First day – can I drink tea and coffee?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jacqe 10 years ago.

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  • Hiya i’m on my first day of the diet and it’s going well. Was just wondering how much tea and coffee I was allowed!? I don’t have sugar in my tea and only a little bit of milk, coffee I have 1 sugar and again not a lot of milk. Is this ok on fast days and should I limit myself to how many I can have?

    I work in an office so very hard to turn down offered hot drinks! 🙂

    Thanks x

    Hi I am on my first day too. Just flicked back through my book and tea and coffee are fine I use a low Gi sugar as I am not able to cut that out and very little milk. Just remember to count them in your calories. I replaced 3 of my hot drinks with water and found it actually helped fill me up. Good luck

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