Fresh start with the 5:2 diet and in need of bingeing tips!

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Fresh start with the 5:2 diet and in need of bingeing tips!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  laurengiordano 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone,
    I started this diet on Monday, and am currently on my second fast day (my first one on Monday went well).
    My biggest worry is the non fast days. I have always had major problems with bingeing, and whilst I get manage fast days, I struggle with control on the non-fast days. (I have tried this diet once before about a year ago, but didn’t stick with it!).
    Any experienced fasters with some helpful advice in tackling this problem? If anyone is new to fasting and has any ideas, or has similar worries also let me know!
    I’m excited to work this into daily life and for it to become my new normal 🙂

    Hi lauren and welcome:

    You did not say what foods you are binging on but I would guess those with sugar and/or flour, or both.

    The best advice I can give is to get the foods you are binging on out of the house so they are not there to eat.

    Here are some tips:

    Good Luck!

    Hi Laureniordano,

    Simcoeluv has good advice. My weakness is nuts and if we have any in the house they’ll be goners in record time. I’m good on fast days and during the week but on weekends, especially Sundays, if I’m not careful I can mindlessly eat all day.

    I wish you great success with your fasting.


    Hi Lauren – you would be very welcome on this thread where a number of us are managing binge eating/compulsive overeating and sharing/supporting each other:

    Thank-you so much for links simcoeluv and comespring. And thanks for the good luck Bronx, you too!
    Ill have a look at both of those threads. 🙂

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