
This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  I aminthefuturenow 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hello to all! From 2013 ’til last year, I have succeeded in fasting about twice per year on average, with about twice as many ‘almost fasts’, i.e. a few or a few hundred calories over 600 (I’m a woman but I’ve told myself 600 is okay ‘cos I’m a little tall). However, this year it’s all happening (I hope…) I have done six this year, including two this very month, and some have even been below 800 cals – my new limit thanks to the latest news that that’s okay.

    So compared to most of you, from my readings here, I’m pretty slack – but I’m persevering. I’ve found it hard. I’m not used to this eating almost nothing – I don’t like it, or at least that’s how I’ve often felt, but I’m learning that it can actually be okay. I’m learning, bit by bit, how to make eating little, just for a day, more okay. I’m learning that even the not-okay parts can be okay, too. And it feels so good the next day – yesterday I even had a lemon juice and a long walk before I ate anything.

    I haven’t lost any weight as yet. I’ve steadily put it on over the last twelve or so years (10kg). I want to get serious and regular with 5:2 and lose it forever, beginning with a wedding I’m attending in August. It’s about a lot more than losing weight though – precious health. I’ve found many of the posts here helpful. I’ve never joined a forum before, but here I am. You can call me Minty (short for my long and permanent handle). Good luck to all of us. 🙂

    Hi Minty,
    Welcome. Many here have not been on a forum before so you are in good company.

    Re the fasts you’re doing: from experience, it’s much easier to do the 2 regular fasts per week than just occasional ones. In my opinion you could be finding it harder by not doing them very often. Most of us find that body seems to adapt to the 2 weekly fasts fairly quickly. My guess is that you’re finding it harder because your body never gets used to fasts. Many of us regular 2 a week fasters actually look forward to our fasting days, because it feels like it resets our bodies and our eating somehow. That doesn’t happen when the fasts are infrequent. I suggest you set 2 days a week eg Mon and Thurs and give it a try.


    Thank-you Merry.

    I can see how that would work. I have noticed being more aware of actual hunger (and when it’s not real hunger) in the day or two after fasts, and also of what I’m hungry for changing a little for the better. Then I have slid back into old habits. The mountain I’m climbing at the moment – probably the biggest in this journey I suspect – is getting into the 5:2 routine week in, week out.

    I don’t think two set days will work for me though as I’m a shift worker and my working days are all over the place. I’ve just been nominating my fast days week by week (when I’ve done them!) when I know my roster. At this stage I don’t feel able, or at least willing, to work while fasting – and I always feel the need to eat something on my return from work. Maybe as I get more used to fasting I’ll feel able to survive work on less food. Or maybe that’s all in my head and I’m looking for excuses – which I’m good at doing!

    Food for me is so much about comfort, strength, nurturing, me-time, reward – I need all those to get me through. Not to mention distraction from my feelings. This is all a head-game for me as much as anything else – maybe I need to look at other ways to meet those needs at/after work, and/or learn more about letting my wants be there without gratifying them, for just a little longer. And/or learn more about finding enjoyment and satisfaction through food that involves less calories. I’m also avoiding fasts on days there are social activities involving food, and I can’t see a movie without a choc-top…yet.

    This is all stuff I’m working on. I am also trying to work less often (I too easily over-work, being a casual) – setting aside time and space for fast days. ‘I have other commitments,’ I’ve been saying when saying no to more work, without explaining further, and thinking, ‘Yeah, commitment to my good health and happiness for the rest of my life.’

    Yes, you are right Merry, I just need to do 5:2 each week to get my body (and mind) used to it – any which way. Tomorrow is my next fast.

    Minty. (Minty? Ha!)

    I did it again!! I came in at somewhere in the 700s, and for me, that’s a huge achievement. During my trials and errors I have found, like most people, that delaying is the way to go. I was so hungry an hour or two after dinner and was grateful for that little bit of leeway left for one delectable piece of canteloupe. I then felt much more able to ‘make it through the night’. Also like most people, I find that drinking helps heaps – herbal tea, that is. I am steadily making my way through all sorts of herbal and flavoured black teas which people keep giving me but I tend not to use much ‘cos I’m usually a tea with milk girl. It took me a while to give up the milk in my tea on FDs but I appreciate the difference it makes to what else I can eat. I thought I couldn’t, but it turns out I can. Even on NFDs I have black tea sometimes now. I’m loving my lemon juice too – just hot water with a little juice and rind – it can be so comforting and satisfying. Amazingly so.

    I am liking what I’m learning. Maybe there’s hope for me yet. Good luck to anyone and everyone. I should probably post this elsewhere. I’m a beginner. Tomorrow is my next fast.
    Minty. (Iamin didn’t have the same ring.)

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