Has anyone done 3 or 4 fast days a week?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bigbooty 9 years ago.

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  • Hi guys – just started out and done my first 2 fast days and lost 3lbs which is great. I need to drop another 3-4lbs in one week (I have a weigh in where I will be able to hav eivf to have a baby). has anyone done it and what was the weight loss – also any tips to help me along the way?

    I fast every other day and I don’t lose much more than a pound a week. You’d have to do a pretty hard-core week to lose a further 4 pounds, though I’m sure it’s possible.

    Really depends on how much you weigh right now as to how much weight loss is possible. Some simple physics will tell how much weight loss is possible. You can not cheat the laws of physics. Of the initial 3 lb probably 2 lb was water and 1 lb was fat. In the short term you will lose a lot of water but this will not continue.

    Use the on line resource to calculate your TDEE. Im going to assume that its 2400 cal for the purpose of some calculations. Fat contains 9.3 cal per gram. So 2400 / 9.3 = 258 grams. Multiply by 2 days is 516 grams or 1.1 lb.

    For you to lose 4 lb of real fat would mean your TDEE was almost 4 times higher than 2400!! If you set realistic goals you will definitely achieve them.

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