Hello- am on my first fast day

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  • Hi there
    Have just joined after listening to Michael Mosely on the radio the other day promoting his new updated fast diet book. I remember watching his documentary about it a while back and was fascinated. Have tried all the slimming clubs to no avail at keeping weight off. Also find them all a bit patronising and a rip off. So thought I would try this. It certainly makes sense as you are not constantly depriving yourself.

    Have had a sachet of oats so simple made with water for breakfast and will have a protein lunch eg egg. Not sure what to have for tea probably some white fish. Fingers crossed I can stick to it don’t feel too bad at moment. Keep drinking plenty of water to help keep hunger at bay. Any tips would be gratefully received.

    Best wishes

    Hi Jackosaurus, I had my first fast day yesterday and it went like a breeze. I feel so good today and found that I was more conscious about stopping at breakfast and lunch when I felt full on this non fast day.
    Hope you have an easy start too.
    Love m

    Well got through my first fast day with no problems. Measured my waist this morning and have lost half an inch!!! And half a pound in weight. Really impressed with how easy it was. My book arrived yesterday and there are some tasty recipes especially the chorizo and butter bean stew would eat that on a feed day as well as a fast day yummy. Will definitely carry on with regime. Thanks Makica for your reply and good luck to you as well.

    Hi Jacosaurus and Makica … well done on completing your first fast day 😀

    Hi I’m on my first day too. Now going to have half my normal portion of museli and yogurt and thats it till dinner which will be a small portion of chicken and lots of veg.

    Thanks everybody. I had a good non fast day until the evening. It is always the toughest par of the day for me to stay away from sweets. But still the scale showed I was 300 grams down compared to the morning after the first fast day. I know I should stop stepping on the scale every morning but I just couldn’t resist.
    How are you all doing?

    Hi Makica
    Reading Michaels book he advises checking your weight daily. But to go by measurements as well. I am going to take my measurements weekly and weigh alt days.

    Thank you Barneybeez and Dragonfly good luck with your first fast day. The evenings are my problem I had some diet tonic water with ice and lemon during the evening and it definitely helped me and the knitting of course

    I’m on my second day!! I’ve ordered a book to give me ideas on how to best make the most of the 500 calories .. I hate counting calories so am just keeping the food to a minimum, egg for breakfast, cup a soup for lunch, a banana and tonight I intend to have a slice of ham and some peas for tea…. Has anyone any ideas on the calories? and … I also would love some tips please 🙂

    I had some vegetable soup for lunch, no breakfast, and some chicken and lettuce for dinner. Drank tons of herbal tea and 2-3 coffees. Didn’t count any calories.
    I did some meditation techniques when I had really bad hunger pangs. Instead of resisting inspecting the feeling or if it didn’t go away just started some work or looked up interesting stuff on the net to distract myself.
    Am trying to welcome the feeling of hunger because I perform best when not digesting food.
    One more thing that is tough but hopefully doable is to be kind to myself and not expect to be 100% at my game all the time.
    Hope this helps at least a little bit.
    Tomorrow is my second da of fasting. Will stick to the same menu. Why change when it works. Right?

    Hi everyone, First day went well, ignored the hunger until 6 and blitzed some chicken & veg into a thick soup.
    Looking forward to Mondays fast now. Trying to get my husband on board as he needs to lose weight too.

    Hi! I just had my first fast on Tuesday and second yesterday. I don’t put too much stock in daily weight fluctuation, but I weigh myself daily just because I think it’s interesting. The morning after my first fast, I had lost 3 pounds. The next day, I gained it all back. The morning after my second fast, I was one pound down. Really hoping not to gain ALL of it back again by my next fasting day! I like to eat all of my calories in one meal for dinner, whereas my husband has a 100 calorie lunch and then eats the same thing that I have at dinner. I really hope that this works for us!

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