
This topic contains 15 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  friolero 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hiya I am starting 5.2 from tomorrow and I’m quite nervous as first time around it didn’t go so well but I think that’s because I took it too extreme (3.4).
    I’m a Biology student, heavily interested in Nutrition and the emerging science behind fasting- in fact my dissertation incorporates it somewhat!

    Anyway feel free to say hi and wish me luck! 😀

    I wish you luck frio 🙂

    Good luck, I am starting again today too! 🙂

    Thank you!

    Thank you! How’s it going for you?

    First fast day on Friday and it went well! Planning to do mon, weds and fri next week purely because i have had a heavy weekend of food (and a plateful of caramel shortbread in kitchen asking to be eaten!!) from next week I’m planning to be more mindful of what i eat on non fast days and try and eat as clean as possible. I’ve set myself a (probably slightly unrealistic) first target of just over 1st in 10 weeks but I’m hoping fasting combined with running and the 30 day shred a few times a week will help!

    how are you getting on?? 🙂

    Ah that sounds really good!
    Yesterday (fast) went well, but today I’m super super hungry!!
    I know it’s probably due to a sped up metabolism but omg I can’t eat enough!!
    Thank goodness I decided to calorie count, otherwise I’d be wayyyy over today for sure.

    Ahh i feel your pain, I’ve been like that today too! Kind of looking forward to fasting tomorrow to be honest!
    Did you lose any weight/notice any change last time you were fasting? how much are you hoping to lose?

    The last time I fasted (successfully) yes I did.
    I was dating someone at the time and we often went out to eat once, maybe even twice a week, therefore making it difficult to calorie count on ‘eat’ days, but in the space of about 8 weeks I lost around 10lbs. Then Christmas happened plus a few other things and I fell off track.

    This time I’m aiming for around a 30lbs loss by August bank holiday, but I’m not too bothered if it takes a bit longer.

    How about you?

    Thats really good! I lost about 16lbs the first time, but uni life has made me pile it all back on.
    my overall goal is 9st 7lbs by the summer so have about the same amount as you to lose, just dont want another summer of wishing I’d done something about it sooner!
    Summer bodies are made in the winter haha!

    Hi guys,

    Silly question but what is uni life? I have been on FD since January 2. Lost between 5 and 6 pounds depending on weigh day. Seem to go little crazy on off days! Last night ate so much pizza! Ugh! No weighing today. 🙁

    By the way I seem to notice being much more hungry on work out days!

    Oh its just life at university 🙂 too much bad food! Living with all my friends makes it feel like a permanent girls sleepover haha. And we ALWAYS have chocolate in the house!
    How often are you weighing yourself??

    I was weighing every couple days! Now once a week or so. I’m thinking of going to low carbs to see if it helps in process. I’ve got 2 weeks before going to warm climate. 🙂 just want to feel great! You know? 5 pounds makes big difference as I’m only 5 foot 4.

    I’m trying to be mindful of my Carbs too! I think it helps, i was just reading that other post about atkins, not sure i could do that but i can easily cut down which will be just as good. I think i can pretty much cut out bread rice and pasta, its just potatoes i could never give up!

    I’m not really an advocate on low carb if people are forcing themselves to do it and feel awful because of it, especially as low carb does include restricting fruit as well, which is just silly because fruit is awesome.
    However some people thrive on it, so each to their own.

    Desperate but driven, I can completely understand where you’re coming from. However giving yourself such a strict deadline to lose x amount of weight is destructive behaviour- and I speak from experience! You’ll have an awesome time (on holiday, I’m guessing?) regardless of whether you lose that 5lbs or not, so try and look at your diet as a lifestyle- something maintainable for your whole life!- and you’ll see a lot more success.

    Absteroo I’m quite lucky as all my house goes to the gym frequently and turning vegan means I very rarely can accept their offers of chocolate etc. so I have to be a lot more mindful of food. Though I find eating healthily to be really easy..it’s just portion control I struggle with!!

    Also today is fast day and I have yet to eat yet.. though I’ve decided to have a small pancake this evening in celebration of pancake day and then eat the rest of the batch tomorrow to break my fast!

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