

    Hi Kath and welcome:

    Technology is unimportant for weight loss. You just have to eat less than you have been eating.

    Here are some tips: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Hi all

    I’m on my second week and I’m pleasantly surprised. I fast Monday & Friday but that might change over time.
    I do go to the gym 3/4 times a week and actually did a LBT class on a fasting day which I thought was a bad idea but once I got going I felt ok.

    I’ve lost 2.3 kg in my first week and I have been under my tdee on other days and I feel if I were to over eat I wouldn’t get the same results.

    So I wish everyone all the best πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

    Thank you for your reply simcoeluv. I was wondering if anybody has any apps or other kinds of technology they use to help them in keeping track of things or motivating them.
    I’m sorry my question was not very clear.

    Hi Kathy,

    I tend to use myfitnesspal, it helps me to keep track of my calories, I also use a Garmin viviofit to track my steps and log my running/walking/cycling!

    Hope this helps!!

    Hi Everyone,

    Spring seems like a good beginning……soooooo

    Here I go….again. I’m sick and tired of losing the same 5 lbs. over and over and not even touching the other 25-30 lbs. that need to go. I’m getting the book this morning and beginning tomorrow. I’ve experienced headaches in the past from skipping meals, but plan to counteract that with lots of water. My only concern is being on warfarin, but since my INR is all over the board anyway, and I have my own monitor so I can closely watch it, I’m not too concerned. Maybe the book will address this and I’ll call my cardiologist on Monday to tell him what I’m up to. If anyone has any suggestions I’m totally open.

    Thanks in advance for any advice!

    I am new, too, Samantha. I have run thru so many diets with success in the beginning only to come to a crashing halt after a couple of weeks. I wish us both luck…after reading the book I feel good about the program. (I refuse to use the nasty word DIET)

    Please watch this video about intermittent fasting. Don’t worry about the science, just focus on the overall message.


    Crowmama and zoey,

    You want suggestions? You say you keep losing and gaining 5 pounds. Most people on 5:2 lose about 1-2 pounds per week. So have you only been able to stick to past diets for about 5 weeks?

    You need to give this a real red hot go. It will be tough for about 4-6 weeks. Some people get headaches, some people feel lethargic. It gets better after 4-6 weeks. Drink LOTS of water.

    OK what to do. Go to the cupboard and throw out anything with lots of sugar. Cake, biscuits, ice cream, chocolate etc. Ditch it. Health cereals, bin them. Some have up to 35% sugar. CRAZY!!!!

    On your fast days stay away from sugar and starchy foods like pasta, rice, bread, potatoes etc. They will make your fast day real hard. What to eat? Lots of salad and green veggies with some protein and fat. Example” Big bowl of green veggie salad (iceberg lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, eggplant, mushrooms etc) with 100g tuna or chicken. Add 50g cheese and tofu. Some vinegar dressing (low sugar dressing!!). Add a chili if you like it spicy. This will satiate you for a long time.

    Breakfast, bowl of high fat low sugar greek yogurt with raw almonds and blueberries. Will keep you going til early afternoon or later.

    Stay away from anything with sugar in it. Don’t drink juice!! If you must have fruit eat whole fruits, not juice. Dried fruits like dates and figs, are a no go zone. Stay away from bananas. If you like fruits try and stick with berries. Blueberries, strawberries etc.

    Bread, pasta, rice, potatoes are a sometimes food and NEVER on a fast day unless you are deliberately setting yourself up to fail.

    Make a commitment for 6 weeks and give it a genuine try. It gets easy after that.

    Hi everyone

    This is Akhil from India.

    I got a doubt. Is it OK if I eat nothing during fasting. Zero calorie. I find difficult to count 600 and stick to eat. Once I get the smell of food I eat a lot !

    Thank you for all the info. ..it’s great to have such a willing support group here!

    Hi akhil:

    Yes, it is OK to eat nothing on your diet days.

    Good Luck!

    Hi all. I’m onto week 3 …lost 1kg and 0.4 body fat and gained lean muscle…personal trainer happy 😁 I’ve just been having the same thing each week to keep it simple for now. 2 boiled eggs early morning and chicken salad at night with a trim latte mid afternoon as I start work at 2.30 and it keeps me saited.
    Hope everyone is going well. πŸ˜€ Donna

    Hey everyone!
    Into week three and 4lbs off!! I’m chuffed to say the least! Has a very weird start to last week and I ended up changing my fast days which have worked out better, I also wasn’t feeling too great and so other than walking I didnt do any exercise at all. So was very relieved to see the drop in the scales this am!!
    I’m not sure if you can get this all over the world, but I bought the book by Elly Pear yesterday feast days and fast days and has some really fab recipe ideas in for fast days!
    A very positive week has begun already so on wards and upwards as they say!!! Two runs in the bag already this week with a hard one planned for tomorrow!!!
    Keep focused guys and good luck for another great week!


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