Five weeks in and 4.2 kg down. Was a rollercoaster!

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Five weeks in and 4.2 kg down. Was a rollercoaster!

This topic contains 9 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Nika 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi One and All,

    Flying back from Amsterdam to Kaohsiung I stumbled upon the Horizon documentary “Eat, fast and live longer.” After reading about exercise and nutrition for the past 6 years this made perfect sense to me and I was impressed by the science that backed it up. Once home I delved a little deeper into the subject. I was very active, marathons, triathlons, half Ironmans and long distance swims but last year I sustained an injury while running a marathon. I was out from almost one year. Furthermore with 2 young kids (4 and 3 years old) time for sport and exercise disappeared. The weight piled on. I went from 82 kg, which is still too heavy for me, to 96 kg. In April I took part in a triathlon without training. The next day I suffered facial paralysis. The doctor said I had overexerted myself. The face is back to normal and with some light exercise over the summer and eating less I went back down from 96 to 92.5-93kg. Way too heavy for my liking.
    I’m 51, suffer from high blood pressure for the past 8 years. After 3 years of trying doctors were unable to find medicine to bring it down. Only relaxing and losing weight will help me. My liver is slightly too fat. The last time I had a complete health check all other parameters were normal.
    That is why I’m so glad I saw the documentary on the plane. Got the book and started on Sept 30th weighing in at 92.8 kg.The results have been mixed. Sticking to the fast is not at all as easy as Michael makes it seem. The first week I stuck to it but after that it was a bit haphazard. I weighted 2 to 3 times a week. After 2 weeks I was down 1.5 kg but by week 4 I was back to 92.4 kg. I did not get it. Not only did I fast but had added 2 exercise programs to my week. Which means I now exercise 4 to 5 times a week, apart from walking and hiking 2 to 3 times a week. As before it seems that when I start exercising seriously I also eat more.
    Last week though I stuck to my guns. My first fast day went awry (my wife is an excellent cook). I decided that since I stumbled to just carry the fast over to the next day. That worked fine. Same happened on my second fast day. The thing is my heavy exercise days are planned on my non-fast days but this time they coincided. I also started to drink more tea instead of water.
    I want to stick to one or even no meal on the fast days. At first I thought breakfast would be best. Soon turned out that is absolute torture. I now make dinner my one fast day meal and it works very well. If I don’t feel hungry I just skip it all togther.
    Imagine my surprise when this morning I weighted myself and weight 88.6kg. We are 2 days into week 6.
    Oh yes and my clothes. Well my pants are loser but all my shirts and t-shirts are getting tighter. My belly has shrunk a few cm but because of the exercise my chest and shoulders have in fact expanded so I need to look for clothes that are wider on top and have a tailored waist.

    Wow Geert, that’s quite a story! I think if you stick with it you’ll start feeling a lot healthier – and you can celebrate by doing a full Ironman one day πŸ˜‰ Hell, I may even join you.

    I do think that every body reacts differently. Sometimes weight shoots up, sometimes it shoots down – both don’t have to be lasting, but it makes sense. The body is so complicated, pretending to understand it is a joke (well at least to me as I’m not a doctor). If you stick with it however and make sure you have a caloric deficit every single week, you WILL lose weight. That’s how I look at it. So keep at it and keep us posted!

    Oh and I dislike Amsterdam, but I am from the Netherlands so it’s nice to read the name on here ^^

    Hi Nika,

    Thank you for your reply. I’ll take you up on the Ironman. It was during my prep for a full Ironman here in Taiwan that I hurt myself. I had planned to do it for my 50th birthday. Now I am aiming for either next year or the year after that. Just as not to force it too much. My goal is 14 to 16 hours. No rush. As a friend of mine put it. What do they call someone that finishes in 16.5 hours: An Ironman! Before there were only Olympic Tri’s then 5 years ago they added on half Ironman and for the past 3 years we had 1st one and now 2 full Ironmans locally. After that I still want to do an ultra marathon (spartalon maybe).

    I’m Belgian, Amsterdam is OK but it’s Holland after all. Have lived and worked in Taiwan for the past 19 years. Importer and distributor of Belgian beer. And believe it or not a not a big drinker myself.

    As for the weight I know it goes up and down. A lot of it is water. I can lose 2 to 3 kg in 3 hours if I go for a long run, even if I drink. With temperatures here being 25 – 35ΒΊC all year round sweating 3 liters is easy. But it is all water and has to be replaced.

    I did mine in 14:50. And am excited to do the next one!! Crossing the finish line makes all the training and sacrifices worth it. I had a funny moment when all of a sudden I realised that everyone was clapping for me!! haha. My finish was a bit dramatic in that I then passed out and vomited blood. The doctors at the hospital really couldn’t believe I had been able to finish – I literally had half as much blood as everybody else as I had lost a whole lot through my stomach ulcering!! Not related at all but I like to be able to tell that story sometimes ;p

    Anyway, back on track!! Congrats on the changing measurements – sounds like everything is moving in the right direction!

    Wow 2B, that’s uhm… wow πŸ˜›

    And Geert, don’t really understand your quib at the Netherlands (Holland isn’t the correct term). It sounds really negative but I’ll just assume that’s not what you meant!

    If I do an Ironman I’ll just go for finishing, don’t care about the time πŸ˜›

    Woaw 2B A bleeding ulcer is no laughing matter and still finishing an Ironman. As we say in Belgium, Chapeau (heads off to you). Hope all is well now, with you, the ulcer and the next ironman.

    Nika, The ‘Holland quib’ was deliberate and a bit sarcastic but definitely not meant to be mean. Like you if I do an Ironman it is finishing that counts.

    Is that ‘heads off’ or ‘hats off’ Geertipa? πŸ˜‰

    Yep all good now, thanks! It took a while to get my mojo back, but I think that’s normal when the body is put under so much stress. I am really looking forward to looking at my next finisher’s photo and thinking ‘wow, I look slim!!’ I’m not doing anything of that sort of distance at the moment, just running (when my shins don’t hurt too much – grr), Nike training Apping, weights and the odd session incorporating HIIT on the bike.
    Doing three fast days this week as felt pretty crappy after the weekend (lots of rice and too much sugar) and my first weigh and measure is coming up on Monday.
    Bring it on….maybe ;p

    ChrissieinBrittany Definitely not thinking right when I wrote that. hats off, of course, Thanks for pointing that out.

    Haha, I guess taking your head off is just the next step from taking your hat off – you only do it when it’s REALLY worth the compliment πŸ˜›

    And what don’t you like about the Netherlands, Geert? I’m not extremely nationalistic but I do take it personal when someone randomly makes sarcastic comments about my country and I don’t know why x) Amsterdam is a crap city, as are most of the larger cities… Ever been to Groningen? It’s where I’m from and it’s a great city afaic ^^

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