Giving it a go – first day of fasting!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Cathyork 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Although I had heard of the 5:2 diet I thought that you had no food at all on the 2 fast days – but a conversation with a friend prompted me to investigate. I desperately need to lose weight for health reasons (dodgy hip and lower back) as well as being able to fit into my clothes properly. So today is my first fast day. Porridge with frit so far and lots of mint tea – I think I have around 300 cals left for a mega salad tonight. I am sure it will get easier….

    I’m on my second fast day…and it’s easier than the first as I now know what to expect..I’ve kept busy and topped up with fluids…I’m also looking forward to my salad this evening..
    Hope you find today easier than you imagined and you get results you want.

    Thanks Cariadjude – good to know the second fast day is easier. I must admit I am struggling a bit (it is 4pm and I had breakfast at 8am) but I really want to make this work and it is extremely motivating that I can eat ‘normally’ tomorrow. I think keeping busy may be the key. I’ve been working from home today so have thought a lot about being hungry, whereas if I was at meetings etc. it would probably be easier to think of something else. Hope you enjoy your salad tonight!

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