First week done!

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  • Hi everyone!
    It was a spur of the moment decision to try this new approach after I realised how fat I have got lately. Squeezing into my favourite jeans became very uncomfortable and it was time to do something about it. I have been weight obsessed all my life and dieted for most of it so my weight has yo yo’d. I was skeptical about doing this as through bitter experience I find diets don’t work for me.
    Convinced that fasting would be the death of me I was very pleased to find how easy it has been. No fainting, no cravings, but I have gone to bed the two fasting days almost crying because I felt so hungry!! Only to find the next day I didn’t want to start eating. I wonder if that’s usual?
    I don’t weigh myself as I get fixated on what the scales tell me which is not healthy. The scales at my doctors surgery say I am 14 1/2 stone which is at least 3 stone heavier than I should be! I am classed as obese!
    Already I am seeing results….I can wear those jeans comfortably again! My IBS is suddenly a lot better and I was shocked to find I like feeling hungry. I almost felt on a high about it and wonder if anyone else feels like this. I have always believed that grazing/eating little and often was the best way to eat but that’s what has made me fat! That and the booze!
    I am thinking of fasting three days a week but will see how it goes after a month or so if I don’t feel I am losing enough weight. Food definitely tastes better and I am really enjoying more veg especially roasted which is a good thing seeing as I don’t eat meat!
    I am actually looking forward to another week and this way of eating becoming a habit. x

    Me to!!
    I have had some of the same worries about fasting, but like you I find it surprisingly easy. My first fasting day, I waited until 3 pm to have my first meal, as I ideally want the longest fasting periods without food. About 11am, I felt quit hungry, but were able to ignore it and the hunger pains just went away! 🙂 They came back at 3pm, so I had my meal of 500 Kcal, and that could sustain me for the rest for the day… I felt hungry of course, but was able to ignore it just fine.
    Day two, I felt very hungry in the morning, as I had had a light supper the day before, so I had an egg and a piece of ham with my morning coffee and a salad at 5 pm.
    The beauty of this Diet, beside the obvious benefits, is it’s flexibility.

    Like you, I don’t feel hungry the morning after a fast day.

    Next week I am returning to work after my holiday, and I am looking forward to the challenge of incorporating the diet with my work schedule, and am preparing myself to all the questions I will be met with, as Monday is a fast day.

    Hi. I tend to go to bed early too on a fast day. I’m 2 weeks in and lost 7lbs so far, half way through my 3rd week. I just find it too good to be true. The fast days don’t seem to be so hard now. I don’t tend to eat much during the day so I save most of my calories for my main meal around 6 -7 pm.

    I did notice this week that the day after my fast it got to 2pm before I even thought about food – I hope that continues.

    I’ve been checking out the fast day menu’s of others and it seems alot make a low cal soup to have during the day if they feel hungry. I must get through 8 large glasses of water through the day – it works for me.

    Good luck and keep up the hard work.

    Hi Drilakila,
    Your analysis rings many bells for me too, so many similarities!
    I hope it gives you some encouragement to know that I was 12st 12lbs and am now 9st 9lbs. Size 16/18 down to 12 and waist measurement from 36″ to 30″. I also see myself sticking to it for life. I still have the occasional bad day when I can’t stop eating, but with the 2 fasting days per week, (and like you I enjoy them), I am managing to keep the fat off and still losing a tiny bit each week.
    So stick with it, you will be rewarded!

    A big thankyou for all your replies. Very encouraging and nice to compare notes and find similarities.
    I am struggling to eat today on my ‘feast’ day. And I went food shopping today and spent only half the amount I usually spend! x

    I too have just completed my first week. Hope next one is easier. It’s encouraging reading everyone’s posts. Start again tomorrow!

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