First Day!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Beansta 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Watched the Horizon programme for the first time last night and have just completed first fast day today. Managed to avoid eating until 5.30pm when I had salmon, green beans and salad followed by a yogurt. Lots of tea and water and a gym session managed. Only downside really was missing highly calorific family meal but tomorrow is not a fast day. Interested to see how I manage to sleep. In bed now as night time is usually my worst time for eating rubbish in front of tv. Would love to hear from other newbies in a similar situation.

    Hi Beansta, My evenings were my worst too…kids in bed…out came the unhealthy sugary stuff. Comfort eating was my friend, but turned into a nightmare ! I have been on this new eating regime for one week as of tomorrow. I certainly feel better, and have more energy……despite not having no where near as many calories ! I have found that over the past week, I can’t eat the same size portions I used too, and even find it hard to believe how much I used to put on my plate.
    I am using the 5:2 slow cooker recipe book too…it’s lovely !
    Hope you survive your first week as well as I did !
    Kathleen 🙂

    Thanks Kathleen! Nice to have the encouragement and you sound so positive. Is it the children that drive us to the ‘self-destruct’ cake/crisps option at night or the fact that we have decided we deserve it? Anyway, managed first fast day with few hitches and slept reasonably well. Weight myself and have lost a couple of pounds (probably water but still nice to see). Thought I’d be starving but actually just enjoying a nice cup of tea in bed and planning on a bowl of cereal. Hope I can keep this up when I go back to work next week! Thanks for tip re slow cooker. We have one so I’ll dig it out and have a go. Wednesday is my next fast day – going to try for Mondays and Wednesdays from now on. Do you have weight to lose or are you doing this for the other health benefits? ☺

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