First fast day!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  lolli 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi, this is my first fast day. Started with a 2 egg tomato frittata at 7am and having chicken casserole after work. As a chef it will be quite a test! Any other fasters work in kitchens? How did you manage? Will let you know how I get on. Starting weight 119 kg at 6’3″.

    Hi this is also my first fast day. Ive decided to try a few different combinations i.e i havent had breakfast today but im having homemade vegetable soup for dinner and chicken and veg for tea. Has anybody tried saving calories for main meal by skipping others?

    Hi to both of you. I usually start of my day with porridge and blueberries at around 7am and then eat my evening meal around 7pm. I drink lots of water during the day and keep busy. Found it easy to achieve. Find healthy low calorie foods that you enjoy. Good luck to you both.

    Hi Kayleigh…..
    This is the start of my 3rd week on the fastdiet….I have chosen Tuesday and Thursday as my fast days….so far I have not found it difficult, I have found that on my fast days if I just have my orange juice and coffee in the morning when I wake up which is usually about 7.30 and then nothing until lunch time just sips of water or cranberry juice then at lunch time I have a piece of water melon a dry cream cracker and maybe a yogurt I am fine then till about 3.30..4pm then the hunger really sets in so I have found that if I have a few pretzels and a small drink of cranberry it sorts me out till dinner at 5, tonight for instance I am having roast chicken and salad
    So far it seems to have worked for me
    After reading the book ( which is an ebook) so it is not easy to keep looking at the calorie counter list, in fact you can’t do it on an ebook, so I have not counted up my calorie’s but I know I have lost weight already because my cloths feel looser and the husband said you can see it in my face
    Oh by the way I have also found a lovely tea orange and carrot which also helps to calm the hunger feeling
    Good luck

    Hi Lolli

    Thank you for your reply. I’m currently drinking black coffee and water to keep the hunger pangs at bay. I work in an office so im sat down for most of the day which does not help. Also i have read the book and it suggest doing the two days together for better results, which is why i have chosen today and tomorrow. Do you know much about keeping then together or separating them?


    Hi Kayleigh
    I don’t know about keeping the two days together, to be honest I don’t see how it works if you are allowed to eat anything on your non fast days to me it doesn’t make sense as surely you put back all you have lost on your fast days, but in saying that it does seem to work I don’t remember the book saying about doing the two days together but if you can I guess it would be ok, but again if you are allowed to eat what you want on the non fast days I don’t see how you can’t put it all back on again…maybe I am just thick….
    I am a hairdresser so I am sort of on the move all the time it also helps that here in the Canary’s it is too hot to eat much in the day
    Nice to meet you good luck let me know how you get on

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