First day excitement

This topic contains 19 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  LSH 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • So, I watched ‘What is the right diet for me’ on BBC Horizon a couple of weeks ago, and took the test online, and I was actually quite surprised to be classed as a constant craver (I thought it would put me into the feaster group). At the same time, the more I watched and researched, the more sense that made to me, as I’ve always found it so difficult to stick to anything which requires cutting and counting calories on a daily basis. Hence, today I have started the Fast Diet. I’m also using some of the tips from the Horizon show, alongside the Fast Diet, Fast Exercise and Fast Cook books. If anyone else has started today and wants to be my buddy, let me know! I’m excited to see the results but, more importantly, to feel them. I was so impressed by the evidence that is presented in the book, even if some of it is just anecdotal, and I plan on keeping updates on here of the changes that I notice.

    One quick question – what are fellow fast dieters’ thoughts on sugar free drinks on fast days (like pepsi max, for example)? Is it cheating?

    Hi Laurellev
    It is my second day, but my first day of fasting. I ate 2000 cals yesterday (maybe a bit less actually) and today I am ready to fast. Very excited and can’t wait to weigh myself next Tuesday. Are you having a weekly weigh in? I’m not sure whether to weigh in every week or on the 1st of each month. I don’t think sugar free drinks are good mainly because of the chemicals in them but I think there are some other problems with the sugar substitute which make you fatter – not sure of the science but I did read something a while ago about that. Good luck and let me know how you get on. I am in East Sussex.

    My first day too! going surprising well so far. The Horizon programme did it for me too and gave me hope.

    I cut out sweetener drinks a few years back and felt better for it, less head aches and less sugar cravings (just) etc. I also won’t let my children drink them and noticed a complete change in them both. Though I could be seeing what I want to see.

    I’m not sure how often to weigh either, thinking weekly but am concerned I’ll give up if the scales don’t show me what I want see. East Sussex too.

    Hi LSH I didn’t let my kids have fizzy drinks either but they are teenagers now so they buy them themselves haha!! They will learn hopefully. I know what you mean about weighing too often but the temptation is too much to bear. I think maybe I’ll weigh weekly because this is different to other diets and I really feel it is going to work. I have 5 stone to lose, but I haven’t been at my goal weight for 30 years, so I may need to allow myself a bit more weight as I am 55 now and I don’t think it is good for old ladies to be too thin! I am in Battle. x

    Hi, I have been on the diet for about 10 days and have lost 4lb, and that was before I really got to grips with the book. All I can say is it seems to be working for me, and I feel better already – could just be psychological, but who cares? Have to do something – at 56 I need to future-proof my body! Go for it folks.

    Absolutely Kernowlandlady. We need to look after ourselves! Well done for loss so far.

    Thanks for the advice! I weighed myself this morning, but I think I might not weigh myself again until next Friday, and then make Friday my weigh in day. I’ve also taken some measurements, and I think I’ll take those every month. I’m going to make notes each time I update my weight, commenting on energy, sleep patterns, cravings etc too so that I have a record of other changes in me.

    I will do my best to avoid fizzy drinks, but I used to be a full sugar drinks junkie, so it’s a miracle that I’ve managed to cut it down to sugar free! One step at a time, I suppose. I just wondered whether anyone had come across any advice specific to the fast diet. I don’t recall seeing anything in the book…

    The new book mentions diet coke (in the Q&A bit), and states, if it helps you use it, it does also mention the study about making you crave more sugar and that it isn’t yet complete.

    Great idea about making notes, better rounded picture than just a weight measure.

    how is your first day going?

    Ice Cream, we have about the same to lose! To be honest anything downward would be lovely. I’m a Brighton Belle so not too far.

    First fast day yesterday. I was inspired by a lady at work who has lost 8lb in 2 weeks,! I found fasting ok though did feel a bit grumpy and had a headache. I ate lots of salad and vegetables and drank lots of water. I was so thirsty. Looking forward to losing some pounds but am impatient!! Good luck all

    It’s going ok – I had scrambled egg and smoked salmon for brekkie and I’ve only just started to notice the hunger. I’ve had almost a litre of water already so I totally relate to the thirst comment! I’m trying 2 consecutive days of fasting this week to see how I go (based upon the Horizon programme) but I’m glad that the book suggests flexibility.

    LSH I love Brighton but it us about an hour’s drive.
    I have had an apple, satusma and a banana today, and about 5 cups of black tea. Will have my lentil and veggie stew (homemade so 200 cals) for supper. Slightly hungry but drinking water helps and I am busy today so mind is elsewhere. Not long until tomorrow breakfast!

    I went for the not to eat until I couldn’t bear it route. Lots of tea (5)(10 cal each with milk) and half a Bovril cube in boiling water (10 cal) really filled me up. I have a couple of boiled eggs ready if I can’t make it to Dinner (we eat very late).

    Laurellev, interested to see how 2 days together go. I’m not that brave yet.

    Just watched a BBC documentary about how even thin people can live off fat reserves for about a month, its really made me put my hunger in its place.

    Hope the afternoon goes as well as the morning for you all.

    Hi newbies and welcome:

    The average weight loss over time on 5:2 is one pound a week. If you expect more, you may be disappointed. You may enjoy quicker up front losses (but not necessarily), but they will be tempered by later small losses or even gains. All of the reasons why are posted on this site somewhere or another, so look around.

    Here is some information that will answer most of your questions as you proceed with 5:2:

    Good Luck!

    Hi. I have just completed 2 weeks on the Fast Diet. I also watched the Horizon programme and had heard of the Fast Diet, and thought I could probably manage it. I have,an underactive thyroid and my weight has gradually crept up to where I now have a BMI of 30, and would like to lose at least 30lbs. I am 65, and lightly active, as I am retired.
    I am feeling very positive, have done 4 fast days and list 5 lbs! The fast days haven’t been too hard, I eat porridge and fruit for breakfast and fish or chicken with green veg or salad in the evening. I feel hungry mid afternoon, but drink lots of water and try to distract myself. I’m not a fan of diet drinks, so it’s not a problem for me to avoid them. I do get very cold, and a bit headachy though, but the weather has been rubbish, and we have had a lot of snow – I am in Sheffield. I am going to weigh myself once a week for now, but on eating days, I am not counting calories – this has beenn hard to resist, as I am a bit of a fanatic about micro managing my diets. I am trying to be sensible with portions, and good foods, and find I am leaving food, as I feel full quicker. Not sure if this is a fluke or a result of fasting!??
    Good luck everyone, hope we can keep going, and get some good results

    Thank you for your advice….I am starting this whole fasting thing tomorrow! Thankfully I have got tomorrow off work, so hopefully I can just keep busy and get on with it!

    Any advice from anyone will be gratefully received 🙂

    Talk soon jo-jo

    Just turned 50 and decided I need to find a diet I can stick to and incorporate easily into my life. Hoping the 5:2 fits the bill. Starting tomorrow – good luck to everyone else starting out.

    Another fast day completed. Have felt very hungry at times today, but tried not to think about it. Haven’t been very active, only doing housework etc, I’m not sure yet whether to do much exercise when fasting, but need to keep occupied to distract myself from thinking about what to eat! My next Fast Day will be Friday. I am hoping to get some walking in before then, as the weather forecast looks good. Is everyone else doing OK?

    Second fast day for me yesterday. Harder than the first one but I was digging and weeding most of the day and hope that was the reason.

    Found the bovril drink a life saver again, it really fills me up for 10 calories.

    Still find it weird that I don’t wake up starving the day after.

    This is still feeling something I can do though need to find something to drink. Not a massive fan of water when it’s cold and I don’t do diet drinks.

    Hope you are all doing well.

    How did the 2 days together go?

    The two days in a row works pretty well for me. In the last two weeks I’ve lost nearly 2kg and I’m on my first of my third pair of fast days today. Last week I just had one meal a day, on both the fast days, in the evening. On the second day it felt as though I opened the floodgates after I had my meal and ended up having a bit of a binge and eating a tonne of sugary things! :-/ I didn’t beat myself up about it too much, as I’m treating this very much as a learning process and something that I plan on doing, in some form or another, for the rest of my life.

    So, the lesson I learnt for this week was to have in more healthy snacky things (carrots, celery, hummus, blueberries, apples) so that when I do have my meal, there are things I can have with it or afterwards to fill me up, rather than turning to a jar of nutella. Interestingly, because the food is there in my fridge and it has a use by date, I have been turning to it a bit more on my non-fast days to snack on, and so it’s naturally replaced some of the other, less healthy and less filling foods I might have snacked on before. A nice little bonus 🙂

    I’ve just started taking some strong painkillers, and I have to have some food when I take them, so on my fast days I’m having to split my 500 cals over the course of the day. I’ve made more effort to fill out my meals today with lots of good fruit and veg and it’s already making the day more bearable. I’ll keep you updated with how I get on! Oh, and I picked up the newer edition of the book, which references diet fizzy drinks and so I’m going without on my fast days and drinking lots of water or fruit tea instead 🙂

    Wow! Nearly 2kg that’s amazing. Well done.

    Hope you are feeling better soon and off the pain killers. Can’t imagine that helps with weight loss.

    I was off work with the kids earlier in the week and that made it much harder for me but I got there. Back at work today so much easier.

    Still so grateful for Horizon for making that programme.

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