Great site and starting today to reach a goal for my 50th

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Great site and starting today to reach a goal for my 50th

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  PreciousBooBoo 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Ive put on so much weight, become unfit and feel desperately fat. My 50 is in Dec and my aim is to loose at least 8kg. I will buy the book and am staring this diet now. Im looking forward to the fast days and exercising more.
    Weight: 79
    Your BMI is: 27.7
    Your BMR is: 1440
    Your TDEE is: 1980 calories
    Looking forward to loosing weight
    Im loooking for the weigh – in forum.

    You’ll do it girl……..just hang on in there. Anniemac

    Hello pixie

    I cannot think of a better reason to lose some weght and feel (much) better about yourself than hitting your BIG 50!
    It’s such a watershed in your life and can be seriously depressing because you are now on the other side of that half century………..

    Boy, I wish this diet had been out there, so to speak, when I was approaching 40 and 50! I know for a fact that it would have been easier to enjoy and celebrate the end of another decade; if I had felt better about myself. i.e. felt better (because I was improving my health aswell as my weight), clothes looked better on me etc. It all has a knock on affect.

    Anyway, I’m pretty sure after reading a lot of posts; that you will, if not reach your exact goal, lose enough weight to make you feel much more good about yourself.

    And remember – 50 is the new 40!

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