Have I hit a plateau ????

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Frenchiemama 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I have been dedicated to the FAST diet for over two years, easily took off 22 pounds and was very satisfied with my weight loss. Unfortunately, I now feel like I have to fast three days a week and I am not even maintaining my lower weight. It is true that I moved to Portland, OR with amazingly good food but I try to limit my meals out to only two a week.
    Any suggestions ????


    Have you recalculated your TDEE to account for your weight loss? As you lose weight your body needs less calories.
    The answer is more than likely that you are eating too much on non fast days so you need to take a close look at what and how much you are eating.

    Update…… still living in Portland, OR with amazingly good food but I have decided to stick w a twice a week fast schedule and have been able to maintain my 128 lb. weight even going out to eat several times a week. Love the FAST diet !!!!

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