FLY in JULY🧨 2024

This topic contains 323 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  AT 2 months, 2 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 324 total)

  • Day 19 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.8 kg

    Thursday FD done & dusted. It was a bit tougher than usual & I reached 10,600 steps 💪

    @snowflake56 – it’s worth remembering that fasting isn’t just about weight loss, although I’m sure that’s why most of us get into it. Plenty of studies show it can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, improve heart & brain health, lower the risk of many cancers, help prevent Alzheimer’s & extend lifespan etc. I find the longer I go between fasts, the more difficult the fast is; my Thursday fast is usually tougher than the Sunday one. Which is why I’m reluctant to switch to 6:1. Making something a habit that you only do once a week – I think it’s just easier to throw in the towel after a while. But that might not be the same for everyone 🤔

    @ccco – good to hear from you & to know you’re doing well 🤗

    Deepfake health scams 😱

    Interesting article about a possible new anti-ageing drug

    Happy Fri-yay y’all! 🍹

    “You know you’ve landed with the wheels up if it takes full power to taxi to the ramp” ✈️

    Day 19 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 232 lbs. Next FD on Sun or Mon… Actually was down a few ounces after a NFD that included a sliver of ice cream cake, so I’m happy.

    Day 19 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    I was awake at 7:15, my alarm went off at 7:25, and I was out the door at 7:45 to go play for a funeral, so posting this morning was not an option. I can report that I ate decently enough yesterday, and have eaten only a decent sandwich so far today. Tonight will be chicken breasts, steamed potatoes, and broccoli. There will be wine. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Swerving any sugar is my vow for today.

    @ccco So glad your surgery went well, and a small part of you must be glad at how much weight you lost, since that was your committed goal, and lost weight could be said to be the silver lining of a brain tumor. But only focusing on keeping yourself as healthy as possible is the perfect choice for this phase of your life. ❤️

    @snowflake56 The fact that you’re below 24BMI and still committed to dropping a little more weight demonstrates why you’re at 24BMI–that you have a strong commitment to healthy eating and living. Kudos to you! 💪🏼

    @funshipfreddie Excellent steps total yesterday, and your words about the advantages to 5:2 v. 6:1 are excellent.

    @northgeorgia How EXCELLENT that you had only a sliver of ice cream cake–that’s a perfect example of restraint on an NFD.

    Boy, it’s quiet today, isn’t it? And I’ll be adding to the silence soon; I’ll post tomorrow, and then it will be hit or miss as we are off on Sunday for our vacation, getting back on August 2.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    USA. Day 19

    Thank you, Snowflake 56.

    Day 19 North Wales NFD

    Day 20, Germany, FD

    @funshipfreddie Thank you so much for your answer. We can only hope the said benefits of fasting help us to stay healthy. I found it much easier to fast on set days while I was working. After retirement my life changed so much and I find it more difficult to fit in fasting days. I’ll try out fixed days next month, I know fasting is good for me as I feel better when I do it.

    @stitchincarol My eating habits are not the worst but I could do much better. My sugar intake is too high. My DH is the healthy eater in the house but it didn’t help him to stay healthy. Enjoy your vacation!

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 20 NZ NFD 17.30hrs

    I hope everyone has survived the security patch glitch with no adverse outcomes…
    We were not affected much in comparison with other corners of the world. And of course I have an Apple computer and iPhone!!
    The winter weather is definitely back here with vengeance. It’s windy, wet and cold. I love being rugged up in warm winter clothes. I find summer clothes much more of a challenge…
    I have been busy working on DH’s exhibition. It can be tricky trying to recall and research the ‘who what where and when’ of the various works but I’m getting there. There are three floors in the gallery so it is like preparing three exhibitions…

    @funshipfreddie It’s great to remind us of all those health benefits!! From what I understand, they start to accrue after 12 hours of fasting.
    I’m quite amused at your take on fly in July!!. I took it as being fly ie stylish and chic!!!
    @ccco I’m so pleased to hear from you. You sound good and I hope you are enjoying your small but nutritious meals to build your strength back up. How is your garden?
    @stitchincarol Your meal plan sounds delicious and healthy!! I hope your weight is still holding or dipping downwards!! What fun going on a trip to be grandma and grandpa!!
    @northgeorgia Well done on the slither!! It sounds delicious for hot weather!!
    @bert1802 and excelsior12309 Thank you for sharing the information about fluid and electrolytes. I have thought that fasting so often cuts back a little too far on salt, in part because I have been getting cramps in my feet unrelated to exercise. I for one am taking care to eat a wee bit more because I only use it for cooking.
    @bert1802 I hope you are feeling back to your usual self now.
    @brightonbelle How’s your ‘weekend warrior’ going? That salad nicoise sounds delicious!!
    @jaifaim Have fun with family and friends. Have you a bike ride planned?
    @snowflake A BM of 24 plus 6 minute planks👀You’re a champion!!
    @molij Is your friend managing 5:2? I have one friend who is now doing it. He took about 8 weeks before he got in the swing of things. He txted me the other day to say he has lost 6kg. I’m delighted for him because he loves clothes, esp tweed plus fours and has a wardrobe three times bigger than his wife!!!
    @metatauta Glad to see you checking in!
    @at How are you getting on?

    Remember to be a Weekend Warrior!!
    Have a walk in the fresh air!! Or how about planking?!

    Day 20 North Wales NFD

    It’s so hard to eat sensibly when someone else is cooking your food. I do hope I won’t put all the weight back on that I have lost since the beginning of the month. I am really glad that I have set myself the target of a year to lose the weight and maintain it. I am having a lovely time with the grandchildren. They are 5 and 1. It has been incredibly hot. Summer has finally arrived in the UK. Our elderly dog is finding it quite difficult.

    @merryapple my friend is enjoying the 5:2. She is doing it slightly different to me as she is spreading out her 500 calories throughout the day whereas I like to eat them as an evening meal.

    I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. Stay strong 💪 x

    Day 20 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I didn’t get off to a great start for a controlled weekend yesterday. I’d been home from lunch for less than an hour when I was invited to ‘Coffee & Cake’ in the residents’ lounge. So I went, partly because it’s also a fund-raiser for the frail-care centre. But it was fun, & I met a couple of new people too, so all good.

    @merryapple – I NEVER imagined that the ‘FLY’ in ‘Fly in July’ meant that?! 🤣 As in ‘pretty fly for a white guy’? I took it to mean to soar, or to succeed. Anyway… The IT thingy didn’t affect us much either, just one of the banks, I think. But according to one headline I saw, IT experts say it could take WEEKS to sort out the mess globally.

    @snowflake56 – I found fasting much easier when I was working too. I always had my FDs on sea days on the ships. So I was working for most of the day, & so long as I stayed away from the Lido deck I didn’t give food a thought.

    @stitchincarol – have a wonderful holiday! 🏖 I actually go away on the day you get back, but only for 4 or 5 days.

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤🌈

    “Always try to keep the number of landings you make equal to the number of take offs you’ve made.” ✈️

    Day 20 UK NFD

    I have to admit to going way off plan the last few days , but still 10 days left in July so aiming to get back on track , I won’t be fasting over the weekend but I can be sensible and get in the correct mind set for Monday

    Day 20-No. VA USA-NFD
    Checking in for accountability. I am going to clean out the refrigerator of old and/or excessively tempting foods that lurk there…
    @ccco, good to read you are recovering from your procedure, and I hope your energy and strength return quickly!
    Resolve to all!

    Day 20 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 231 lbs. Wow, lowest weigh-in of the month was after a NFD…but what a storm. We got caught in a flash flood thunderstorm in town and had to end up parking on top of a church’s parking lot on a hill to wait out the storm. About four inches of rain in an hour and a half! And just FYI, when you see smoke after lightning strikes a gas/petrol station, everybody quickly leaves LOL!

    Anyway, very nice to see that slow but steady should get me on track.

    Day 20 – Rural Nebraska, USA – who knows

    I’ve been having a firm talk with myself this morning, asking if I’m a toddler or an adult. I did succeed yesterday in not having any sugar, but the lengths I went to (POPCORN???) to avoid the sugar were ridiculous. ‘Nuff said. So, what will today be? I’m still working that out…

    The thrilling news is that I’m currently knitting the final row of the body, binding off the steeks as I go; it should take me about a half hour, and then I’ll be able to felt and cut the steeks, sew up the shoulder seams, and then start on the sleeves. So, still lots of work, lots of details, and hours of knitting, but it’s thrilling to be at this stage!

    @merryapple If I hadn’t seen it on the news, I wouldn’t have known about the glitch, so, no, didn’t affect us at all…thankfully. Your description of trying to remember the details reminded me of when I’ve scrapbooked, especially when I did my mom’s photos. I wasn’t even ALIVE for most of those I put in the books I did for her, and her memory was pretty limited even then. My sisters (all older) have told me I got the details right, and the order of the photos appears correct; I’m sure you’ll find ways to nudge your own memory and get the details you need.

    @snowflake56 My DH is also less interested in sugar than I am–but I’m far more interested in veggies than he, so it balances out, I suppose.

    @molij You have my sympathy, because it IS difficult to eat reasonably when someone else is cooking for you. Have fun with those grands!

    @funshipfreddie It makes me smile to know someone who can say, “I always had my FDs on sea days on the ships.”

    @northgeorgia Wowza, but that was an experience for you; so glad it all ended up safe for you.

    Today is laundry and packing day–plus knitting. Always the knitting, LOL. We have church tomorrow morning, and a special service at the second church DH is serving, followed by a luncheon, so we won’t be able to get out of there as fast as I would wish, and home to change clothes and head out, but we’ll pull it off as fast as we politely can. Our goal is to get just a bit east and south of Chicago, a hard push, but then the rest of our vacation will be short drives of 3 or 4 hours, so that’ll be good.

    Have a grand one, everyone!


    For reasons I don’t really understand, I continue to lose weight. If I am eating less, I don’t even realize it!

    Merryapple, thank you and my garden is doing great! My flowers bloomed better this year than I have ever seen them. I could sit on my balcony and just enjoy them all day, since right now there isn’t much more I can do! The television national news said the particular beauty of hydrangeas this year was due to a warmer winter and plenty of spring rain. I have never seen my plants so bright blue!

    Thank you, Excelsior12309! This summer will have to be a very quiet and restful one for me, although I am getting quite bored! I like physical activities, especially in the summer!

    Have a great weekend, everyone! 👍🏻

    Day 21, Germany, CD

    @merryapple It must be exciting seeing back artworks DH made a long time ago. My BMI was over 25 a short while in 2017, since then I mostly managed to stay under 25. I try to stay at a BMI between 22-23.

    @funshipfreddie My DH worked on a cruise ship for 10 weeks in 1999/2000. We both lost weight and were really glad when we had our regular food again.

    @molij I also think, it’s easier to eat well when you’re at home in your own rhythm.

    @brightonbelle Just join me on tomorrow’s FD, it’s easier to do it together. I’m always glad to have company.

    @excelsior12309 Did you bin the excessively tempting foods? We don’t have excessively tempting foods in the refrigerator apart from camembert. The tempting foods are in the cupboards but as long as the package is closed I can resist them (mostly, if I open them they will be gone in no time)

    @stitchincarol I’m not very interested in vegetables, I should eat more of them. I’m a bread/butter/cheese person. Save travels and a lovely vacation.

    @ccco It’s also a good year for hydrangeas in our area but mine are pink although we bought them blue, the only one coming back blue is a large one in a pot on the terrace.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 21 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @brightonbelle – the right mindset is everything. I’m working on mine right now to get through today’s FD. I think a long, brisk walk will do the trick 🤞

    @snowflake56 – I wasn’t crazy about the food on Carnival. I did my last 5 years on Holland America though, & the food was great. Just as well I discovered 5:2 about 4 years before I quit.

    @northgeorgia – wow?! That must’ve been nerve-wracking?!

    @stitchincarol – safe travels 🚙

    Happy S🌞nday!

    “Learn from the mistakes of others. You won’t live long enough to make all of them yourself.” Unknown

    Pocket List – Day 21 🥚

    Day 21 NZ NFD 71.5kg

    It’s tropical storm weather here… humidity 91% cool and WET… so no Sunday bike ride… I managed to get some shopping done between the rain so I could make roast vegetables and steak for dinner.

    @molij I hope your daughter can support your 5:2ing. Maybe focus on how much you’re eating if it’s difficult to plan the menu. Enjoy your grandchildren. Such sweet ages!!
    @funshipfreddie It could have been a fly on the wall too I guess… 😄
    It’s always nice to follow up lunch with coffee and cake!!
    @brightonbelle I’m with you on the Steely RESOLVE for the last ten days…
    @excelsior12309 Excessively tempting food?! In the bin??!! What falls into this category??!! As @flourbaby says “You are not a bin!!”
    @northgeorgia Well done!! There’s still time to get below 230!!
    Wow I hope no-one was hurt at the exploding garage…
    @stitchincarol Your knitting will be done in time for this winter if you keep this up!!! Thank for the encouragement about remembering. I’m always relieved when I can recall anything especially details!!
    @ccco Your garden sounds beautiful. Hydrangeas are popular here too.
    It’s hard keeping up with eating when you don’t really feel like it. Make sure you enjoy all those delicious treats that we’re trying to avoid while we’re loosing!!!
    @snowflake56 Yes, thank you, it is lovely to see the works.
    Well done keeping your BMI within the normal range!!
    Blue hydrangeas grow in acid soil, pink hydrangeas in alkaline soil, but you probably know that already.

    It’s bedtime here @stitchincarol 10.30pm Sunday night. I’m meeting someone for coffee at 0800hrs… It’s a half hour walk to get there and Monday is a FD for me.

    Steely RESOLVE!!
    10 days to go!!

    Pocket List
    @snowflake56 CD

    Day 21 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    Hi all – a quick check in… having a lovely busy weekend and will be back on tomorrrow 👍

    Onward and downward
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    USA. Day 21

    Good morning, everyone! I am looking forward to going out to brunch with my family today. I haven’t been out to eat since before my illness, so I am excited. Also, my younger sister wants to have a birthday party for me. That would be very nice!

    Snowflake56, I am amused by the change in color of your hydrangea. It could be the ph level of the soil. A long time ago, all my red tulips turned orange for that reason! LOL. Hydrangeas are beautiful in every color! 🙂

    Merryapple, when I returned from the hospital, many of my friends showed bearing all kinds of treats. I ate every one of them!:)

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Day 21 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 232 lbs. Lowest Sunday weigh-in of the month, and just 25 lbs short of my lowest weigh-in of the journey — ready to get back there and beyond 🙂

    Tomorrow will be a FD as we’re going to take my nephew out for his birthday dinner and celebrate his successful passing of the driver’s learner permit test yesterday 🙂

    Day 21-No. VA USA-FD

    I am joining @funshipfreddie for a fast day today.
    My refrigerator clean-out consisted of discarding some “gently used” pasta, among other things. I made it a few days ago and there were probably two servings left. What, after all, is a “serving” when you serve yourself….
    @merryapple, our weather is also 90% humidity, but also 90 degrees F, so quite exhausting.
    @snowflake56, we have an old hydrangea that has blooms from pink to blue, depending on how motivated I am to apply some acid fertilizer once a year. Still very pretty at any color. As a child on Cape Cod, in Massachusetts, I remember gorgeous blue hydrangeas interplanted with orange and mahogany colored rudbeckia (black eyed Susans). What a great combination that made!
    “Steely resolve” everyone!

    Days 16, 17, 19, 20, 21 – USA/TN

    Sorry, folks….can’t keep up! Got down to 139.6 one day for the first time in over a year, but bounced right back up the next day a pound or two. I notice my sodium intake has a lot to do with it. I imagine I will hit my starting point at the end of this month, which I’m not all that upset about, because my goal is in the high 130s.

    Day 21…….. Florida…..NFD

    Well that was a quick trip, fell down, rolled around a bit, now trying to climb back on….
    Trying this again…..

    Day 22, Germany, FD

    Yesterday I worked in the garden until it got too hot. I’m attacking the bindweed, with all the rain we had it’s everywhere.

    @funshipfreddie My Dad always went with Holland America, he didn’t liked large cruise ships.

    @ccco I’m sure you had a great time at the brunch with your family. How lovely your sister is!

    @merryapple, @ccco and @excelsior12309 I guess we have alkaline soil as the hydrangeas are in an area with a lot of ferns. I don’t mind they turned pink as they are under a huge chestnut tree so the area is quite dark.

    @excelsior12309 I never had rudbeckias in the garden. The only thing we plant are roses and hydrangeas, the rest comes and goes on it’s own.

    @metatauta I always find it very encouraging to see a number I haven’t seen on the scale for a while as I know then I’m on the right path.

    Pocket list day 22

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 22 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 71 kg

    Good FD yesterday, but it was very cold, & food was on my mind a lot. I ate a bit earlier than usual & went to bed early. Wriggle room kaput; would like to shift a kilo by month end.

    @ccco – a birthday party sounds like just what the doctor ordered! And you can feast away without thinking about weight gain. When is your birthday?

    @snowflake56 – I loved Holland America. These new monster cruise ships?! What could go wrong? I wouldn’t like to either work or cruise on them. A ship carrying 1500 passengers is now considered small. That size suited me because there were enough passengers to keep us busy. I once spent 6 weeks working on a yacht in Tahiti with around 150 passengers/100 crew members & I was bored silly 🥴️

    Nice & sunny today, with no wind & a possible 18 C by lunch time. Great walking weather 🚶‍♂️

    Sending STEELY RESOLVE 💪 to the Monday fasters, & to all of us for the last 10 days of Fly in July🧨️🛸

    “In the space age, man will be able to go around the world in two hours — one hour for flying and one hour to get to the airport.” ~ Neil McElroy,

    Day 22 UK FD

    Once again pressing that trusty reset button , determined to get back to my healthy ways and I still have 10 days to make a difference 💪

    Pocket list day 22

    Day 22 North Wales FD

    I have decided to do three FD’s this week as it was incredibly difficult not to eat what I was served whilst visiting family. We had a lovely time but I think I have either caught a cold there or Covid. I have sent for some lateral flow tests to confirm. The 14 month old is at Nursery and is alway ill when we visit. I came back with Norovirus last time 😂

    @snowflake56 we have a problem with bindweed in our garden too. It’s incredibly difficult to get rid of. I do like the flowers though. We have a beautiful hydrangea in a pot which has blue and pink blooms. My Mum bought it for me many years ago so it’s quite special.

    @merryapple my daughter in law did not support my 5:2 she gets upset when I do not eat breakfast. I like to eat twice a day a day. I find I get hungry more when I eat breakfast. She constantly tells me I look fine but my BMI puts me in the overweight section. I do need to lose at least 20 pounds.

    @stitchincarol thank you for your sympathy it is very difficult to eat sensibly when in someone else’s house. The good news is that our son talked to my husband about us moving closer. He actually listened and is now thinking about it. I do hope we do move because I would like to be more involved with all 6 of our Grandchildren.

    Wishing everyone a good day and a good last 10 days. COME ON EVERYONE WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER 💪💪

    Pocket list day 22

    Day 22 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 234 lbs. We didn’t celebrate as planned, but will hopefully do so this Saturday. Unfortunately, that messed me up more than if we had gone through with it. Anyway, it will be fine — today should be a pretty easy FD.

    Pocket list day 22

    Day 22

    Hi, everyone! It is finally going rain here! My gardens will be dancing for joy!

    FUNSHIPFREDDIE, yes, I think that a birthday party for me this year is definitely in order. My sister is planning it for the weekend of August 17! 🥳

    Snowflake56, I do have a very nice sister. She is a professor at the University of Maryland and so busy but she was able to help me out through this ordeal. I don’t know what I would have done without her!

    I think I am going to begin fasting again two times a week because I feel so much better when I do. More times for me would probably be overkill at this point!

    I wish you all a great day! 🙂

    Day 22 – Peoria, IL – CD

    Hi, everyone! I’ll try to read all the posts later, but responding will still be tough as I left my laptop at home; I’ll never understand how the rest of you do it so casually from a phone!

    We left at 2 yesterday, just as I hoped, and stopped at 9 here in Peoria; we’re headed out the final 3+ hours to Indianapolis shortly. I ate decently yesterday, so was pleased with my restraint: 1 day of good eating choices down, 12 to go. 😂

    I’ll check in as I’m able; have a grand one!

    Day 22 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Hi all!
    Late check in… but checking in… 😁
    Today was to be a FD but 🫢 it has become a CD.
    Back tomorrow 👍

    Onward and downward
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 23 NZ NFD 🏃🏼‍♀️71.5kg

    Our walk was a stroll this morning with an old grey Schnauzer who was reluctant to get going. I have to get organised today because I have lots to do so this is a quick one!!

    @ccco A birthday party sounds just the ticket!! What is your favourite cake recipe?!
    @stitchincarol It’s so easy to lose posts on the phone🤣!!! Remember to save everything often. Have fun!!
    @jaifaim👋for checking in!!
    @molij Good to be home then where you can manage your own food. It’s funny how our dearest and dearest try and undermine us at times…
    I hope you don’t have Covid…😬Norovirus!! We had that in London and managed to recover just in time to fly back to NZ… what a nasty bug. I cleaned for a week while both of us had it and the apartment we were staying in so efficiently, laterly without gloves (😵‍💫) that when I went through American customs I didn’t have any fingerprints left. I had to put my hand on the scanner 4x before it registered…😬Luckily they let me through!!
    @northgeorgia Tomorrow is another day and a regroup opportunity!
    @funshipfreddie I think those huge ships are like a petrie dish of bugs… They don’t appeal to me. I did think a smaller ship would mean more intimate service but perhaps not.
    @bert1802 and @brightonbelle There is always room for a reset and restart and refocus. It happens to us all!! Just check in, declare it and keep rolling!!
    @metatauta Go you!! You’re getting close to dropping into the next scale zone permanently!!!
    @snowflake56 Bindweed is a big problem here especially with our high rainfall and no snow in winter to kill it off. It grows and grows and smothers everything… My great aunt told me it was grown over the outhouse (outside loo) in the old days to conceal them…

    8 days to go!!

    Day 23, Germany, CD

    I was so hungry yesterday, I had to make it a NFD. I’ll join @molij on her FD tomorrow.

    @ccco How lucky you are have your sister! I also feel good when I fast regularly, just keep a close eye on your weight when you start fasting again.

    @molij As a child, bindweed flowers and sweet peas were my favourite flowers. We only had bindweed at farm fences not in our garden. I still like them but not in my garden. Sweet peas seem to have disappeared, I bought seeds but I forgot to plant them. How lovely you have a hydrangea your mother gave you long ago.

    @merryapple I don’t think we’ll ever get rid of the bindweed anymore but I have to get better at controlling the growth. Not a bad idea to let it grow over an outhouse, perhaps it stabelizes it too.

    @funshipfreddie The ship we were on, the MS Delphin, had 450 passengers, it was really small but pretty worn down. It doesn’t exist anymore.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 23 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Drat, dunno what I just did, but my post disappeared. And there’s drilling going on next door & it’s driving me nuts, so I’m off out…

    Have a good day y’all.

    “Death is just nature’s way of telling you to watch your airspeed” ~ Anon

    Day 23 UK CD

    Oh I sympathise @funshipfreddie we’ve had builders/roofers next door for a couple of weeks Drives you mad !!!

    No fingerprints – that’s way too much cleaning @merry🍎

    Now you know why my posts tend to be short📱 @stitchincarol Enjoy your trip

    Only Tuesday but I feel positive for this week 💪

    Day 23 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 231 lbs. Overall, I am pretty happy at the conservative but definite track downwards for July. It looks like I am on the way to reversing my weight to where it was at the middle or beginning of June, which means I might see the 220s pop up soon, maybe this month, but definitely by August with this trend. It’ll be good to be back in the 220s, 210s, and 200s. I am doubtful I’ll get to the 190s this year, but if I can stay the course, I am certain they’re coming in 2025.

    Day 23 North Wales NFD

    Successful FD yesterday. Tested for positive for COVID this morning which is annoying. It’s the second time I have had it. The first time I had it, I had very few symptoms. This time I have felt ill for longer and I have had quite a strange experience in my head. A bit dizzy and a heavy head. I think I have had it since Friday as that was when I started to feel a bit off. I couldn’t test before today as all of the lateral flow tests I had were out of date so I had to send for more.

    @funshipfreddie I hope it’s quieter when you get home. Noise like that would have driven me mad too.

    @snowflake56 looking forward to joining you tomorrow on our FD

    @ merryapple Norovirus really is awful. I was only ill like that once before when I gave myself food poisoning by undercooking scallops in Scotland. I didn’t realise you could be so violently sick 🤢

    @stitchincarol I can’t reply on here casually on my phone either. I need two devices 😂

    Have a brilliant day everyone 🤪

    Day 23 Indianapolis

    @merryapple Thanks for listing the time and day! As to the sweater, I calculated that a row reach day will have it done by Christmas, but I’m hoping to manage one sleeve in August and the second in September, and finish work in October; we’ll see. Have you started another?

    @excelsior12309 I bet the hydrangea and rudbekia were indeed gorgeous! I’m already planning what I’m plant in the garden of our retirement home and I’ll keep that in mind.

    @molij Oh, I hope it’s just a cold so you don’t have to isolate; regardless, quick healing to you!

    It’s 7:30 here and all the girls are still asleep, allowing my daughter to get some much needed sleep. Yesterday was OMAD, a lovely club sandwich with fries and, a-hem, two beers. Then 3 cookies, 99 calories each. So not low calorie, but hopefully not over, or at least not far over, 1500 total. And to know exactly everything I ate in a day is always a good thing– when you can’t remember everything, it’s a sure sign it was TOO MUCH. Let’s see how much restraint I can show today!

    Second post

    Just saw your post, molij, and I’m so sad for you, and especially that you’re feeling so bad. I hope it improves dramatically and quickly!

    USA. Day 23

    Good morning, everyone!

    Merryapple, thank you! I am on the mend. It is a miracle what medicine can do today! You are definitely right about that party. I am looking forward to it. As per the birthday cake recipe, I haven’t made a birthday cake myself, since my children were in nursery school. I don’t remember the recipe, though. The topping was vanilla icing on top of yellow cake. The theme of the party was Mickey Mouse and I made that cake in the shape of Mickey Mouse’s head. We had a wonderful time! I am amused about your trying to get through airport security with no fingerprints! LOL.

    MollJ, I am sorry to see you got Covid again. The state in the U.S. where I live has gone into orange alert. Our precentage rate is over 7 percent now. We were told that the new variant is very contagious but you should not get as ill as we did earlier. My sister went out to a musical at the Kennedy Center in D.C. and then out to dinner. Almost everyone tested positive for Covid. What a mess! I hope you have Paxlovid or something like that in Wales. My sister took it and what a difference that made. Feel better soon!

    Day 22, 23 – USA/TN – NFD

    Day 24, Germany, FD

    Covid is on the rise here too.

    @molij I hope, you don’t have too much problems from Covis, take care and don’t fast if you don’t feel well.

    Pocket list day 24
    @molij Perhaps?

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 24 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Quick check-in for accountability! Have done well the last couple of days keeping a lid on the snacking & sweet stuff. Another FD for me tomorrow.

    @molij – wishing you a speedy recovery. Haven’t heard much about Covid here recently, but lots of seasonal flu going around 🤧

    Off to line-dancing now, then we’re all going to the Lemon Tree restaurant for our sort of mid-year celebration. Only 5 months til Christmas! 🎄

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    “The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

    Day 24 North Wales FD

    Going to attempt a FD today but play it by ear. My Covid symptoms are a bit less as I am not sweating as much.

    Thank you @funshipfreddie, @snowflake56, @ccco, @stitchincarol, for your best wishes. ❤️

    @funshipfreddie enjoy your line dancing

    @ccco I am glad you are on the mend. The cake sounded lovely. We might have Paxlovid here but I haven’t had it. I have not been ill enough to go to the doctors with it.

    @stitchincarol have a lovely time with your family.

    Have a good day everyone

    Pocket list day 24

    Day 24 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 232 lbs. Got the rug pulled out from under my feet yesterday on a major community project I’ve been working on for the past few months. I’m hoping I can repackage it and get approval through a different approach so we can keep most of it intact with benefit to our program.

    Anyway, the weight is looking pretty good so far. After a half-month of stability, the averages are finally showing a downward trend 🙂

    Pocket list day 24
    @molij Perhaps?

    Day 24-No VA USA-FD 800
    Just a quick check in for now. Weight stable, but need to apply myself to avoiding little snacks through out the day, even if they are “healthy”!
    Going down!

    Day 24 NZ 2230 NFD 71.6kg

    I slept through the unholy clang of the grandfather clock chiming 8 o’clock and missed this morning’s walk!! Yes I hear you @funshipfreddie, I still could have walked up on my own!! I was talking to the London gallery which always seems to be late in the evening for me. We’re 11 hours ahead of the UK at the moment. I’ve had a very productive day so am quite pleased with myself despite not walking!

    @molij Oh dear! I hope you don’t become too crook… I agree with you about Norovirus.
    @snowflake56 Covid is quietly taking out the 90+ year olds here but when you get to that grand age something is going to catch up with you…
    @ccco Today’s version of a Mickey Mouse cake would have to be something like a Transformer!!
    @funshipfreddie Thank you for reminding me about Christmas…
    @stitchincarol I love that you calculated your row count! I am spinning my silvery Gotland wool at the moment. I have to design a jersey for my nephew using some of my homespun wool. Alex chose a nearly black fleece and wanted an oversized jersey with cables. I’m thinking you won’t see them unless I space them out. Now I’m hoping I have enough length for cables… otherwise I’ll need to add in a coloured racing stripe?!!
    @northgeorgia You’re sounding nice and positive.
    I hope everyone is focusing on pulling things together for the next 7 days… including me…

    Steely RESOLVE!!

    Pocket List
    @molij ???

    Day 24 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Hi all!
    I’m sorry I’ve dipped out a little over the past week – I had a busy weekend and it was wonderful but means that my focus was elsewhere and catching up on posts didn’t happen. FD yesterday and will have another tomorrow to try reverse the unwarrior like weekend.

    I’m a phone poster 📱 but don’t post directly on the forum. I use Notes on my phone and copy from Notes to the forum and then Submit. It means if there is a tech issue I can grab the text from Notes again… the issue with posting on the phone is typos… but it generally works well for me and means I can post even when I am on the move.

    @molij sorry to hear you have Covid. It is everywhere here too and the hospitals are struggling again.
    @snowflake56 I find it quite therapeutic to clear bindweed in my garden… I don’t like it but like getting rid of it… 😄 the flower here in my garden is white but I think there are other colours out there…
    @ccco I am so happy to see you will celebrate your birthday with a party in August 🎈 We must celebrate the happy times… there are enough sad times.
    @stitchincarol your attention to detail is incredible! Good luck with your knitting 🧶 !
    With you on that avoidance @excelsior12309 – fell back into some bad habits this past weekend.
    @funshipfreddie enjoy your dancing today and your lunch – I remember you describing The Lemon Tree before – 😋 can’t believe you mentioned the C word 🌲🫢

    @merryapple- that’s some sleep!! Good for you!
    It’s great to be so productive and to feel a good day was had – hopefully another great night of sleep will be had now… 💤

    Onward and downward
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 24…..Florida……CD

    So, I was rolling on the ground last week but I’m am happy to say my weight stayed the same. Unbelievable I know right? …..
    For work, I had to head up to one of our locations that like 4 hours away. This location is being run by a friend that I’ve known for years. We actually came to this company together from another company. But, I haven’t seen him in person since Jan. He said to me you lost weight! I was surprised by him saying that as I feel like I haven’t lost a thing.
    So that was a nice surprise!
    I haven’t had a chance to read through all the posts yet. I am hoping to do that this evening

    Have a great day!

    Day 24, Indianapolis

    Yesterday was not as well behaved as… as I’d have liked? As it should have been? I’m thinking through the distinction. Wine was the biggest culprit. Regardless, the fence got stained by DH and SIL (it’s 6 feet tall and long enough that it took seven gallons), while DD and I helped a little, but mostly did childcare. Not exactly typical vacation entertainment, but a day we’ll remember with satisfaction.

    Perhaps more tomorrow; have a grand one everyone!

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