Finding your way round the many Forum topics

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Finding your way round the many Forum topics

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Jeanius 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • If possible, I think a Guide on how to navigate and use all the site’s facilities would be a useful improvement, especially if newcomers were unfamiliar with how to find their way through the many available topics – as I was when I first found this, my first ever, Forum.
    By trial and error, I discovered many very useful things, such as:
    > clicking on any contributor’s name – shown next to their comment – will take you to their Profile and, once there, clicking on ‘Topics Started’ and ‘Replies Created’ will display all their postings.
    > if you’re browsing in, say, ‘recent comments’, clicking on the red or blue headlined name of any topic will take you to all the posts made under that topic.
    If one has enough time, it can be fun to discover such things for oneself but some people might just get lost and frustrated. Handy Navigation Tips would mean they would be able to get the best from the site and wouldn’t have to re-invent the wheel.

    (By the way, I love the new-to-me layout of the Homepage, now displaying a ‘latest on the forums’ column – I haven’t been away from the Forum to go back to the Homepage in ages. Bravo to whoever had a hand in that particular improvement.)

    Thank you Jeanius – we do follow your considered and helpful comments with interest. This is another very constructive suggestion. We will look at setting up ‘navigation tips’ to help people find their way around the site. Glad you like the changes to the homepage.

    Hi – we’ve just added a page to help people navigate the forums here:

    I’ll start a topic on it now – let me know any typos or suggestions!

    Glad to see this new addition (and Dr Michael finding time to read the posts).

    Good suggestion by Jeanius

    fastdiet comes up trumps again! Well done, fastdiet, and many thanks to you, Michael and everyone who helped to make this happen. It all looks fine to me and the links all seem to work. Good job done. Best wishes.

    Thanks to sivasankar, too, for your kind words.

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