First Day/Week

This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Jayneyw 10 years ago.

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  • Hi There,

    My naturopath suggested this diet. I can’t recall the last time I was on an actual diet, and I am combining this with eliminating what he refers to as the sensitive seven:
    1. Gluten (wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut, eikorn) and all grains (with the possible exception of small amounts of amaranth, quinoa, and buckwheat)
    2. Dairy
    3. Sugar
    4. Eggs
    5. Peanuts
    6. Corn
    7. Eggs

    As a result, I don’t think what I eat will be nearly as varied as it would be if I just did the 5:2 diet alone, but I know from experience that if I go even a day eating whatever I want I basically turn into a human balloon. I have had foods in the house to use up, so am finally getting started on this now, though the protein bars I have cleared with the naturopath have peanuts in them.

    There are also additions like 2 tbsp each of ground flax seed meal or psyllium and also olive oil three times daily, in addition to the usual 3 tbsp of coconut oil I have been having daily for the better part of a year now.

    There are also other details I can provide if anyone is interested. For example, I haven’t even mentioned that I will now be exercising six times a week instead of my usual four (with specific workouts). I look forward to seeing positive results!

    Many thanks for reading,


    Hi Jayney,

    I find this post interesting. My boyfriend is gluten free and now vegan (for approx. 8/9 months). He suffers from a bit of acne rosacea.

    Why did your naturopath suggest the diet? Is it for the purposes of preventing the bloat that you seem to be getting? Or are there multiple reasons?


    Hi Lovercomeback,

    Please pardon the delay in my reply. I just saw your post. Just FYI, I have no issues with bloat or other health generally, as I have been working regularly with a nutritionist since 2008. I believe my naturopath suggested eliminating the sensitive seven to speed weight loss and just generally be healthy. On any diet where you can eat whatever you want I think there would be a great temptation to eat a lot of nutritionally deficient foods. I hope this makes sense.

    I’m happy to explain further if you’d like. This week I’m starting to exercise six days. Won’t that be fun with a fast day on one of them? Then again, I do aerial work three times weekly anyway, and am used to eating next to nothing and working out hard anyway, so I think that should be fine. I look forward to hearing your thoughts whenever you get the chance.

    Many thanks,


    Well it sounds very achievable from your commitment already! I wish you the best.

    I will be introducing exercise once I get the all clear on my broken clavicle and feel settled in the change of eating habit. 🙂

    Have you fasted yet? How are you finding it? What are your goals? I feel great after yesterday (2nd full fast).

    I would like to eventually eliminate a lot of the poisons you mentioned above on a regular basis (not forever or completely but 90% of the time).

    Would you let me know if you see a difference in your skin? You may very well have fabulous skin already. But I heard fasting gives a better complexion and glow. Accompany this with losing those 7 should leave you looking positively airbrushed. I was hoping to garner some speculation to convince the bf that fasting intermittently might be something to add to being vegan.


    Today is my 1st fast day! Excited nervous. I watched the bbc program on diets for you last night was interesting. I found though I could relate to all of the participants so I’m not sure about the program. I’m trying this because at 60 I feel I just can’t shske the scales so praying it works! I’m optimistic!!!!

    Good luck! Keep busy and you should find it relatively unchallenging. Best to give it a shot 2 weeks, but 4 weeks will allow you to see your true weight and probably allow you to relax a little knowing that how and when you eat is important (so I am told). I have every faith! And by gosh you must be fit!

    Hi There,

    Lovercomeback: Just FYI, since I’ve been working with the nutritionist and eliminating toxins from my body that has really shown in my skin (which I have been complemented on since). However, you might be right that it might get better by eliminating the sensitive seven. I will keep an eye on that and get back to you. Please feel free to remind me if I don’t.

    Emhealing: Alas, I’m in Seattle, and the only BBC I get here is on cable (which I do have). We have BBC World (mostly news) and BBC America (mainly programs like Dr. Who–which I watch, Orphan Black, Being Human, Whitechapel (none of which I watch).

    However, today (well technically yesterday as it is now after midnight) was my first fast day. I even did 30 minutes of High Intensity Training (HIT) as recommended by the naturopath I’m working with. No problem at 436 calories, though I plan to increase that just a bit in future (but still under 500). Yippee, hooray–for today anyway!

    Hi Lovercomeback,

    Many thanks for your support. I’m supposed to be on this for three weeks before another appointment with the naturopath, but since I’m between jobs now that appointment might need to wait. However, since I’m now counting calories I’ve decided to opt for the psyllium over the flax seed meal, though this will mean changing around my water bottles due to the psyllium needing to be mixed with water. I have found a relatively low-cost alternative to the bottles I’m currently using though, so that should work out (the reason it’s an issue for me is because at this point I drink 96 oz. of water/day, and currently have three bottles–if I use psyllium, it needs to be mixed with eight ounces, drunk up, and then eight more ounces added and drunk up again to get the residue). That sort of means using the three overly large bottles I have will be more of a pain.

    Regarding your comment about my fitness–I guess you could say I’m fit in a way, but I don’t see how I can be fit and overweight simultaneously. At this point my goal is to trim down by just under 2.5 stone, just FYI–interesting for me since I generally think in pounds, but this is fun.

    Just FYI, something I did yesterday (since I’m really not much of a foodie) is to write out cards with meal plans on for feast days when I do aerial work (as opposed to regular feast days), and weekend days when I do aerial work. As you can imagine, eating is somewhat complicated normally, but doing this 5:2 diet while eliminating the sensitive seven on top of what I already do has been a bit mind-boggling at the start.

    However, now I have about three different cards to alternate during the week (well five really, because there are some foods I got at a bargain that I’ll won’t be able to afford for a while, so I have alternate versions of some of the days). The planner I use comes with a page divider that has a slot to put these cards in, so I can just insert today’s meal plan and alternate depending on the day. I think this will make it really easy to follow things now that it’s not so muddled in my head.

    Many thanks again for your support, and please know that you have mine in return,


    Hi There,

    Sorry this is so horribly late, but the sensitive seven are in fact:

    1. Gluten (wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut, eikorn) and all grains (with the possible exception of small amounts of amaranth, quinoa, and buckwheat)
    2. Dairy
    3. Sugar
    4. Soy
    5. Peanuts
    6. Corn
    7. Eggs

    At the moment I’m back on peanuts (until I run out of the protein bars I’m using). Then I will try introducing eggs. Just FYI.

    @lovercomeback I know this is late, but I was sick for a bit and didn’t see my friend who normally comments on my skin for a while. In fact, yesterday I saw her for the first time since I started the 5:2, and she just sent me an email stating that “Your skin looked translucent yesterday.” She also noticed my weight loss without my saying a word (as of yesterday I’m down 13.1 pounds (just under 6 kilos). It’s nice to have these kinds of results only a month and a half or so in!

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