Having extra fast days anyone?

This topic contains 11 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  ChubbyChops 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Has anyone done an alternating fast and feast day? For the past week, I’ve been doing one fast day and then one feast day. I just continue the cycle every other day. I consume around 500 calories on the fast days, and then balance out my recommended caloric intake the next day. Has anyone else tried this?
    Let me know what your thoughts are!
    I am feeling very energized, motivated and happy on my fast days. Although the hunger can get frustrating, I am finding that my hunger pangs only last for short periods of time. And I am eating very filling foods on these days (plain greek yogurt, salads, apples, lentils, squash,etc.).

    hello and welcome, i think carla is doing the ADF, (alternative day fasting) click on her posts for more info x

    thank you 🙂

    I do… if I overeat I try and slip in an extra fast.

    your very welcome, i do 4 3 for 6 weeks or so at a time then drop back to 5 2 if i need a break x


    This is the first week I have done 3 fasts in a week since I started 4:2 12 or 13 weeks ago (I’m starting to lose count). I did it for the same reason as chrissieinbrittany, as last Sunday was a bust. It worked out quite well, but it is only something I will do once in a while, as I enjoy eating too much. Plus, my understanding from the book is, it’s not meant for use long term? Maybe it depends on the person, I don’t know…..

    Anyhow, I would be interested in hearing how this works for you and how you like it. Also, how long you intend to do it for.

    I’m getting a bit muddled with my fast days. I don’t eat until after lunchtime anyway now on a normal day because this triggers a blowout sometimes. I find myself worrying about eating on normal days because I don’t want that to happen so I eat less than I should most days. Does this make sense? I’m not sure if it does – even to me!

    Hi sawells, I have been doing 4:3 this week and also next week as my BF is away so it is easier not to have to think about what to cook for him.
    I am planning on doing fast days either side of a night out with friends if we are eating eg in 2 weeks time I am going for Indian buffet on a Tuesday so I shall fast Mon and Wed.
    Most of the time I shall probably do 5:2 but I do find this fasting easy at the moment and quite enjoy it.

    Hi ChrissieinBrittany, no it doesn’t make sense and yes I’m having the exact same issue! Some days if I’ve not planned which days I’m fasting in the week in advance I get to about 2pm and I’m not sure if I’m fasting or not!!!
    My solution? I’ve tried to stop over thinking the whole thing, plan which days I’m fasting in advance and what I’m eating and then just eat what I fancy when I fancy it on feeding days. If I don’t consciously do that then I find I’m missing one if the best things about this eating plan – the days when you feel no deprivation at all, which has had the wonderful effect of ‘fixing’ my relationship with food – hopefully for good!

    It’s good to know I’m not the only one!

    “Some days if I’ve not planned which days I’m fasting in the week in advance I get to about 2pm and I’m not sure if I’m fasting or not!!!”

    For me, it’s easy.. Fasting on weekends & I look forward to it all week. I even plan it so that I’m out of food at home, by Friday. It’s enjoyable. Both my wife and I start the Saturday fast and I continue on to Sunday. Easy.

    My wife tracks her workouts & fast days on a wall calendar, where we both can see it (and admire it). She’ll place a different color star on a fasting day. It works for her & it’s fun for both of us.


    Wow Rockyromero – I couldn’t fast at the weekend if you paid me! Food and wine just too big a part of my life. I really admire your commitment!
    I like the idea of a wall calendar to manage fast days etc. I currently have one for meals for the week and last week I added the days I planned to fast, that seems to be working so far. I may add my workout plans too, like your wife, then I’ve got no excuse for claiming I didn’t have time!

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