First fast day and i'm scared!!

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  • Day 1 of my fast diet, and my first fast day. Going to stay positive and try to keep my brain active at work instead of thinking about food….
    I’ve got just over a stone to lose to get back to my ‘happy’ weight and having recently turned 40 I’ve decided it’s time to regain control and change things for the better. Any tips welcome…..

    At this point I’ve gone though about 50 fast days and I don’t eat anything on my fast days most of the time. It hasn’t killed me. The worse has been a few sleepless nights, but I also get those when I’m eating.

    I started on Saturday and I decided to bite the bullet and have three fast days one after another. I’m basing my calorie intake on the BMR rather than the other figure but am having 1/3 of those calories on fast days.

    I just have one meal in late afternoon and that’s all.

    You’re lucky you’ve only got a stone to lose – I’m easily 7 stone overweight.

    The best advice, I received when starting out which helped me a great deal and I still use today is drink loads of water and chew sugar free gum. On my fasting days and my during my fasting window on non fast days, I’m always chewing on gum.

    The first is the hardest but once it’s finished everyday after comes a bit easier then you do it, enjoy it and welcome it!

    Best of luck to you!

    Hi, It’s my first day too and I only decided to bite he bullet when I woke up this morning.
    So far so good. Lots of herbal tea and water. I have gum in my drawer if I need it.
    I will have soup for lunch, and I haven’t decided about dinner yet.
    Monday is always a gym day. I’m a little concerned about my energy levels for my classes later…. I suppose I’ll have to suck it and see.

    Good luck everyone.

    Hello! Good luck, you’ll be fine! Am on my 5th fast today – let’s do this, people!!!

    Tip – a cup of tea with a splash of milk feels like a massive treat, at the end of the day, if you’re into tea!

    That’s a great tip thank you.

    I’m hoping to save 41 calories for a cheeky low cal hot chocolate. ;0)

    Cracking plan! 😉

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