
This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Vet272 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hello. I’m Victoria, 41yo and overweight. Surprisingly perhaps, I’m not doing this for weightloss, but more for the health benefits.
    So, my very first question as a newbie –
    Is it ok to do two consecutive days? I have read the book and it seems like the days ended up split just to make it more palatable for users. 7 days is just way too extreme but I could manage 2.

    Hi Victoria and welcome. This is such a good forum. Yes, most people do split their days, I do. I think I’d be downright miserable if I had to do two consecutive days. I have however followed a fast day with a half fast day, in other words not eating following a fast day until around 3pm. It really doesn’t matter how you choose to fast. Whatever you feel comfortable with and whatever you can cope with is okay. 🙂

    Hi Victoria. I guess you are looking to develop a plan where you fast but do not decrease your calorie intake on fast days, so not really a 5:2 diet.

    If the theory on cell repair is correct you should strive for long fasts (ie 18-24 hours) because the process is somehow linked to being in a fasted state.

    Find a program that works for you. Once you trained yourself to do a 18-24 hours fast you will probably find that two days in a row is not more difficult than two days a week. In fact seven days a weeks is no more ‘extreme’ than two days since you are NOT aiming to eat less calories – it is only a matter of the time of day you eat.

    I believe the key to success is developing our fasting ability, and for most people this means taking small steps to increase the duration each fasting-day until they can fast for 18-24 hours without feeling weak/ sick and without over-eating afterwards.

    I am halfway through my second week. I have done this twice;
    2 consecutive days
    1 free fast
    In affect a 4 3 fast plan.
    In it for health benefits as I said but weight loss will be a side effect I’m sure.
    Just want to be sure I’m not causing a negative impact on my health.

    Hi Victoria,

    I have also read the Joel Furhman book on fasting, and he says that by the second day, the hunger actually goes away. I don’t think I could do two days in a row, but I think it’s perfectly fine to do so and might even offer additional benefits. So it’s whatever suits you best, I think.

    The thing is, the modified fast of this plan isn’t a true water-only fast. You are eating some. You’re not going to die. You might be uncomfortable (I actually think that is sort of the deal of it….your body is becoming stressed, allowing healing to occur), but it’s all for a good cause. You will be fine!

    Hi melinda. I find the second day easier. I actually tend just to have black tea and water on that day.
    I know it sounds odd, but I’m quite enjoying hearing my body talk to me. Not regulating myself by a clock.

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