getting ready to start

This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  redflame625 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Am a newbie in the US and bought the UK version in error. How different are the foods as I wanted to go shopping today. Also I think a Monday Wednesday Friday will work better for me what are your feelings on this?

    Does any one have an answer for me?

    welcome christobel650

    u may call me usa

    concerning the difference

    even on this post i usually highlight word search google

    certain vegetables r named differently

    but i think u’ll be ok

    use google 2 change formila

    10 oz=cup

    this will give a dropdown of any measurements 2 anything

    were u in england?

    this yank 😀 use 2 live there

    wish u success

    Why start with three days a week? The diet a 5.2 is to make it easy and sustainable. If you hit a plateau then try a 4.3 for a short time. You will find if you stick with it the weight just keeps coming off anyway. Good Luck.

    Thank you so much

    Three is better for me it will keep me on track I will know where am at and free up my weekend

    But I will do the five two for now

    I do the Monday and Thursday, my weekend starts Friday! Saturday! and Sunday! I take it very easy during the week for my weekly weigh in Friday morning.

    Don’t forget to measure yourself, bust waist and hips, top of both legs. You will see yourself shrinking, I measure once a month.

    Hoping you are a lady!

    I’ve found 2 fast days per week just fine, Mondays and Thursdays. I avoid anything that contains sugar on the regular days, but allow some sweet treats at the weekend. Seems to be working!

    Gaia I also fast on Monday’s and Thursday’s. Monday gets me back in control from non fast Weekend, I chose Thursday as my second day because Monday and Wednesday was too close together. I’m going to try something different. ON Sunday night I had my last meal at 8pm, the plan is to have nothing until 8am ( 12 hour resting ) then eat a light breakfast at 8am, then not eat anything again until 8pm Monday night, I know a bit late, (an additional 12 hour resting ). I’ve read on this site some conflicting info about the time we eat and the length of the fasting time. Good luck on your journey to better health and weight loss (if that’s what your looking for)

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