First fast day done and dusted

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  • Good morning all,

    Well I did it 🙂 Day one of fasting completed having taken in 510 calories according to the food database on MyFitnessPal – I can live with the extra 10 calories I think !

    So – today I have had a poached egg on brown toast for breakfast, which is a quite usual breakfast for me, and feel very full lol. Am under no delusions that my stomach has ‘shrunk’ and appetite re-set in one day but hey.

    My question is, I feel a bit scared about eating today and undoing yesterday’s good work. Is that normal? And how do you eat on non-fast days? Do you still keep a tally and try and stay within, say 2000 for the day or literally go mad? I’ve got a really tough two weekends coming up that will involve lots of eating and drinking so am hoping that if nothing else the fast days will negate those. I don’t want to go made in between though and undo the good work.

    Just curious what works for you?

    Lardi xx

    Hi Lardilass, well done for gtting through the first day – the first few are the toughest and it does get easier – honestly!

    I think I felt the same nervousness on non-fast days as you at the start – but remember what you are aiming for is a net calorie deficit at the end of the week (or any other period you are measuring over)- but as it is the 5:2 diet I think of it in weekly chunks. So if you eat the calories as calculated for yourself in the TDEE on non fast days (which is the number you need to eat to maintain current weight) and restrict on your 2 fast days, then your body has to use fat reserves to make up the difference – hence weight loss.

    I must confess that I was horrified that my TDEE worked out around 1760 – as at the moment I am sedentary (desk job + no exercise as awaiting a hip replacement) – but at least if you have it in mind you can try to keep a rough count of what you eat on a non-fast day. If you just go mad I’m sure you’d be at risk of undoing the good work, at least regarding weight loss.

    I’ve been on this since 19th August, and apart from a blip of a 2lb gain whilst on 2 weeks holiday, I have lost weight every week and last week got to my first stone off. I am absolutely delighted as (by my reckoning) that has been achieved simply by sticking to 500 calories on just 19 days, and being reasonably careful about not going above TDEE on the days in between.

    It is really tough when you have heavy weekends planned – but just think about small things you can do to help yourself. For example I try to swap beer for wine or vodka and slimline; avoid salty snacks with drinks and order as sensibly as I can in restaurants. And the biggie for me is try to stop eating when I am full. Sounds simple but I honestly never used to, and portions are often massive and people put you under pressure to clear the plate.

    Good luck and let us know how you get on.

    Cath x

    Hi, just wanted to say well done on completing your first day of fasting, I’m new too and completed my first day yesterday so no font of wisdom but just here to say I’m on the road with you, relax and trust yourself is my best advice. Good luck Emma x

    Hi ladies

    Thanks for the words of encouragement Cath and insight about keeping track. I am going to try and keep a tally of my food intake on non-fast days for a few weeks and just see how it affects weight loss. I tend to have a blip when I ovulate and menstruate (bloat twice a month!) so I think one of the key factors for me will be to weigh twice a month, avoiding both of these times, as a gain tends to make me despondent and giving up. Weight watchers /slimming world / slimmer – you name it I’ve done it and someone standing there with a sad face saying ‘oh, you’ve put on a pound this week – do you know why?’ makes me want to reach for a packet of chocolate HobNobs !!

    Well done to you too Emma. Am happy to report in and help each other stay on the straight and narrow and pass on any tips / strugggles. How much do you want to lose?


    Hey Lass! I see you’ve made your own topic ^^ Congrats on the first day! And well actually, your stomach does just shrink in one day. If it’s empty, it’s empty. 😉 Your brain takes a bit longer to adjust so don’t get too alarmed if you have cravings, it’s natural for your body to want what it’s used to receiving. If you’ve eaten healthily for a few weeks you will notice your cravings for sugary stuff goes down and you’ll feel just as good eating a nice salad.

    Which brings me to your non-fast days! Try to stay sensible, and if you really, REALLY want that piece of cake make it a small one and realize you’ll have to cut those calories somewhere else. Oh and don’t forget a lot of drinks have a lot of calories as well, this was what held me back for a long time. Now I only drink water. (Of course tea and stuff are great too and you can drink what you want, just keep an eye on the calories 😉 )
    If you’re really worried about those weekends, maybe it’s an idea to do 4:3 after those weekends in stead of 5:2? It means you create a larger calorie deficit that week which may just compensate for any calories you ate too much in the weekend.

    Let us know how it went!

    Hi Lass, it IS scarey the day after because you just cant believe that its that simple. I tended to blow out on kj/calories for the first couple of weeks, but thats okay you know, once my body got into the swing of it then I started to keep an eye on my daily intake, then I started to tweek that. By the time I had lost a number of kilos my appetite had changed, my awareness of what I was eating grew and I had so much more control.
    Freedom to eat and freedom to not eat. Wonderful stuff!
    You will soon get the hang of it well and truely.

    Thank you both.

    2nd fast day today an so far so good. The thought of a bacon sarnie for breakfast tomorrow morning it good motivation although I think I may be heading to bed early

    Good job Lardilass, well done 🙂

    Well done, Lardlilass 😀 (Great name, though makes me think of Lardy-cake, mmm – BAD thoughts! Bad!)
    Good luck with those tough weekends x

    I’m also on my first week, going okay so far, i.e. I’ve not started to chew on the sofa, LOL. I’m spending this Saturday stuffing Christmas Child boxes, so that will keep my hands busy and out of the biscuit tin; virtue for the soul as well as the body. My fellow stuffers will think I’ve gone mad when I try to turn it into a workout!

    Our first week – DONE!
    Aud x

    Hey lass, it’s 4 days later – done another fast day? 🙂 How’d it go?

    Hi Nika

    Yep fasted again on Thursday and was all good 🙂 Circumstances this week mean I am doing today and tomorrow – not ideal I know but I have work functions on for the rest of the week that involve lunches that I cannot sit at and sip herbal tea and a late birthday dinner with some friends later in the week.

    I now have the book so am reading through that for tips and advice and after a very heavy weekend of socialising am actually looking forward to giving my tummy a rest today !

    Sounds good! Doing fastdays back to back isn’t always something that makes me very happy, but then again I always make it through knowing I can have a nice meal of whatever the next day!

    I think I’ll go for fish, veggies and dumplings tonight. (See, I’ve done two fast days in a row of eating almost nothing and all I think about is food).

    Hi all

    Was able to change plans around this week and ended up fasting Tuesday and today so coming to the end of my 4th fast day. Cannot deny that I have been hungry today but soothe my rumbling tum with the thought that all that means is I am using fat!

    So far so good, love this way of eating and have persuaded OH to start next week. I really think I can do this!


    Go you!! ^^

    Well done, Lardilass! x

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