First week

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Chuckk 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Okay peeps, I have now fasted 2 days and made 12 hours yesterday but at 10:30 at night I got hungry and ate. I have not weighed myself as I don’t feel thinner and do not want to lose steam. I am confused as to what TDEE is or those initials and how am I supposed to eat the other five days? If left to my own I will be eating a 3-man size of nachos with sour cream by the bathtub full at least once a week. Any help you can offer as to what the best way to go about the 5 days would be. Also, I am a woman, and read somewhere that there are current tests going on to determine if spreading the 500 cal out over the day or eating them at once makes a difference. Does anyone have any experience with this?

    Hello !
    So you’re trying the 2-days in a row route? That’s a bit more challenging! I know the video showed Michael struggling through a 2-day fast, but here 36-hours is the suggested interval, and I can see why, I think I too would be noticeably more hungry after fasting for 2 whole days! Maybe try the 36-hour path, two days a week separated by non-fast days? From the research coming out of the University of Chicago, it doesn’t seem to matter much what you eat on the non-fasting days, as surprising as that sounds! But most of the members of the study found they ate less than normal on non-fasting days, and for other reasons a sensible diet improves health.
    Fill the days routines with other things, that’s what I’ve done – keeps one mind off of eating, changing routines makes all the difference, and we really need to be up and active 150 minutes a day or more, with a real hard workout briefly, as per the video on fitness (I don’t know what your up-time is..). The new tests I am as yet unaware of, but that is something worth knowing! Wish I could answer, a little searching might turn something up (hopefully).
    It’s worth sticking to this diet and exercise routine, as from what I understand, it almost eliminates your risk for cancer in internal organs, slows aging dramatically, help us regrow brain cells, and really does work!
    Best to you!
    from Chuck.

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