Good morning and happy fasting!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  TidyChick 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I just wanted to say good morning and, knowing that a lot of us fast on Thursdays, good luck with it!
    I find fast days so much easier to deal with than non-fasting days – as long as I’m busy. So, work this morning and rehersals all afternoon . The day should whizz by!
    What will you be doing with your day?


    tell us ur journey since july 13th

    i agree the non-fast days r the hardest

    what do u do on those days?


    I’m doing ok. Haven’t weighed myself yet because that number on the scales can ruin the day and, until these jeans are falling off me – I’m just not going to do it. I’ve had a few binges – still a problem. It’s getting easier though and I get to quite late in the day before I feel hungry.Then it can get dangerous 😉
    Bonne continuation!

    glad 2 here it ChrissieinBrittany

    if u click on my name then topics u will c the binges 2 🙂

    bise 2


    Glad to know I’m not the only one who has a binge once in a while! Also, LOVE the idea of ditching the scale!! Never thought I would say that, but it really can be counterproductive. Plus, it’s fun to experience the positive changes in my body, because I can both see it and feel it (so can others). Hope you’re having a good day!

    The scales can cause me to binge if things haven’t gone as I’d hoped so I just go by feeling now! I’m not getting on them because I feel slimmer but I don’t want to discover that actually I haven’t lost anything and this has just been another diet that failed.
    I’m off dancing tonight and my skirt is a little looser 😉 so something good is happening!
    Have a lovely day!

    I know what you mean! The scale can really mess with your head. Today, I liked what the scale was saying, and I still over ate. This, after a successful week. My folks came to dinner and brought donuts. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day……(with NO scale)! Happy dancing.

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