First week Completed – On track to lose fat!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Lainie 12 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Well I did it – I have just completed my first week on the 5 2 healthy lifestyle, and have enjoyed it – I lost 2.3 kilos I can quite believe it. I am loving the food (had to go out and buy heaps of healthy veggie and spices). I have cooked up a storm and frozen enough meals for the next few weeks on fast days. I am finding one meal a day in the evening worked for me this week, but holidays are over and I am back at work tomorrow so it will be interesting to see how tomorrow goes, feeling a tad concerned.

    Well done Island Cheer, keep up the good work.
    I have just completed my 3rd day and so far its going well. I haven’t felt hungry however, I am feeling extremely tired. I am feeling quite positive about the 5:2 diet and really trying hard not to think of it as a diet. I have so much positive feedback from friends who have been very successful and, kept it off, I think personally it’s our mindset that we perhaps need to change?
    I hope now you’ve been back to work a couple of weeks it’s going well. Good luck in your journey.

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