Hello & a question as to whether this diet is so easy as to be dangerous

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Hello & a question as to whether this diet is so easy as to be dangerous

This topic contains 7 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi

    Apologies, typical long rambling first post (hope it makes some sense)……

    Started doing the 5:2 on January 7th this year & if I can steal a quote from Gregg Wallace (who as we know follows a different dieting path), “I’ve never felt better”.

    Was overweight, suffered high’ish blood pressure, occasional sleep apnoea, shortness of breath when exerted, very low libido & sex drive and hadn’t seen my toes in years, but like some lemming didn’t consider dieting as everyone I have ever known (with one exception) has failed in the long term.
    I didn’t watch the Michael Mosley Horizon documentary until January of this year, but when I did I was instantly reminded of an Indian chap I worked with many years ago who had fasted one day a week for all his life. He was very old when I first met him, yet still 10 years later he hadn’t aged an iota and was still extremely sprightly (maybe he was born looking old),also, like most on here I could relate to the 5:2 concept.

    My first day was horrible (purely psychological & established habit), serious hunger pangs and light headedness. Started the day with two cups of tea with no sugar but a drizzle of milk (my usual cuppa includes sugar), by 2.00pm that afternoon I was feeling awful (despite drinking lots of water) so had two weetabix with a couple of tablespoons of natural yoghurt (I remember the sensation of ‘much needed’ energy flowing into my body with each spoonful, but boy did it taste awful). For dinner I then had one of those boil in the bag cod in parsley sauce sachets with boiled broccoli, cauliflower and carrots – The whole experience was absolutely horrible. That night I remember being very bored and going to bed early, not to sleep, but to get away from food temptation.

    I woke very early the next morning and discovered several things, I wasn’t hungry, I’d slept well and felt a little more energised than usual. My immediate desire on waking was for a couple of cups of tea with milk and sugar, I didn’t bother eating breakfast until around 10.00am.

    Next few days were a learning curve as to what worked for me best and after just a handful of fast days I found a routine that suited me well. I allow myself one or two cups of tea with a splash of milk and a level teaspoon of sugar for breakfast, then put all thoughts of food out of my mind for the day, until around 7.00pm when I decide whether or not to eat a dinner (usually tin of soup or baked beans, both with a slice of bread), often nowadays I don’t bother with the dinner at all.

    The 5:2 has become a very easy thing to do, despite all the food advertising you only notice when you’re on fasting days, and after two or three days of ‘normal’ eating my body is screaming to ‘fast’ again (is it possible to fast too much?).

    My progress has probably been quite slow compared to others, but for me sustainable, as I love food and whilst eating less than I used to, still eat with no regard on normal days and enjoy a few glasses of wine, so excepting two days a week (occasionally just one) life is as normal – though my stomach has shrunk, I get tipsy a lot sooner than I used to on wine & I seem to subconsciously choose to generally eat a better diet (I stress ‘subconsciously’ as there is no effort or sense of sacrifice in doing so).

    So, to surmise my progress to date (6 months) – I’ve lost precisely 20kgs/3 stone (with very little effort & no extra exercise), sleep better, have loads more energy, no more sleep apnoea, libido almost totally recovered and am wearing clothes that haven’t fitted me for over 9 years (if only they were still in fashion). I have further to go but frequently consider just doing one fast day per week for convenience, but after 2-3 days of normal diet find myself electing to do an unplanned fast over my first cup of tea of the morning – it’s becoming a difficult habit to break.

    In conclusion, I’m a convert

    well done, makes me feel excited for the future as i’m one week in and have lost 2kg of the 40 i would like to shed. 🙂

    Hi Melons, firstly…. well done on your 3 stone loss! I agree with your post. The benefits of fasting are huge. I only started at the end of May and already feel healthier, have lost 9 lbs and look forward to my fast days. I also relish the freedom to eat what I want on non-fast days with no guilt. But like you find myself eating better every day. I see this as a long term way of eating and can’t believe how easy it has been. I have dieted all my adult life and can’t believe I will never count points or calories ( every day) again!

    Hi Melons,
    Thanks for the inspiration , and brilliant you’ve lost 3 sts so far……. Was feeling yuck yesterday and waking this am (5am) with low stomach pains , ate bread yesterday first in a week and was so bloated last night, I now realise with relief its my fast day today and I am GLAD! I have many stones to go, and as 5:2 is a way of life for me now , meaning that I can finally jump off the jojo dieters hamster wheel !! ( Thats a bl***y big wheel!) Logically I expect my weight loss will take over a year, I don’t worry, looking forward to feeling better in joints and mind. Starting the day with lady Jane black tea, as I’ve gone off my black coffee, as well as chocolate! Made lovely roasted tomato soup yesterday, so if hungry later , will have a mugful, but busy today packing as I am off to Malta Wednesday , Yipee!

    Hi Melons
    thanks so much for your story – and inspiration – I can relate to so much of what you say – I have been in the new way of life for 20 weeks now and have lost 19 pounds – finding I’m kind of ‘stuck’ since haven’t lost for a couple of weeks but I too am moving to not eating at all on fast days and I hope this will give me a boost to start shifting some pounds again – I also feel much healthier and feel my midriff shrinking which is great. I tend to grab a large green salad at lunch time and have a tin of soup or cereal at night with loads of water in the morning and the luxury of a coffee or two in the afternoon and evening … holiday in September to hawaii and hoping to have another stone at least off by then … i am also a convert and see this as a way of life now!

    Wonderful to hear that so many of you have lost a lot of weight! 🙂

    However, I have a question:
    when do you go shopping for a new wardrobe? I have about 40 lb to loose. I don’t know if I’ll ever get there – but I’ll be happy with ANY weight reduction right now. Since replacing my entire wardrobe for every 10 lb I loose will be expensive (I’ve heard that 10 lb = 1 size), I’m wondering when I should go shopping? When my clothes are unwearable because they’re too big? When I’ve hit a milestone and want to reward myself (shopping for clothes has never been my favourite thing…) or when I’m “done” shedding the weight?

    What do you think?

    Hiya! When I clicked on to read this post, I was curious as to what you might be considering “dangerous” about this lifestyle! Ha, of course now I realize that was just a tongue-in-cheek way of saying how easy it is. 🙂

    Thanks so much for sharing your “rambling” post, I found it thoroughly inspiring and fond myself nodding along much of the time. I don’t pay any regard on off days and I think I am beginning to look forward to the “respite” of fasting after my over-indulgence on regular days.

    Even if the weight doesn’t drop off right away (only two weeks in and 4 lbs off) I already know I am a convert, too. Something about this just seems right.

    Thanks again for sharing!

    Hi tulipps,
    For me it was a matter of getting back into clothes that had languished in drawers for several years because i had put on weight after weight watchers.
    Week 22 and 19 lbs lost along with 10 inches less body to clothe I have bought clothes very cheaply in sales and charity shops, along with rediscovering clothes that I forgot I had.
    I suggest that you shop in charity shops now for the next size down. It may take a while to find what you like in the right size. That way, it doesn’t cost much and you can recycle those clothes that become too big, thus keeping the momentum going. The other thing is that the seasons will change as your weight and size diminish.
    You might find that you start to enjoy shopping when buying clothes becomes more fun with more choice, which is what happened to me.There is no pressure to stay the same size to fit those clothes either.Make sure you measure your body so that you can see yourself shrink on the weeks when the scales are sluggish.

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