First time ever!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  symba7 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    Just on this site looking for motivation and tips. It’s the first time ever that I’m trying the 5:2, I’ve thought about doing it before but fear/anxiety regarding hunger has always stopped me.

    But…the challenge is now on! I have decided to bite the bullet! Last ate properly at 7pm last night (now 4pm next day) and so far I have had 100g strawberries with half small pot of natural yoghurt (100cal) and a small, half-cup serving of home-made veggie soup (50cal – my guess ha ha).

    I’m 46 years old, a paediatric nurse, and really more interested in retuning my blood glucose and cholesterol rather than weight loss, although it wouldn’t hurt to lose maybe 7lbs or so! My BMI today is 23.4, so upper end of ‘normal’.

    The biggest revelation so far? Well I haven’t collapsed from hunger, or turned into a hysterical, hypoglycaemic mess of a woman! I actually feel ok 🙂 I ate nothing at all from last night until 12midday today. I thought I would be absolutely starving, but it has been actually quite ok. Yes, I’m hungry now, but just had a black tea, and am looking forward to having a nice big dinner later. Because I am worried about going to bed hungry, I made sure to leave most of my calories until the evening 🙂

    So that’s it! Day 1 of the 5:2, and fingers crossed all continues to go well. Looking forward to eating tomorrow though!

    Good luck, most people do well. We are nearly ( husband and wife) coming up to our three month and 1 1/2 stone each off.

    We took half a stone off healthy eating the first month then changing over to the 5.2

    We are now slowing down a bit, both would like another half a stone each off before Xmas.

    You have done well then in just three months! I always thought I would never be able to go without food, well having completed my first day successfully I now know differently! I felt slightly light-headed on getting up today, but had my normal breakfast and feel fine.

    Good luck with the rest of the weight loss, will you go to 6:1 when you have reached your goal?

    Yes we will go over to a 6.1

    I don’t know whether to keep on the 5.2 till we stop loosing weight, when our body says that’s it! Then change over.

    Or looking at our half a stone more, and look at our bodies and we think we are there!

    As we are 64, I don’t want a scraggy neck and a gaunt face. I want to be realistic, I can’t look twenty again even if we want to.

    Good luck to yourself.

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