First day starts tomorrow in Chicago

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  MartinMathews 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I just caught the program on PBS. I have lots of health issues (myofascial pain syndrome, degenerative discs, history of thyroid cancer, patella femoral syndrome in knees, and tons of allergies including polymorphous light eruption). Oh, and I am in menopause with night sweats! Anyway,I went on an anti-inflammatory diet 5 years ago which has helped with myo-facial pain syndrome. I cut my lyrica dose in half. I lost weight. But I am limited in the exercises I can do without causing a flare up. I walk 3-6 miles a day or bounce on the rebounder. I would like to see if this diet helps with myo-facial pain or hot flashes. I am hoping to prevent myself from developing Alzheimer’s disease.

    Good luck! My first day too – am also looking for health benefits and gthe bonus of a little weight loss!

    Well wishes to you both. Been doing this for 6 weeks now. Any hip pain I had prior is gone (knock on wood) so here’s hoping this will definitely help!

    Good for you! I also saw this program in Chicago on Sunday on PBS and was intrigued. My husband and I (and maybe my sister) started on Monday. It went pretty well. I consumed by fast day calories around 2pm and at 8pm. I could not hold out for just one meal.

    Hi all from Chi-Town:

    Here is some information that might help as you start and go with 5:2:

    Good Luck!

    I made it through my first fast day. I consumed all my calories at lunch. Boy, was my stomach grumbling before bed. And I was somewhat light headed. I hope my body adjusts and it gets easier. I only walked 2 miles on my fast day. I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to walk as much as I normally do. I would like to know if anyone has advice on this. My primary reasons for trying this is to see if it helps with my myo-facial pain syndrome and arthritis. Also,I worry about getting Alzheimer’s disease. My mom died from it and her sister has it. It’s a horrible disease. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Hopefully, this diet really helps to protect the brain. I want to thank all who responded to my post. I appreciate the support and hope you are all faring well. Thanks everyone!

    For your encouragement. I am 57 and weighed in at about 401 lbs with high blood pressure, and having knee problems, working out about 1 1/2 hours a day and not getting anywhere with my weight. Trying to loose 200 lbs. After 1 month and one week on The Fast Diet have lost 13.2 lbs.. After loosing 5 lbs the first week my Dr. said it was to fast, so I have increased the 600 calorie max to compensate and still have lost a total of 13 lbs.. My workout is 1 mile on the elliptical for a warm up and weight training. This has been the first diet that I think is sustainable for me I am greatly encouraged. I would suggest finding some emotional reasons to do this. Such as things you would like to do, that you cannot do now, short term goals, and write them down and post them where you can see them on a regular basis. One of mine is: I am retiring in 3 years and I want to be able to enjoy a healthy life of retirement. I am looking forward to the new me. Good luck!

    MsEmptyset: From what I have read it should be OK to walk like you have been. Remember to drink lots of water, and if you are still not sure about it, just increase your walks in increments.

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