Hello and "HELP"

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Anonymous

    Hi, I’m from Oz and new to the forum – I started the 5:2 about 3 months ago with some great initial results (5Kg) however I have really stalled over the past couple of weeks and not sure what to do – I have been fasting a day a week and sometimes none! Very disappointed and just looking for some input as to how I can get back on track as I know the 5:2 is good for me i.e. should I try 1 day per week for a while and try to build up?? Anyway any advice would be great!

    I would presume its because you need to fast for 2 days. Only fasting for 1 keeps you at that weight. Fasting for 0 days isn’t really being on the diet at all.

    Sorry te read that. I thought your stalled meant your weight loss has stalled but i think you mean psychologically stalled. Sorry. I find having a weight loss partner helps.


    hi – yes sorry I meant I have ‘stalled’ psychologically – thanks for the tip

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