Flabby, faster from France

This topic contains 27 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  ChrissieinBrittany 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Day One of The Fast 5:2 Diet, starting weight 78.8kg/10st 8lbs
    I just needed to share this, I have successfully made it through 24 hours on 490 calories!! (My husband thinks i’m mad). Living in Normandy where crème fraiche, apple tart, camembert and cider are in abundance this was a miracle.
    But I can honestly say that I don’t feel hungry. I had a bit of a wobble at about 3pm, I was trying to get through to dinner without anything.
    So I had a bowl of Carrot and Coriander soup (only 90 calories) and felt much better after that.
    Baked some salmon with a variety of veg in a roasting bag for dinner with melon and raspberries for dessert (400cal).
    The only thing I really missed was milk in my tea.
    Well back to normal eating tomorrow although I must admit I think I will pay more attention to what I eat. Can’t wait for my morning cuppa with milk.
    Thursday is the next fast day, just menu planning now, http://www.myfitnesspal.com is a great help.
    This diet sounds too good to be true and I am a little sceptical but hey nothing ventured nothing gained right?
    Watch this space………..

    Hello!!! It is my second week so I thought we can keep track of our progress together… After one week, went on the scale this morning and I lost 400 grams… It is a fasting day for me today and I found it easier than last week, I am not that hungry today! Good luck and keep me posted!!!

    PS. Are you French or just living in France? I am French but I live in Canada

    Well done to the two of you and welcome to the forums. Try not to think of it too much like a diet, much rather a new approach to eating. Weight fluctuates so try not to become dissolutioned (is that how to spell it?) Don’t weigh yourself everyday and if you are feeling desperate, visit us on the forum 🙂

    Thank you! I plan to weigh myself just once a week on the same day because I know we lose more right after the fasting days but gain it back after, so once a week is my goal!

    I think there is real hope that this is not a yo-yo diet as they usually are, but a shift of lifestyle, where normal days complement fasting days, to make it sustainable. Best of luck.

    Hi Slaggy77
    I’m English living in France with my French husband.
    I’ll be happy to track together, look forward to hearing how you get on.
    I think I spoke too soon yesterday as by bedtime I was starving!! Early night on Thursday for me.
    Feels good to eat normally today but haven’t wanted to stuff myself, I thought I would.
    As you said I’ll keep you posted.
    Thanks Tomorrow and Aniann for your words of encouragement.

    Good luck! There’s a place next to where I work that spend all day making crêpes. The smells coming from there are wonderful/ terrible! They start at 5am so the smell hits me as soon as I arrive in the morning!
    Do you speak French or English in your home? My husband and myself spoke French and I try to keep up the English with the children but they’re so much more French than English now! Sometimes we use both …. in the same sentence!

    Crepes! I stayed at a friends apt in Paris on a street with 4 or 5 Brittany style creperies in the same block.
    The smell was irresistible, in fact I didn’t even try. Now that I have 5:2 as an antidote to over indulging,
    I’m sure I would have quickly dealt with the resulting weight gain.

    Hi I’m also in France, 2 nd day of the fast diet and have just done the first two as fast days! Was going to do Mondays and Thursdays, but I didn’t feel hungry this morning, so decided to skip breakfast see how I felt lunchtime, not very hungry so skipped that and had 490 cal meal this evening with the family. Normal week now

    “Crepes! I stayed at a friends apt in Paris on a street with 4 or 5 Brittany style creperies in the same block. The smell was irresistible”

    I really enjoy crepes and definitely would have had a plateful with chocolate.

    J’ai vraiment apprécier crêpes et certainement j’aurais eu une assiette avec du chocolat.

    It’s a delicacy for me.

    Well done. We had 2 weeks in France on the diet and it was hard enough!

    Another drizzly, windswept day in Brittany! Have a lovely day.

    Hi ChrissieinBrittany. Miserable here too, just having coffee and watching the news before setting out to work in 30 minutes. 12 hour shift today, I dislike them with a vengeance but hey ho, the mortgage has to be paid. How I wish I could speak French. I once thought I was asking for a box of matches and realised when the shop assistant started laughing I was actually asking for a lightbulb. That was in my smoking days, don’t do it now. Anyway, enjoy your day 🙂

    Have a good day. Where do you work? How long have you been here? The language will come over time. Don’t worry.

    I’m a nurse working in forensic mental health with male patients, very challenging. I’ve been a mental health nurse for more years than I care to remember. Done most things, worked in acute mental health, elderly, eating disorders and in my first few years as a nurse, children and adolescents. Variety is the spice of life 🙂 Will stay in the forensic field now though. Time for another coffee, there won’t be time once I get to work 🙂

    Isn’t the language barrier a problem in your line of work?
    Excuse my nosiness!

    There isn’t a language barrier. I’m English working in the UK. Sorry, it must have sounded as though I were living in France. I wish. No, I’m a Yorkshire woman living in the Midlands about 2hrs from the sea. The only language barrier I come across at work, is patients not understanding the word ‘no’ 😀

    Oh! I’d misunderstood!!! Doh! Have a great day!

    Hi, I’m in France too, near Toulouse. It is the bread over here that got me – I just love baguettes! When I discovered I had put on a stone and a half in the 3.5 years we’d been here I realised it was time for action, and the 5:2 has been great – I’ve lost nearly a stone so far so am on my way to achieving my goal of my pre-France weight!And I can even eat baguette at the weekends!

    Ah yes, the bread…. mmmmmmmm

    Not a big baguette fan but the wholgrain and rye breads get me everytime! My son has just got his work experience sorted out… in a boulangerie/patisserie !!!! It goes without saying that he’s really looking forward to it (doesn’t even mind the early start!).

    ” just love baguettes! …And I can even eat baguette at the weekends!”

    I also enjoy bread, especially French bread. Luckily, there is none close by for me to eat.

    Recently, I’ve reduced eating a foot long wheat bread, after several years of almost daily consumption. I’m not quite sure what to replace it with nor how to have sandwiches without the bread to hold it altogether?

    I’ll figure this out.

    Je vais comprendre.

    Hi Everyone
    Week one complete, drum roll…….. 1kilo/2lbs down yey!!! So don’t mind fasting today.
    Good luck this week everyone, bon courage!!

    This is not going to be a good week fast wise as I’m on a course which involves all of us piling in to the local restaurant for lunch! I’d like to say that I’ll make up for it in the evenings but I won’t because once I’ve started eating I have a problem applying the brakes! So I’ll just have to deal with it!

    Bon courage indeed!

    Hi all, glad everyone is in good spirits, enjoying reading the verious comments on the forum today. All this talk of France and the bread!!!!!!!!!!!Only been there once on holiday, had a fabulous time and gained nearly 9 pounds in two weeks. the cakes – oh the cakes – Tesco just doesnt make them like that (although I can still eat them for Britain)Anyway, really enjoying this diet plan. Its working well for me, and I am sticking with it , if only to read all your comments and get a laugh. LOL

    Oh my goodness ChrissieinBrittany you’ve got your work cut out!! There’s nothing I love more than a good menu du jour but not sure I could hack it for 5 days. I’m fasting today so have just enjoyed a homemade veg chilli with a grilled chicken breast while the rest of the clan are tucking into a seriously cheesey lasagne. That doesn’t bother me too much but the thought of the hidden Cadbury’s Crunchie in the pantry is driving me mad. It’s been there for weeks so why now is it so tempting?! Well i’m determined not to give in and so am focusing my attention on the next episode of Doc Martin……….. although that’s not quite the same without a four finger Kitkat to dunk!! hey ho xx

    I feel I’m going to have to do a 7:7 to make up for it!!!! 😉

    I had a tough day fasting yesterday, but stuck with it, feel proud. Got lot’s of baking to do today for family coming this weekend we all love to eat so best pace myself!!
    How did it go this week with the course ChrissieinBrittany?
    How’s it going Slaggy77?

    Hi! The course went well. Three days left of it. I caught a terrible cold so decided to come home on the Tuesday instead of going to the restaurant. Thought it wouldn’t be fair to be coughing all over everyone. Three days of restaurant food coming up next week and a pizza with my son tomorrow night! Had a good fast day yesterday though and have been good so far today.

    Well done for keeping at it yesterday!

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