First fast day does this sound ok

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  HelenRMad 9 years ago.

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  • Yesterday was my first fast day and I think I did ok but would like to check with veteran 5:2 dieters please

    during the day I didn’t eat at all, for me I think this is the best way as once I start eating I find it hard to stop. I just had water either hot or cold with lemon juice, In the evening I had baked Salmon fillet (200g) with brussel sprouts, carrots and cauliflower and after sugar free raspberry jelly, the packet mix I made this about 479 does this sound ok

    Hi Helen,

    It doesn’t matter what or when you eat on FDs, you just need to keep to 500 calories. I find it easier not to eat at all during the day and it means that it is possible to have a decent sized dinner.

    Good luck.

    thank you for your reply Amazon, I have found that there is quite a variation on the calorie counters for the salmon so was a bit worried about that, I am in for the long haul, I have a huge amount of weight to loose

    I am not that experienced in this, however, It does sound logical to me to stick to nutritious, whole foods within your set calorie range. As we know, not all calories are created equal. So, if I were you, I would definitely strive for fruit, veg, lean meats & fish, some grains. Your menu above sounds like a great choice to me. I would skip the sugar free jelly though (and be cautious about anything that says “sugar free”) and eat an apple, for example. Good luck!

    Sounds ok, just be careful with Salmon as it is quite calorific. I have been on the diet since July 15 and I find what works best is one of the M&S Country vegetable soups (600ml) around 2pm, and in the evening I have a small piece of fish, Basa/hake with some wilted spinach and greens. Usually all that gets me in around 450 calories.


    It doesn’t matter about variations on calorie counters. Use one that you are happy with and stick to it.
    “Salmon is an excellent source of vitamin B12, vitamin D, and selenium. It is a good source of niacin, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, phosphorus, and vitamin B6. It is also a good source of choline, pantothenic acid, biotin, and potassium.”
    Keep on eating it but make sure you weigh it and remove the skin and all will be well.

    thank you all for taking the time to reply, I appreciate the advice and support.

    I have been using my fitness pal but the variations in calories on there is what has confused me

    I don’t really eat meat, only chicken, fish and I like quorn. I need to keep it as simple as possible,I am low on vitamin D and B12 and Salmon is great for that as Amazon said, I will watch the weight of it, the sugar free jelly is only 8 calories a portion and gives me the sweet fix I need.

    I have the recipe book so will have another look at that. I am fasting again tomorrow and today trying not to go mad, I was surprised to find I was not really hungry this morning after fasting

    I am not doing back to back, Im fasting tomorrow, and today trying not to go mad with over eating

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