FLY in JULY🧨 2024

This topic contains 323 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  AT 7 months, 2 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 324 total)

  • Day 13 – USA/TN – NFD

    Day 14, Germany, NFD

    Finally a bit of sunshine with a light breeze this morning but rain is predicted for the afternoon. I took the smaller rugs to the balcony and hope to get them a bit dryer. The billiard room carpet is still quite wet, we’ll see if we can save it. It’s carpet number three and it’s not a big deal to replace it.

    @jaifaim We don’t have the billiard table anymore and used the room for playing games with the neightbour’s children when they were younger. Now we have bookcases filled with cookbooks, magazines and maybe to go books there. It’s a lovely room with wood panneling and a few build in cupboards.

    @molij We also have a decine in the numbers of wild bees and butterflies. The town asked everyone not to mow the grass for the month of June to try to get more wild flowers back. The rain we had for the last couple of weeks doesn’t really help.

    @stitchincarol Well done on weeding! We seem to be the dress women here. I have the same gap problem with trousers although my hips and thighs are a normal size. I wear Pedal Pusher jeans from Closed, I think it’s a Danish company, they do small waists.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 14 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    Hi all, a busy day here – some more clearing work at our family home place as mum sleeps so much these days it does not impact on her at all.
    It’s crazy once you start you find so many things that bring back memories. So it becomes a much slower process.
    Two good walks and catch ups yesterday.
    Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend! It’s Bastille Day today 🇫🇷 so thinking of all my french friends and family over there.. an interesting time for France for sure.

    Onward and downward
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 14 NZ NFD 🚴‍♀️

    What a weekend!!! We had so many out of towners in town for the All Blacks vs England rugby at Eden Park. The atmosphere was fantastic with a great result 24-17!!!!. I have eaten and drunk so much😬and caught up with loads of friends. And Ireland 25-24 South Africa. And Wimbledon. And a test between the NZ Black Ferns and OZ Wallaroos women’s rugby teams (62-0 just saying!!) And tomorrow morning Eng vs Spain.
    Just to cap the weekend off I went for a bike ride and got soaked in freezing rain… There’s a big storm blowing in over night…

    @snowflake56 I hope you managed to get your rugs dry? Dealing with wet carpets is hard work…
    My brother owns a BMW convertible from the 1980s. It is black with red leather seats. When he helped our mother move, he put the grandfather clock in the back (like the Antiques Road Show intro!) The Westies and Scottie loved travelling in it!!
    @jaifaim Thank you and the sentiment is returned for Ireland!!
    It is a difficult time going through family things and trying to decide what the right thing is to do with everything… We ended up taking a lot of photos before sending stuff off to the auction houses or donating them. Now we have a pile of photos…
    Thanks to all the talk about dresses here, I found a beautiful black woollen ‘shirt’ style dress in my wardrobe that I forgotten about. I bought it at the Pringle outlet shop in Hawick, Scottish Borders. It is below knee and has a tab front (can’t see the buttons), no collar, no waist and sleeves with long cuffs. Very plain and priest like. I wore it out to a restaurant on Friday and it must be the first dress I have worn for several years!!
    We are watching the overseas elections from afar with interest and amazement…
    @stitchincarol Its very exciting that you have nearly finished the DH sweater!! Well done on the weeding!!
    I have no waist to show off and wear trousers not dresses (long legs, slim thighs)
    @northgeorgia It’s wonderful you are finding your way forward once again.
    @molij Its very sad about the insects and bees. From what I understand it’s down to pesticides and monocultural plantings. Here is how to build a bumble bee hotel just in case you want one in the garden!!:
    @excelsior12309 Well done on the downhill progress!!
    The Jags have the same reputation here too.
    @brightonbelle You are doing so well also!! And long may your Dualits carry on!! Our suitcases were full of exhibition things which get left in London so I had empty space that I could fill up!!
    @funshipfreddie My resting heart rate is 58-60 b/min. I’ll check with tomorrow’s FD.
    Your line dancing solos must be keeping you nice and fit!! It’s certainly not your laundry🤣
    The ⚽️starts at 06.30 Monday morning here!!
    @at It’s interesting that your DH does his carbo loading after his run rather than the night before.
    @bert1802 and @metatauta I hope you are both having good weekends.
    Time for bed so I can get up for the ⚽️!!

    Steely RESOLVE for a fresh start to the new week!!

    Pocket List

    Day 14-No. VA USA-FD
    Weight stagnated due to eating tortilla chips and yogurt dip yesterday, in mass quantities. Honestly, poor decisions…Our upstairs air conditioner is out, so we had to sleep downstairs. Once the temperature got about 89 degrees upstairs, it was time to call the AC company and they are coming today. So we are having a@northgeorgia moment!!! In the South, we are definitely captives of the heat and humidity.
    I am envying you folks in the Southern Hemisphere!

    My husband has accumulated several classic cars, and they have a garage of their own. His sentimental favorite is a 1983 red Ferrari, which is the same model as the famous Tom Selleck car from Magnum, PI in the 80’s. I didn’t like to ride in it because people would follow us down the road or the highway to stare at it. I felt too conspicuous!! He used to have a light blue 1962 Austen-Healey, which was fun to ride in, like a little toy car (I always thought of the character “Stuart Little” from the children’s book). That one was sold to someone in Paris several years ago… We are definitely NOT riding in convertibles in heat like this, though!

    Down we go, everyone!

    Day 14 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Today’s FD half-over, all down-hill now; & I’ve already clocked up almost 10,000 steps 💪
    Shocking news re the attempted Trump assassination?! 😳

    @merryapple – I’m guessing that’s a very early Monday Pocket List? Can you believe that? SA 25 – IRE 24?! Should’ve called it a draw 😢 The only thing that’ll put me in a good mood is if Alcaraz beats Djokovic at Wimbledon 😀 Oh, & if England beat Spain later, of course 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿️⚽️ but I think I’ll be asleep by then 💤 Oh, & my clean laundry doesn’t put itself away, y’know! 🤪

    @jaifaim, @snowflake, @merryapple – interesting re HR & fast days. My resting HR is closer to 50 on FDs, but closer to 60 on other days.

    Women who regularly eat UPFs are more likely to develop an autoimmune disease…

    Happy S🌞nday!

    “Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatory.” ~Unknown

    Pocket List – Day 14 🍏

    Pocket List – Day 15 🍒

    Day 14 – USA/GA – NFD?

    Weigh-in: 234 lbs. My brother is trying to replace my mom’s water heater. Took all day yesterday and still wasn’t done…still leaking. He’s going to try some new glue and fittings today and hopefully get it taken care of. My mom wants to visit her brother today, but I hope she hasn’t made herself ill psychologically dealing with everything yesterday. Anyway, for this and other reasons, I’m probably moving my FD to tomorrow.

    Day 14 – USA/TN – NFD

    Day 15 NZ FD

    It’s Monday morning. I’m on the reset. No scales. Just back to the basic 5:2 and focusing on what food and drink passes my lips!!
    Does anyone want to join me?!!

    Sorry England🥲 but Spain rules today!!
    @funshipfreddie I saw on your Daily Mail link Princess C presenting the the Wimbledon prize to Alcaraz so your wish has indeed come true!!
    The other report I read was on the slim journalist who gave herself a disastrous one off weight loss injection so she could get back into her pre pregnancy jeans. She wrote about her nausea, depression (equivalent to the post natal depression she had experienced) and inability to eat… There was no joy in fitting into her jeans cause it reminded her of her stupidity. She still can’t eat nutritional food but hopes to in the future… She was a fit and healthy person and now she’s trying to recover…
    A prof commented that a “feeling of flatness is not surprising because these drugs suppress the pleasure centre (in the brain) that goes with food.” This is why they are useful for addictive behaviours because the pleasure hit is dulled… In normal people the healthy receptors are barraged by the drugs, taking all the pleasure out of their lives…
    Awful awful awful.
    Diabetics are the people who need these drugs which are properly prescribed…

    Thank goodness for Dr M and 5:2!!
    And this website!!

    @northgeorgia It’s lovely the way you take care of your mother.
    @funshipfreddie I agree. It’s appalling about the assassination attempt…

    Pocket list Day 15🍒

    Day 15, Germany, NFD

    We had a bit of rain yesterday, the rugs are dry and clean again, the carpet is still quite wet. No rain today so it should dry off further. We had a good workout this weekend and a very clean basement now.

    @merryapple The older BMW convertibles are beautiful, I don’t like the newer ones, they all look the same. It must have been a sight, a convertible with a grandfather clock! I’m sure you looked pretty in the dress, didn’t you find it so much more comfortable than trousers?

    @excelsior12309 Your husband seems to be a real collector, we never even sat in a Ferrari! One of the pediatricians in the hospital I worked at long ago had an Austen-Healey. It was a lovely car but he husband often had to come over because the car had problems. It was very amusing as we all had old cars also having a lot of problems, but they were cheap ones.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 15 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.7 kg

    @merryapple – I’m joining you for ‘Back to Basics Fly-In-July Part 2’! Had a fairly easy FD , but I need to get a grip on the NFDs.
    A sad loss again for England in the Euro Cup Final, but the best team won. Spain must be a very proud country today, with Carlos Alcaraz thrashing Djokovic at Wimbledon (again) too 🇪🇸

    These new weight loss drugs really have some awful side-effects?! And they seem to be way too accessible for people who don’t actually need them. We really are fortunate to have found 5:2/IF

    It’s a chilly & breezy 16 C here, but the sun’s shining & I’m off out for a good walk before my well-deserved brunch later.

    Sending RESOLVE to the Monday fasters! 💪🎯

    “Stay out of the clouds. The silver lining everyone keeps talking about might be another airplane going in the opposite direction. Reliable sources also report that mountains have been known to hide out in clouds.” ~ Unknown

    Day 15 UK f800

    I managed to be sensible Friday and Saturday but not so good yesterday but hey let’s move forward , joining the B2B Fly in July pt2 gang and aiming for a good week

    Pocket List day 15 🕶️


    2nd Post – Day 15

    Pocket List Day 15 🍒

    Day 15 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 234 lbs. I don’t want to jinx it, but I think the water heater stopped leaking (fingers crossed)! My mom and I got a number of a recommended plumber just in case heheh

    We had a good visit to my uncle’s yesterday. My nephew’s birthday is later this week, so I’ll plan on today and Wednesday as my FDs.

    Pocket List Day 15 🍒

    Day 15 North Wales FD

    Had a good weekend and ate sensibly. I have managed to get out on my bike three times over the weekend. We have a lovely cycle track going in both directions very close to where we live so it’s a very safe route. Feeling very hungry today but I am determined to stay strong and not eat before 5pm. I think all the exercise I have done over the last few days is the reason I am starving 😂.

    @funshipfreddie those weight loss drugs do seem to be horrible. I would not like to try them. Not feeling the loss today. Not at all interested in football. My husband isn’t either so I feel very lucky. We don’t watch the tennis either.

    @merryapple I will join you sticking to the basic 5:2. I haven’t got on the scales yet this month. I am hoping for a surprise at the end of the month. Thank you for the information on how to build a bee hotel.

    @excelsior12309 I moan regularly about the weather in Wales but I am glad that we don’t need AC to sleep. I don’t do heat very well.

    @snowflake56 we have no mow May in the UK. I think the bees and insects have declined because of the poor weather we have had so far this year. The neonicotinoid pesticide Cruiser SB is highly toxic to bees and has the potential to kill off populations of the insect. It is banned in the EU but our last government agreed to its use every year since we left the EU. I am hoping the New Government will ban its use.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Pocket List Day 15 🍒

    Day 15 – Ireland – FD🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Hello all! Today was to be a FD but I have sabotaged myself… there is no other word for it…
    Commiserations to all the England fans… I was out but heard all the cheers and knew it was not to be your night…
    Well done on getting so far!

    Will be back tomorrow for a better day! 🏹

    Onward and downward
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 15 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 163.8

    My weekend was a combo of excellent eating/choices, and BAD choices, so I’m thankful the immediate damage isn’t worse. Now it’s a Monday, and that will help, except I have a meeting tonight where a dessert is always served…

    I was awake in the night, and finally went back to sleep and slept until after 9, so at least I got a full 8 hours. But now the day is fully upon me, and DS27 is due to arrive soon; he wants me to teach him how to “tailor his shirts,” so I simply don’t have time to read and respond to others’ posts. 😞

    I have two general comments to make. It’s currently 120 on our gauge outside that’s in direct sunshine. The actual air temperature is 91, and it feels like 101. Those numbers, in order, are 48 / 33 / 38. Ugh. It’s a stay-inside-and-appreciate-the-air-condioning-day for certain!

    As to the attempted assassination: I avoid all political talk whenever possible, but am so thankful it was not successful, and am encouraged by all the talk from both sides of the aisle of the need for unity. It won’t happen, but the talk is enouraging for now.

    There, ’nuff said.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 15 – USA/TN – FD

    Day 16 – Ireland – FD🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    155 lbs

    Hi all another brief post from me today…
    Aiming for a good FD as yesterday’s was not a FD at all. An emotional weekend and tiredness were probably my excuses but really there are none… I gave into sweet treats i rarely have yesterday and there was no stopping me..
    A new day. New dawn.
    Hope all of you are well.

    Onward and downward
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 16 🧚‍♀️


    Day 16, Germany, NFD

    Busy day today. As the old billiard room carpet doesn’t dry up well, I’ll have to remove part of the books piled up on the table in the middle of the room to try to lift the carpet more. This afternoon we’re having our computer lesson and after that a kind of bowling. Both afternoon clubs include birthday cake, I have to make one for the computer club. I can’t bake so it will be a simple pound cake, it’s the only one I can bake.

    @molij I’ve lost confidence in the German Government and don’t expect anything from them anymore after allowing the use of glyphosate for another 10 years. I hope your New Government will do better.

    @jaifaim Good luck with today’s FD!

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 16 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Checking in for accountability! 🎯

    @stitchincarol – that is hot?! It was a chilly 8 C when I woke up around 7 am. I don’t know what’s worse, extreme cold or extreme heat. A constant 23-ish would be perfect.

    @molij – I’m not exactly a sports fanatic either, but I can get caught up in the excitement of international tournaments. And I do love a good tennis match.

    @jaifaim – sending you steely RESOLVE for your FD! 💪

    Laundry day 🧺️

    “If you push the stick forward, the houses get bigger. If you pull the stick back, they get smaller. That is, unless you keep pulling the stick all the way back, then they get bigger again.” ~Unknown

    Day 16 UK f800

    Thanks for tidying up the list yesterday @funshipfreddie – I must have been having “a moment “ There were some great matches at Wimbledon this year , quite a few I was going to watch for 10 minutes and still glued to the tv hours later 🎾

    I do sympathise with all of you struggling with the heat but we seem to be having a mini winter here at the mo , Sun is expected tomorrow 🙏

    Good day yesterday , aiming for <800 today

    Onwards and downwards
    Pocket List – Day 16 🧚‍♀️


    Day 16 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 233 lbs. Good fast day but just meh results. Just got to keep to it, especially on NFDs like today.

    Day 16 NZ NFD 🏃‍♀️

    It was so foggy this morning that all the flights in and out of Auckland were cancelled. I walked up the Maunga through the magical mystical clouds.
    I had a friend over for lunch and made a very green coloured celery and sorrel soup flavoured by caraway and fennel seeds plus soda and oat bread. It’s the end of the day and I have just returned from a Maori TV production about the life of our dear friend Tame Iti. There were about 60 of us sitting at tables being entertained by amazing musicians and a conversation on the couch about him.

    @brightonbelle I hope your <800 cals went well today. Watching Wimbledon sounds a perfect way to while the hours away! I watched the first programme in the Boris Johnson documentary…
    @funshipfreddie I love going out in the cold in my red Harris tweed pirate coat, which I wore tonight. We used to say in London you either had a car or a proper coat and I always had a coat…
    @snowflake56 and @excelsior12309 My brother in law had a lovely twin tone Austin Healey until recently… It was stored in a mechanic’s barn down south. The mechanic had two lithium batteries charging in there and they caught fire… very sad…
    @jaifaim I hope you enjoyed your sweet treats!! Today is a fresh new day!!
    @stitchincarol I’m curious what does “tailor his shirts” mean?! That is sooooo hotttt…
    @metatauta I assume Tennessee is hot as well…
    @molij Well done on your lovely bike rides!! And keeping the basic 5:2 going. There’s only two weeks to go so let us do this!!
    @northgeorgia 🤞for the water heater!! Enjoy your family birthday 🥳

    Steely Resolve!!

    Pocket List

    Day 16 North Wales NFD 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

    Very successful FD yesterday despite struggling around lunch time. Will post a longer post tomorrow.
    Have a good day everyone x

    Day 16 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 163.6

    I’m very proud to say I did not eat the dessert at the meeting last night. The rest of my day was decent enough in my food choices.

    @jaifaim There are days when we simply fail to live up to our aspirations, aren’t there? You’re right: today’s a new day, a new dawn. ❤️

    @snowflake56 I’m fascinated by the idea of “computer lesson” that is also apparently a computer club? Do tell us what you do there; it sounds useful and fun!

    @funshipfreddie Yeah, it was particularly muggy and awful tomorrow, but the ten-day forecast has us in far lovelier temps. Your quote meant nothing to me. What am I missing?

    @merryapple Nope, not done with the fair isle, merely done with the body–and I still haven’t arrived at that lovely moment. Then I have to felt the steeks, cut them, sew the shoulder seams, then pick up stitches to knit the sleeves top down. And I had no idea either on what my son wanted, but thought perhaps he wanted to add darts to take in some of the bulk. Nope. He wanted to take in the side seams and sleeve seams, and re-do the flat-felled seams. GAH. It’s the kind of sewing I’m capable of, but that I never, ever, ever do because I despise it…and he wanted me to help him learn how. Gah, gah, GAH! 😂😂😂 The things we do for those we love, right? It was actually a lovely afternoon, and he did a good job learning. He’s lost 20 pounds, and isn’t happy at how baggy his shirts are, so he wants to do it to all of them. GAH! 🤣

    Today is my last day of lessons before we leave on vacation this Sunday, and I’m very ready for the break. It’s efficient to get all the lessons in on one day, but it’s not easy to teach a dozen in one day, so I’m looking forward to the school schedule when I again teach on Thursdays as well.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 16 🧚‍♀️
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 17 NZ NFD

    I ended up going to bed at 1am last night because I had to bake my sourdough bread… It was ready to go and waits for no (wo)man… I have soda bread from y’day also… too many carbs hanging around the hoose waiting to be consumed…😬It is wet and grey so I don’t feel much like leaving it. Today will be testing…

    @molij Good on you!! Thank you for the inspiration!! If you can do it I can too!! Not that it’s a FD for me. It’s a stay in control day!!
    It’s interesting not weighing every day. I’m relying on good eating patterns and will weigh in at the end of the week in a bid to reduce my reliance on knowing my scale weight… I will probably go back to daily weighs but this puts the focus on what I am actually putting in my mouth rather than the throw in another FD because the scales are up!!!
    @stitchincarol Oh gosh you do have a wee way to go on the DH sweater. It’s wonderful your son is learning to sew!! At least take in and mend at this stage. He’ll be making his own shirts very soon!!
    I have been wondering about doing this myself to a couple of favourite shirts… But everything about the shirts are too big – collar, wrists, arms and body so I think I might give them to Womens’ Refuge and start again when I manage to get through the last leg of my shrinking journey… I’m lucky in that I don’t have ‘work’ clothes because I wore scrubs. A male friend who has lost weight has spent a fortune on having his suits taken in… They probably cost an arm and a leg to start with because he is a wee bit of a peacock!!

    Hope you all had a good day and are having a great night’s sleep…

    Onward and downward!!

    Day 16… Florida……NFD

    I am so sorry. I was MIA for a week… I had the week from hell!

    I was reconfiguring a showroom on my route in a showroom that believes in running their A/C very little….. I got super super sick… So sick I ended up in the ER. After speaking with the Dr. apparently I was suffering from heat exhaustion. The Dr. is believes that I had a hot flash due to being in menopause. When the hot flash started, I was unable to recover due to dehydration and having nothing in my system due to is happen to be a FD for me.
    He put me on complete bed rest in a dark cool room, no electronics, nothing with blue light and absolutely no sun light exposure.
    I also got a long lecture on not getting plenty of fluids in extreme heat. Funny thing is he a firm believer in the benefits of IF, but believes that participants in IF do not getting enough fluids during their fasting times. He also suggested that at least once a day, a small amount of salt should be added to your water. He tried to explain it to me but I was over it by the time he got to that…. I just wanted him to stop talking so I could go home….. Truth be told…

    End story…… please please please drink your water!!!!!

    I only lost 2/10th of a pound last week, I haven’t had a FD since. I am just sticking with my fasting times but trying to increase my water in take.

    I have alot to catch up this week but I will

    Day 17, Germany, NFD

    @merryapple What a pity your brother lost his car in a way like this!

    @stitchincarol We’re just a group of people that like each other and have fun together. One of us likes finding out how to do things on a computer and shows us how to do things. Another one knows a lot of shortcuts. One of us is just there for company and doesn’t want to learn anything. She’s good at making videos and putting picutes together. She made a lovely birthday video for my DH’s birthday accompanied by her playing the piano.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 17 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @stitchincarol – It’s ‘Fly in July🧨️’! So the quotes are flight-related. That was a sort of ‘tongue-in-cheek’ remark from a pilot. You’ve got me Googling how to tailor T-shirts now! I’ve been buying my T-shirts from the same store for years. But the last couple I’ve bought just hang like a shapeless sack, & I’m sure they’ve changed their supplier. I’m not going to buy a machine, but I can use a needle so I’m going to try to follow a tutorial I saw on YouTube.

    @bert1802 – wow?! That sounds nasty, & must’ve been quite frightening. I hope you’re feeling 100% soon!

    @merryapple – I can handle the cold if it’s not very windy too. They don’t call Port Elizabeth ‘the windy city’ for nothing I don’t really have a coat, just a couple of jackets. I’ve got the car too, I just don’t like using it & prefer walking.

    Gotta dash 🕺 Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    “There are three simple rules for making a smooth landing. Unfortunately no one knows what they are”. ~ Retired pilot

    Day 17 f800

    Ahh it all makes sense now @funshipfreddie ✈️

    Hoping for a speedy recovery @bert1802 look after yourself

    As usual I’m trying to right the weekend wrongs , hoping to get back to or hopefully improve on last Fridays weight by this Friday and then have a controlled weekend which should be achievable as I’ve nothing planned

    Happy 🐫 day all

    Day 17 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. I gave myself a 5 hour eating window yesterday evening, while waiting on an important phone call that, due to a misunderstanding kept me in suspense for two hours. Anyway, the gist of it is that I threw all that mindfulness out the window, and realized way too late in the evening that I blew it. However, I realized something — a small glass of milk can kill the hunger dragon pretty effectively. I know it’s taboo, but the fats and proteins of whole fat milk can outweigh the calorie count drawbacks due to satiety. Gotta remember that!

    pocket list – day 17

    Day 17 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 160.8

    Yesterday’s WF wasn’t terribly tough, and I got through it successfully, but my weight this morning isn’t any lower than a week ago, so I’m clearly “maintaining,” not losing. My challenge for now is to be sure I don’t gain on our vacation, and then to be glad a second fast day (in the form of a second day teaching piano) will be here soon.

    @merryapple Yeah, when bread is ready, it’s ready. What a glorious smell to lull you to sleep when you finally got to bed, though, right? And, by the way, from the times I’ve successfully lost significant weight, I didn’t complete my “shrinking” until a few months after I was done losing weight (and in the same way, I didn’t actually gain SIZE for several months after gaining POUNDS), so be prepared to continue shrinking. ❤️❤️

    @bert1802 You poor thing! What an awful way to learn the lesson of remembering to drink your water, right? Are you 100% now, or still a bit wimpy?

    @snowflake56 What a delightful group you described!

    @funshipfreddie Oh, DUH. Never thought of the “stick” in an airplane, LOL. And taking in t-shirts? That’s a bigger challenge than the woven shirts DS27 is tackling, as knit fabric is far more difficult to sew and have it come out smooth. However, doing it by hand will be more likely to give you good results; good luck!

    @brightonbelle I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to be stymied by @funshipfreddie‘s quote yesterday, LOL!

    @northgeorgia Okay, your weight is up because you didn’t eat well on Tuesday evening–but did you eat an extra seven or eight thousand calories? I’m rather doubting it, so get to assure and remind you that you didn’t gain two pounds, but are simply carrying lots of food in your belly.

    I have about 8 more rows to finish the body of the fair isle sweater, and got three rows knit last night, so am hopeful I can be uber productive today, tomorrow, and Friday, so that I can do all the fussing needed so I can pick up stitches for the first sleeve, and be able to knit on our trip…fingers are crossed that I have time and motivation and success in the midst of all there is to do to prepare to go! 🤞🏼

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    pocket list – day 17

    Day 17 North Wales FD

    Having a successful FD so far. Not feeling as hungry as I did on my last FD. Been to visit a friend this morning who has decided to do the 5:2 too we are going to co-ordinate our fast days to give each other support. I have told her about this forum but up to now she hasn’t expressed an interest in joining. I have also been on my bike for an 18 mile ride. The weather is beautiful today.

    @stitchincarol do you find it difficult to motivate yourself when you are in the maintenance phase? I would find it difficult not to put weight on when on holiday as I love trying or the local foods. To me that’s part of the holiday experience.

    @northgeorgia I find cleaning my teeth gets rid of the hunger dragon and boy can that dragon roar on some FDs.

    @bert1802 I do hope you are feeling better today. I have been to Florida so I know how hot it is. It is certainly very important to drink lots of water. As I have got older I sometimes have to force myself to drink as I don’t seem as thirsty as I used to be.

    @merryapple I would love to make sourdough but my hands are not good at kneading. The reason I am not doing daily weigh ins because I hate to see the scales go up. I am much more motivated seeing them go down or even stay the same. I think I have lost weight because my stomach does not look so big when I look in the mirror.

    We are going to visit two of our Grandchildren tomorrow until Sunday so I will probably go dark for a few days. I will try a check in if I can but I think I will be busy playing.

    Have a good day everyone

    Pocket List – Day 17 🌈

    Day 17 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Hi all and thanks for all your well wishes… I had a good FD yesterday in the end (but over 500) and was tempted to do a LFD today but that may change as my tummy is starting to rumble. I’ve a busy few days running into this weekend so felt it was worth putting the effort in when I could…
    @bert1802 how shocking! You poor thing! I hope you are feeling much better now….Yes keeping hydrated is so important but it is also so important to replenish with electrolytes particularly in extreme heat – we use tabs in our water bottles etc when cycling as we lose so much with sweat but some Himalayan salt (or any salt) will do…
    Great cycle @molij 👍 and fab weather for it!

    @funshipfreddie ahhhh I see the light! ✈️ fair play to you!
    @merryapple 🙉 🙉🙊 with this talk of sourdough… if only I could… my favourite!
    I have to run… so sorry I can’t respond to all but have read and enjoyed all the posts. Back tomorrow…

    Onward and downward
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 17 🌈





    Day 17…Florida….NFD

    Thank you so much for the well wishes. I do feel 100% myself and make every effort to take care in staying hydrated.
    @molij…. I agree as I age, I find I need to remind myself to do things that I never used to think about…etc. drinking more water, to moisturize and so much more.
    @jaifaim….. I wish that I could remember all he said about adding salt to my water. It’s definitely on my to do list to research it more. I never want to experience that so I’ll do what I can to avoid.

    Today eating wise was okay….. I did have a hiccup, I ate a piece of danish after my eating window closed. I’m not going to let it get to me. I’m going to just move forward and hope for a better tomorrow.

    Have a great night!

    Day 18, Germany, CD

    No motivation at all do do a FD, I’ll try tomorrow. I miss my weekly sports and dancing.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 18 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD – Mandela Day

    @snowflake – I’m not feeling motivated either, but… it’s Thursday! It’s become a habit now – little motivation necessary. I don’t need to feel motivated to brush my teeth. Sometimes I cast my mind forward to tomorrow. How will I feel when I wake up in the morning? PFDS, or disappointment in myself? I’m not going to feel any more motivated tomorrow; in fact, just the opposite – it’s Fri-yay! 🤪

    @northgeorgia – totally agree with the milk! I only drink it in tea/coffee, but the skim & low-fat stuff is vile. I find I need to add much more to try to get the same taste.

    @molij – it must be nice to have a fasting buddy. I’ve never found anyone in SA who’s willing to try it. They just think I’m eccentric 🤪

    Instead of Waiting for Motivation, Build Habits:-

    “When in doubt, hold on to your altitude. No one has ever collided with the sky” ✈️

    Pocket List – Day 18 🥕
    @at FD800

    Day 18-No. VA USA-FD 800

    In the doldrums with motivation, but I agree with @funshipfreddie, tomorrow would not make me more motivated, so control is the message today!

    @bert1802, we see dizzy teenagers who feel like fainting all the time, due to low blood pressure. If they increase their salt intake throughout the day, and increase their fluids, their symptoms get much better. Drinking plain water is not so helpful, as it does not remain in the circulation as long. So we recommend electrolyte drinks like sports drinks three times per day, 20 oz at a time. (60 oz per day) You don’t really need the sugar, since dizziness is rarely related to low blood sugar, so you can pick a sugar free kind like liquid IV or nuun, for instance. There are many available. Sodium is the primary actor here, not really the potassium they throw in. Eating a bit of salt and drinking plain water at the same time will do the same thing.
    Unless someone has significant high blood pressure problems, they do not have to avoid the salt.
    If you are drinking enough, you will be going to the bathroom a lot during the day! Good luck to you!

    Day 18 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 232 lbs. @stitchincarol yeah, you’re right! Through the workweek, I’m trying for an OMAD attitude. I just need to be careful of non-stop snacking, especially on junk if I do that. @funshipfreddie It’s funny how we “know” things but don’t practice them. I may try a different approach today by having water with a meal, and if I feel hungry an hour afterwards, try a small glass of milk.

    I haven’t gotten below 232 yet this month, but we’re only a bit over halfway through, so there is time. Got to keep pushing downwards 😉

    Day 18 NZ FD 🏃‍♀️

    It’s bedtime… I just lost my post because my log in timed out… again
    Sleep well. Tomorrow is a new day!!

    2nd Post – Day 18

    Pocket List – Day 18 🥕
    @at FD800
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Day 18 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Hi all. Friends visiting and family events mean no FDs until Monday. And weekly numbers taken today. Happy to be in maintenance zone but would like my low range to be 152 for more wriggle room – next weeks challenge.
    @bert1802 @excelsior12309 has explained it all so well… and is a health care practitioner so knows her stuff and explains far better than I could. Hope you continue to feel well.
    Rushing again as have so much to do but hope all are well

    Onward and downward
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 18 – Rural Nebraska, USA – OMAD

    I haven’t weighed yet this morning, so I don’t know just how much I gained from the simple act of putting food inside my otherwise-empty belly, but I do know that I ate well yesterday–all except for a few cookies I didn’t try very hard to resist. I made my Mom’s oatmeal-raisin cookies yesterday, just mixing the dough and scooping them all out, and baking a few, and it’s like getting a hug from her to taste those. I froze most of the scooped balls, and will leave some here (I used a GF flour, so they’ll be okay for DS32 to eat), and the rest I’ll take along on our trip for the granddaughters (I’m hoping to keep them frozen so my daughter can keep most of the dough in the freezer, and bring them out in batches). It makes me smile that my Mom used to be the grandma who made those cookies, and now I’ll be the grandma who makes those cookies. 🥰

    @molij How lovely to have a friend to do 5:2 with! May it bring both of you extra RESOLVE! But, I wasn’t very clear in my post: my goal is to lose weight, but I’m only succeeding in maintaining (rather than gaining, however). So it’s nice to know I have a plan that will more or less work when I reach maintenance…but I have about 25 pounds to reach that sweet spot. And I absolutely agree with you that enjoying the local foods is part of the holiday experience. I remember @ihatelettuce however, who used to stick to two FDs a week when he and Mrs IHL went on trips. That was VERY inspirational, and I’m holding on to the idea that it’s not unreasonable, and can be something I choose, rather than something I try to force on myself. Have fun visiting grandchildren!

    @jaifaim What joy for me that you also didn’t get David’s quote about the stick, LOL! Have a lovely time with friends and family!

    @bert1802 I’m glad you’re 100% again, and I’m still scowling to think of that owner who was reluctant to cool down his business sufficiently to protect you!

    @snowflake56 I’m doing fine with motivation at the moment, but I’m sure familiar with the lack of it to do a FD; you are so strong, however, that I’m sure it’ll show up again soon!

    @funshipfreddie Now, today’s quote makes perfect sense, and is so lovely!

    @excelsior12309 Loved your detailed suggestions for staying hydrated; thanks for sharing. And may your motivation positively LEAP out of the doldroms and keep you on track all day.

    @northgeorgia As I was thinking about your struggles, and relating them to my own, I wondered if a trick I’ve employed in the past would help you: don’t bother denying yourself anything…just insist you have to wait fifteen minutes (or however long). Once each of us gets going in self-control, it’s much easier to continue on in that habit, but I at least am a far distance from showing self-control all day, every day.

    @merryapple Timed out?? Interesting…I’ve not had that happen. Are you on your phone? And, what time did you go to bed? I’ve been trying to sort out what time/day you’re posting, based on what time the site shows. Everyone else I can come within an hour or so, but your time has me stumped, LOL.

    Bunches of things on the agenda today (work at church, meet with our financial advisor, get the oil changed in the car), but all pleasant enough to do, and I’ll be able to knit while I wait for the oil to get changed. I thought I needed to do 8 more rows, but having come close to that goal, I think I need another 8, so I just knit away… As far as food, I’m going to skip lunch today, make it OMAD (should be easy enough since I’ll be gone all day) and then aim for fewer than 1200 calories–and put on my halo if I find the motivation to eat even fewer than that. Not sure that’s worthy of the pocket list, so I’ll stay off, but I’ll be thinking of you all!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 18 🥕
    @at FD800
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Day 18 UK NFD

    Change of plans for me too , an old friend is in town so meeting up for a few 🍺 Have prepared a lovely salad nicoise for dinner so hopefully won’t undo my good work Weighing in tomorrow 🤞

    Second post

    Have a grand time with your long-time friend, @brightonbelle!

    And, @funshipfreddie, that article is excellent. We don’t wait for motivation to brush our teeth so apply that logic to whatever we’re aspiring to do. Yup.

    USA. Day 0

    I am still reading emails, although not writing much! My surgery for my brain tumor went very well, although recovery will be a long haul. Right now, I am not trying to lose any weight because I lost too much weight from all this! Maybe I will learn some new eating coping skills from all this and not put all the weight back on. Right now, all plates of food are overwhelmingly too large!!!

    Stitchincarol, good observation! 🙂

    Good for you BrightonBelle!

    Good message,FUNSHIPFREDDIE! It can apply to many things, like my recovery!

    Know I am still here and will participate as soon as I can!

    USA. Day 0

    I am still reading emails, although not writing much! My surgery for my brain tumor went very well, although recovery will be a long haul. Right now, I am not trying to lose any weight because I lost too much weight from all this! Maybe I will learn some new eating coping skills from all this and not put all the weight back on. Right now, all plates of food are overwhelmingly too large!!!

    Stitchincarol, good observation! 🙂

    Good for you BrightonBelle!

    Good message,FUNSHIPFREDDIE! It can apply to many things, like my recovery!

    Know I am still here and will participate as soon as I can!

    Day 18 – USA/TN- NFD

    Day 19, Germany, FD

    @funshipfreddie and @stitchincarol I think my lack of motivation comes from the fact that I don’t really need to lose weight, my BMI is ~24.0 at the moment, I just like it to a bit less. July is the month with a lot of birthdays and this year everyone seems to celebrate. The next parties will be on the 27th, 28th and 30th. I’ll be glad when this month is over and I can go back to my daily routine.

    @ccco Nice to hear you’re doing well, just take good care of yourself.

    Pocket list day 19
    @at FD800

    Have a nice day everyone!

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