
This topic contains 20 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  lottielastic 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi, wish me luck this is my first day!
    I am a bit unsure as to how i have the 500 calories! Does it have to be over just 2 meals or can I have 3 small meals? Hope someone can help. x

    Hiya – I find a small breakfast, then water/black coffee and tea during the day and a small dinner works for me, but give 3 a try as well. Some people are just having dinner in the evening for 500cals. The fast works better with a long period between eating so one or two meals will get better results. However, it has to fit in with your world, that is the beauty of this diet, it is easy to fit in! Hope it goes well. I am on my 3rd fast day today 🙂

    Thanks for the reply.
    I am going to try and last until lunchtime for my food. Will have fruit teas until lunch. 🙂

    Are you finding it easy?
    Do you get weighed once a week? How have you done? x

    Good plan, I have been drinking green teas as well (the Twinings ones which also have fruit in as I find them yummy!)
    I found the first week pretty easy yes, so I am feeling confident today. I decided just to weigh myself on the morning after each fast – my scales do body fat, weight and tell me BMI too – and also measure my waist and keep track of all the measurements. I lost 4.4lb the first week but I am sure some of that is the weight of food where I hadn’t eaten much on the fast days. Watch this space! xx

    Hi, I am on my 3rd Fast day and I have a salad for lunch that is about 16 calories followed by muller light yoghurt that is 70 calories and then an evening meal of approx 400 calories. I drink lots of water during the day – whenever i feel hunger pangs I have another sip. i also have fruit teas althou some are about 4 calories for 200ml. I use Myfitnesspal.com to measure calories and have been monitoring non fasting days too.
    I have lost 3kg in my first week.

    Hi Sandra

    I would hate to see you fail at this and wish you all the luck.The whole point of this way of eating is in the name “fast” which means to eat as little as possible. Grazing or eating several times a day defeats the whole object of this as every time you eat your body is diverted from what the all important repair to deal with the food coming in.What seems to work best for most is 2 meals and then as you get used to this way of fasting with any luck you can make it to one meal. When you have those meals is totally up to you but don’t ruin it by eating numerous times. Try not to eat till lunchtime and then have an early supper and an early night, drinking lots during day.
    Best of luck.

    Hi all, this is my first day of fasting, the first time I ate was about 10.00am this morning which was some fruit, is it ok to have the remainder of my calories at about 5.00pm tonight? or should I leave it for a bit longer?

    Very excited about how this is going to turn out, little concerned as i’m not a lover of veg… 🙁 xx

    Hi arbed01

    See what suits you. The longer you can go without food the better for you so play around with it for a few fast days just don’t graze otherwise its pointless. I eat at lunchtime and supper time and usually these times are within 6-8 of each other to maximise fast time either side. Ideally i would like to just be able to eat one meal a day but it doesn’t quite suit.

    As for the veg, what about salads instead ?

    hi Maxwell,

    Thanks for the advice 🙂 I guess its just a case of seeing what suits me best.
    I can eat salad better than veg so i’m definitely going to bulk my dinner out with it. How long have you been doing the 5:2 for? 🙂

    OMG…my first day had fruit this morning only 4.15pm and i’m sooooo hungry, please tell me that it gets a little easier…. 🙁

    Thanks for the advice everyone, it really does help. I just had 1 meal at lunchtime, soup, muller yog, banana and a few strawbs. Think I have just ruined it by having a coffee with a bit of milk in it. 🙁

    Ive been doing this for 12 weeks and have lost a stone. I work shifts, do quite a demanding job and can work for extended hours so on the face of it that could pose some challenges but i have easily adapted.

    Most of all i don’t get hung up on calories. I learnt quite quickly what 500 cals was and most of the time i don’t make that but am really full. On non fast days ( not feast days as some call them) i found i quickly wanted less to eat. This is NOT a diet to me even though when i began i had quite a few pounds to lose. Its the way i eat now and im feeling really well.

    Im fasting today so to give you an idea i finished my dinner yesterday at around 6.30pm, skipped breakfast and had 2 hard boiled eggs and a hand full of cherry tomatoes, raw sugar snap peas and mange tout. I have just eaten dinner and had fish and salad and a yoghurt and im full.

    Good luck it does get easier and keep hydrated.

    Hi Sandra and I hope your first day is doing OK.

    I lasted ’til lunch and have a small dinner to come with lots of veg and not much meat. I’ve found it’s not too bad though I have had loads of black coffee and almost 1.5ltrs of fizzy water!

    Good luck!

    Thanks maxwell & Julia, Just about to have chicken and veg. I have gone slightly over today having 580 calories. Do you think it is worth buying the book? Onwards and upwards. x

    Yes buy the book and read it carefully to get the best out of this way of eating. You have started the lifestyle don’t waste all the good work without understanding whats really behind this. Weight loss is a by product of 5:2 as its really all about giving your body time to repair itself and getting healthy.

    You will hear all sorts of different results from people losing lots of weight, to people losing none but losing inches. Either is a step in the right direction.

    Good luck in your journey

    I bought the book, also the recipe book as well as a vegetarian 5:2 recipe book. The recipe books have only just arrived so I will have to have a good look at them later. I find that rereading the original book, does help to keep me focused. So far, I have done three fast days and managed very well – I have lost five pounds in eight days which I know will be mostly fluid, but it is a boost!

    Oh wow thats fab!
    Think I will get the book.

    According to ‘The Fast Diet’ book, no studies have yet been done to settle whether one meal or several meals throughout the day (totalling 500/600cals) on a fast day produce any better or worse results. Michel M. chose to have breakfast and an evening meal; Mimi S. preferred two meals plus light snacks in between; Prof Mark Mattson, from the National Institute on Aging in the USA, says major health benefits will be gained whichever way one consumes one’s calorie allowance. Net conclusion, per Mimi S: ‘So go with a timetable that suits you.’ (See chapter entitled ‘The Fast Diet In Practice’ – When to eat – pp 75-77 of 183 pages in Kindle edition.)
    On this basis, most of the significant fasting actually goes on whilst one sleeps, during the two nights either side of one’s fast day – this pattern is sometimes described as ‘Sleep-Fast-Sleep’. To gain the health benefits of fasting, one just needs to abstain from food for periods of about 12-14 hours (as one’s daily stores of fuel converted food – glycogen – is usually exhausted after 10-12 hours and the body switches into fat-burning mode). It makes sense to have one’s sleeping times overnight included as part of one’s blocks of this fasting time.
    Some people like to go without food for longer than 12-14 hours; some enjoy fasting for 24 hours, even. What really matters is finding a timetable that fits one’s temperament and needs, so that one can happily sustain the 5:2 approach long-term. It can take quite a bit of experimentation to find what does most suit one’s own situation – and that can often change, anyway – but, luckily, one of the 5:2 approach’s big plus points is its flexibility. Enjoy your experiments and I wish you every success in achieving your goals.

    It became easier for me, once I realized that I was fighting “cravings”, not hunger. Most of my Fast Days (9 weeks) fly by. I fight cravings off and on, drink lots of water and set my mind to realize I’m not hungry, just “wanting to eat something”. My old habits. I think it gets easier, but down 13 pounds in 9 weeks gives me motivation. 6 more to go then maintenance and do I want to go lower, as my BMI will be in healthy range.

    A key thing that made it easier for me was realising that 1) it’s okay to be hungry for a while and 2) the hunger doesn’t get any worse. I had assumed that the hunger would build and build through the day, but it doesn’t, it comes in waves and then recedes (especially if I have a drink of water or coffee or something). When I realised that, I found I could deal with it and think ‘oh here comes another wave’ rather than ‘oh my God I’m sooo hungry I must eat soon’

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