First day today…one question I have…

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  AndyC 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hello

    Today is my first day on the diet (Fast Day) going ok…so far so good…

    One question I have is do people tend to stick with three meals a day on their feed days or 3 smaller meals with snacks is ok too?

    I tend to be in the habit of grazing and wasn’t sure if this would be a bad thing to continue…or if it really doesn’t matter how and when you eat on your 5 feed days.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Many thanks

    •”There have been different studies using different approaches. People who took part in Dr Krista Varady’s studies of Alternate Day Fasting (ADF) had just one meal a day, at lunchtime. Those who took part in Dr Michelle Harvie’s studies of the 2 Day Diet at several small meals a day. Michael prefers having two meals a day, breakfast and an evening meal. Mimi prefers several small meals. Which approach is better? The one you can stick to. Some people find, for example, that eating breakfast actually makes them feel hungrier later in the morning.”

    You can look at the FAQ section, I copied this stuff from there. A lot of your questions will be answered there. The general agreement seems to be that it would be better to fast between breakfast and lunch, prolonging the time that you fast.However, for some people this is really hard (me, for example). So on fast days I tend to eat one boiled egg at breakfast, at lunch I take another boiled egg with soms fruit and at dinner I eat the remaining calories. For me, this has given very good results (I’ve lost 5 kg in 3 weeks, with no particular effort on feast days). However, I am very much overweight, so weight loss is easier in the first period. On the other healt benefits, I cannot comment.
    Good luck with it.

    I found that I wasn’t eating as much on my non fast days as I just wasn’t hungry.

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