First fast done

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Chuckk 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Well here goes, I’ve done wieght watchers, slimming world and yes lost the weight I wanted but as the book said gradually lost interest and got bored and sick of eating same unintresting food I have just completed my first fast day which I decided to do during a 24 hour on call period (slightly mad ) I thought I would be able to keep myself busy well I’m at home now drinking coffee wondering if I need to eat at all I’m not hungry and quite happy with my lack of effort so far, I really carnt quite believe this is going to work and I have to say I’m a little sceptical only time will tell I’m planning my next fast day on weds it’s a 12 hour shift but again if I’m busy it’s quite achievable.

    Hello Hairy!
    Good to be busy during a fasting day I think as well – keeps the mind too busy to think of food. The science is behind this diet and fast lifestyle, definitely worth it, because you’re worth it! Think of this method as the fountain of youth in a way, as it resets the body’s mechanisms to repair-mode, truly a remarkable change, and the other days of the week you can eat normally. Enjoy & Cheers!
    from Chuck.

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