First day today

This topic contains 13 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Nika 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Morning, have been lurking but now taking the plunge 🙂
    I am starting today with a huge amount of trepidation and hoping my willpower will hold until later. I have yo-yo’d for many years, lost a large amount following a low carb woe, but over time, it has crept on…..and more. And I’m sick of it. I have read a lot of science around this fasting lark and it is impressive.

    So, wish me luck for Day 1 of the future me 🙂

    All the luck in the world!!!!!

    Let us know how you go, so long as you are organised re food, you will fly.

    1. Calculate your TDEE
    2. Make sure you eat only a quarter of that amount 2 days a week
    3. Don’t go overboard on the other days, but besides that have what you want in reasonable portions
    4. ….PROFIT!

    Wishing you luck – Nika has summed it up really simply – let us know how you get on!

    See, this tdbfatdk thing, I don’t get that, cos if people were eating that, they wouldn’t be 40 kgs over weight would they?
    So how on earth are they to now all of a sudden ‘ eat their tdfgsggh’ ?? When they never did before..hence their fatness.

    So tell me, how does anyone change their thinking to go..ok, I won’t eat all this rubbish cos now 2 days a week I’m starving myself…

    I recon you need to go , ok 2 days a week I’m having some veg. Yay
    The other days, I will try and add some veg and take one junk item out.
    That way, you have at least cut down, you have given your body something that grows, and will eat your tdgshh or whatever it is ( tdee, my iPad changes it to tree!) cos you will make better choices, you will eat when you are hungry and STOP when you are full. When your body tells you you are full,…not when you have reached a certain calorie number.someone 4 f3 is going to eat less than me, but we have the same tdee!??? Go figure.
    I’m double their height.

    Anyway, off soap box.

    That post… confused me a lot. But I think I get what you mean.

    Maybe having trouble with the touch keyboard on the iPad? 😛

    Over writing tdee so easier to write lots of letters…cos I get tree otherwise!

    Aaah now it makes more sense. I thought it was a certain food someone loved or something. Ok, now I agree with you 😛

    No, the stupid calories to day every egg thing.
    Who says I need 1600 or 2300 I mean…come on

    I need chocolate that’s what I need

    Oooooh you. Silly Dumpy.

    I think some days I need 1000 others 2500
    Can I have my 1000 from 3 Moro bars?

    What you need to eat is real food, if it is out of a packet, eat it sparingly and only accessionally.
    If calorie counting worked, no one would be over weight. But as we know ‘ it does not’ from all the people on here!
    Eat what your grandmother could recognise.

    Eat 3 meals, no grazing or snacking all day and eat when you are hungry stop when you are full and start making things from scratch.

    The occasional take away, not 4 nights a week people.

    How many tdeeeehjhj is that!?? More than your ‘ allowed by the scientists’ that’s for sure.

    Anyway, off to tuck in to my fast day dinner.
    I had a yummy salad with 80 grams cooked chook in at 4 and now a prawn stir fry.
    So many salad stuff and veggies!! More than I normally eat on a normal day.

    Eat what your grandmother could recognise. That’s actually a very good one.

    And I second what you say, that as long as you listen to your body and eat what it tells you (granny incoming!) you should be healthy and lean.

    The problem is…we don’t.

    We’re learning!

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