First post!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Bronx 9 years ago.

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  • Hi all! I used the 5:2 diet this time two years and found it great. I didn’t join the forum, just followed the basic principles. I hit target and maintained until last spring. My dad was diagnosed with cancer and I spent the summer caring for him through his daily treatment and supporting my mum.
    So now I find myself back where I started two years ago. I am pretty disgusted with myself for letting go with my eating quite so badly.
    BUT I am positive. I can do this and hopefully you guys can help!

    Sorry to hear about your Dad. That must have been really hard for you.

    Glad you have joined the forum. It’s a great place with loads of information and support. I have learned a lot. I don’t post often, but I read every day.

    Good luck!

    Going through family issues like that makes it very difficult to have any kind of normalcy in your life. Don’t beat yourself up over gaining weight because of it. You’re now back on track and should be commended for taking care of your dad during his health issues and getting back on track with your own health.

    Much success with your fasting.


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