Gaining weight!!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • I started the 5:2 diet after watching Horizon, which has always been one of my favourite programs. Micheal’s discoveries were facinating and appealled to my nature.

    However after being on the diet for about four months now and initially loosing weight, I have put back on about half a stone. My weight loss coincided with a temp job which was fairly physical and my weight gain has come since getting a desk job.

    The one huge factor that i love about this diet and the thing that keeps me going, is the fact that on my days off I can eat what I like!! Now I’m beginning to wonder if that is true and I need to make some adjustments which will be like being on a conventional diet.

    I’m going to cut out the bad things I’ve been eating and get back on track

    But has anyone else experienced a “failure”??

    During my second week of my first time to try fasting I was given an ice cream sandwich and without a thought took a bite and bam, I broke my fast. I forgave myself and reminded myself that I can always try again the next day. It was a month before I started this second run of fasting.

    I am more conscious of what I’m eating and even set a time each evening to not eat anymore as a way to give my body a rest. It’s working as I am sleeping better and have more energy during the day. It will be interesting to see what potholes I’ll stumble into as I continue to do this.

    Hope this helps.

    Hi GRM,
    Whilst you eat what you like, you do have to limit how much!
    It gets easier, just have a week of writing down what you normally eat and then calculate how many calories you are actually consuming. I gather many people use myfitnesspal to do the calculations for them.
    When I plateaued, I wrote down everything just for a week and was horrified how many calories were in some of my most favorite things(which was why I was fat in the first place!)Information is power, educate yourself on what the calorie cost is and then you can make informed choices. I recommend that TDEE/BMI calculator on this page which should help you see what you would need to consume to stay the same weight.
    Eating what you like doesn’t mean eating as much as you like. Many of us have found that our appetites for the amounts has decreased as the weeks have gone by.
    This is a marathon and not a sprint.
    I think that many of us have experienced ‘failure’ but the key is to look at why and then make changes.

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