First Day

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  • Good morning all!

    Today is my first day on the 5:2 diet and I have decided that it will be a fast day for me today – planning on Thursday and Monday as my fast days.

    Had some lovely fresh fruit for my breakfast and having small chicken breast and vegetables for dinner later.

    Feeling good so far!

    I have about 4 stone to lose and feeling very positive!

    Is it possible to drink unlimited black ‘Redbush’ tea and water?


    Good luck on your first day. I had mine yesterday and it turned out tough. Headache was the problem and not hunger. Hope you fair better.

    First day for me too. Had porridge for breakfast, planning on mushroom omelette and salad for dinner. Headache is building now (dreaming of food!) 4 hours to go. I’ve got 10lbs to lose but I’m doing this with my husband who has over 3 stone to lose. Good luck.

    Im fasting today, and am getting to the headache stage 🙁 Determined to keep going though! We can do it, and we can eat more tomorrow 😀 x

    I don’t really have a headache – just really hungry!

    Still feeling really positive though!

    Hi, I started Monday and funnily enough – we have the same fast days. Today is my second fast day and I’ve consumed around 320kcal up until now. I plan for the same dinner, simple chicken breast, one carrot and two or three broccoli pieces.

    I’ve found it surprisingly simple and I have stayed motivated. I’ve found that once your blood sugars regulate, you don’t crave sweet foods and when you’ve experienced a full day fasting where you have to evaluate the calorie contents of food, you appreciate what you put in your body.

    On normal days, I’ve struggled to eat more than 1500kcal when sticking to ‘good’ food. My fasting days have changed my palette so far and I haven’t craved any junk food. When you eliminate the calories from junk food from your diet, you find it is very very difficult to hit your GDA of 2000/2400kcal. If you stick to wholemeal bread when you have sandwiches (and you only have a sandwich for lunch, and maybe a piece of fruit) you find you have approximately 1650kcal left for breakfast and dinner. I’m not sure about you, but I cannot eat 800kcal of healthy calories for breakfast and dinner – I’d explode!

    It’s really interesting – I was planning my meals for today – a filling breakfast of 2 eggs and 2 warburtons brown thins for breakfast (374cal), soup, yoghurt and a banana for lunch (356 cal) and I have so many left!

    It just goes to to show what I was shovelling in before.

    Day 2 and 3lbs down already – very happy!!!

    Hi everyone!

    So yesterday was my second fast day and it was SOOOO much easier than the first one!!

    Had a sneaky peek on the scales this morning and I am 5lbs down!


    Wow 5lb down that’s amazing well done you!

    I’ve just signed up today and started to look into things.
    I’m thinking of having Monday and Tuesday as my fast days as don’t think I’ll be able to actually get them in before then. As I have my birthday on Friday so I was originally looking at starting a new way of eating on Monday so I figured I could make sure I just eat my TDEE amount over the next few days and fast on Monday and Tuesday.

    Does this seem like a sensible idea to people? Really looking forward to all the support and motivation we can all give to each other.

    sounds like a good way to get started. This really is the easiest plan I have followed (and I have followed a lot!)

    I downloaded the app and I complete my food diary a day in advance (usually whilst waiting for my dinner to cook). I bring all my food to work with me so that I am not tempted to buy anything else and really look forward to my dinner when I leave work.

    Will keep you all posted on my journey, but so far so good!

    Good luck Emma and enjoy your birthday 🙂

    I just joined the 5:2 fastdiet website. They say that I should have 1558 calories a day to maintain weight. So I’m assuming I should have less then that to lose weight? And if the 500 calories a day is based on a 2000 a day diet then should I make my fasting day calories 390 calories a day for it to work?

    Yesterday was my second fast day (doing Monday and Thursday as fast days also) and it wasn’t too hard, mostly because I ate almost 600 calories. My first fast day was ok though and I was good only having 504 calories. I’m having more trouble reigning in calories on my non-fasting day. My husband says it sounds like a diet within a diet as my normal eating habits have me eating between 2000 – 2800 calories a day instead of the recommended 1558.

    My first fast day was yesterday and my partner is with me. We are both tired of the extra weight. He’s leaving the prep to me & I am happy to have the company. We had a fine time during day one with oatmeal/quinoa with blueberries and sliced almonds for breakfast. I picked up veggies at the local Asian market and fixed an chicken stir-fry for dinner. We were both busy all day to distract us from the fasting. I exercised as usual and perhaps I was a bit psyched out when I thought I was a bit less energized. Nonetheless, there was no snacking and a great awareness about how much I consume. After the stir-fry, we REALLY enjoyed our tangerines. A much better treat than a bowl of ice cream, eh? Context is everything!


    On your Fast Day you should have your 500/600 for a man, I sometimes go over by 50 calories so you don’t have to be so spot on. Your 1558 calories is your living / breathing calories you must eat under these to loose weight.

    We fast Monday and Thursday…….Tuesday and Wednesday we keep to 1200/1300 calories or about no naughties at all……Friday to Sunday we maybe have some cake, a couple of wines or beer basically enjoy your weekend and then crack on again Monday.

    You can’t eat 2000 or 2800 calories you will put on!! You must keep under 1558 calories unless it’s a very special occasion, a one off.

    My hubby has lost 10 lbs, and I have lost 5 lbs in two weeks, we are very pleased. ( we lost 28 lbs each last year, in 4 months. After health issues and knee surgery this year and no excerise, half the weight crept back on, we are back on board to take it off)

    Good Luck

    Thanks for your reply, symba7. As I’m a woman I should probably be eating 400/500 calories on my fasting day then.

    I just spent the past five days home with two sick children so eating was intermittent at best, indulgent mostly, as I grabbed what was readily available; which was mostly snacking. Now that the kiddos are back on track I’m going to try to get myself back on track too.

    Eating under 1558 is very discouraging though. It doesn’t allow for enough to make me feel full or satisfied. I’m going to try to do it though and when I fall off the wagon, I’ll jump back on.

    Hi slsmitty55,

    You should really do your 500 calories on a FD, as you say it’s not a lot.

    Porridge made with milk and water ( you can’t tell its water) with some fruit, or do 28 gr muesli and milk with fruit.

    A piece of fish or 100 gr of meat and a big mixed salad for your dinner.

    We usually have three cups of tea a day with milk but no sugar, or sweetners.

    And of course keep busy, with children you don’t have much choice!!

    Good Luck and keep going

    Day 2 for me – don’t have much to lose myself but am doing it to support my son who has about5-6stone to lose. We both found day 2 much easier than day 1. Didn’t eat at all until 12 today, then homemade soup, had chicken breast and cous cous for evening meal, had a couple of cups of tea with a little milk, and herbal teas during the day. My son prefers to eat little and often – little bit of fruit for breakfast, soup and small evening meal – he also had small amount of popcorn to snack on. We have ordered the ready made combinations from the kitchen on this site – very handy to have in the fridge for those days when you just get in from work and want to grab something within the calorie limit

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