First fast day!! Eeeek!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  PreetiB 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone,

    As the title suggests it’s my first fast day today so a little nervous and excited!

    I have a quick question for all the mums and dads out there. I have a 5 year old daughter and 2 year old twin boys I want to know how you guys cope with preparing their meals? I mean I usual like to snaffle some of theirs while I’m cooking etc (hmm maybe that’s where all this weight came from).

    Any advice would be hugely appreciated!

    Hiya! I’m new too but have a search around. There are some good ideas already like baking salmon Nd you just have veggies with it when your family can have carbs (rice/spuds) too.

    Making some lean meat/fish and filling your plate with lots of veg when the rest can have carbs seems like a practical solution, but the kids will not be getting fries/chips that would be a bridge too far.

    Experiment with your two fast days and when they will be. I initially made mine Mon/Tues and now its just Mon as I am in 6:1 maintenance. This works for me. “Tomorrow NEVER comes!!” Once you’ve picked the days stick to them come hell or high water. Be it birthdays, special occasions, visitors from out of town etc. If you get into the routine of “making excuses” as to why today is a bad day to fast it really doesn’t work. If “occasion” happens to fall on your fast day then its STILL your fast day.

    You want to develop a routine that becomes second nature. Come Monday mornings I don’t even wake up hungry now, as my body knows its not getting any food. My fast days are water fast days. Im not saying you need to do water fasts, but what Im saying is that you need to develop a sense of routine and control. I often cook for the kids and can quite happily make meals and not eat anything.

    Stay away from sugar and simple carbs like pasta, rice, bread, potatoes etc on your fast days. Simple carbs are too easily broken down into glucose. You only need the equivalent of 2 teaspoons of glucose in your blood at any one time. The rest will be stored as glycogen and then the rest stored as fat. 30 minutes after having simple carbs you will be hungry again looking for something else to eat. Have protein (fish, chicken, tofu etc) and fats (high fat low sugar Greek yogurt) with lots of fibrous green vegetables. It will satiate you for a long time.

    Avoid fruit juice at all costs. Might as well just drink sugar water. If you must have fruit, eat a whole piece of fruit, NOT fruit juice. Go for the berry type fruits as they contain less sugar.

    Great tips, thank you both for that. I don’t think I can manage a water fast at this early stage but maybe if I don’t see much loss I will. I usually have my tea/dinner a little later than the kids when my hubby gets home but I think on fast days I will have it with the kids and no carbs. Not doing too bad so far 11 o’clock and I’ve had a boiled egg (with chilli sauce) and a cuppa, the water is really keeping me feeling satisfied. Bearing in mind I’ve been up since 5.30 with the twins.

    Im not advocating a water fast. For me I found it easier than eating 600 cals. Everyone is different, find what works for you.

    Start reading food labels real closely to make sure your not having hidden sugars. E.g Is the chilli sauce home made or supermarket chilli sauce. Read the label it could have as much as 30% sugar or more. There is a good reason why food companies put sugar into ALL their products. Sugar is addictive.

    Good luck with it.

    Ooooo didn’t think of that will definatly check that out! Can’t give up my chilli though. I have high blood pressure so I’ve been using chilli to replace salt!

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