First fast day was easy but…

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tickatape 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I’m not necessarily expecting the following ones to be quite so easy. I tried this for a few weeks immediately after the programme came out and found it, if not easy, then not too hard…but then with work pressures and everything I fell off the wagon.

    But now I’m back on, newly determined and came in with a calorie count of 486 yesterday with no difficulty. I had black coffee, which I used to drink then stopped for some reason – and now I’m drinking it today from choice! So far I’ve had a chicken breast salad (lettuce, beetroot, tomato,egg and chicken breast) and 3 plums so not doing too badly for a non-fast day. But I feel full and good about it.

    I have some body fat scales and googled how to measure body fat yesterday and found it was a tad over the ‘acceptable’ 30% – so watch this space.

    But what? Looks like you’ve got it down to me. It’s 2 days out of your week and the busier you are the easier those 2 days will be, as you’ll hardly have time to notice any hunger pangs. Keep going & good luck with it.

    Good luck 🙂 you seem to be doing just fine

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