Finally a diet I can follow for the rest of my life!

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Finally a diet I can follow for the rest of my life!

This topic contains 22 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Ninna 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • With the help of Cambridge I lost 22 ponds 5 years ago. After that I did not know how to eat in order to keep my weight loss and I continued with a light version of Cambridge from Monday morning until Friday afternoon, and during the weekends I ate “normal”. Thanks to that I managed to keep my weight lost. But for awhile I have wanted to find another way to keep my weight lost and skip Cambridge. Two weeks ago I got your book in my hands and that was like winning a billion on lottery. After two weeks my weight is exactly the same each Friday morning and I eat like a queen during the five days of normal eating. It is fantastic. Thank you so much.


    I feel similarly. This is the diet (lifestyle change) to end all diets 🙂 The first 3 weeks I lost 7 pounds…just got back from a two week holiday where I ate everything I wanted…and fasted yesterday picking up where I left off. That is probably the BEST thing about this plan. You can lose weight and still have a life!

    Here’s to us!

    I have dieted for over 30 years, and started the 5:2 last September. I have only missed one week of fasting over Christmas and it feels so normal to fast for 2 days and eat totally normally for the rest. I have lost 9 kilos and am now a healthy 60 kg. I am 54 and 5’8″ I will now switch to 6:1 to maintain my weight and switch back to 5:2 if I need to. This is the most flexible, healthiest way to ‘diet’. I also like the fact that I have to abstain from alcohol for 2 days. I stick to 500 calories by eating one meal at lunch of 350 and the rest of the calories for tea and coffee and an apple in the evening. I enjoy the feeling of hunger as I know my cells will start to repair. Good luck to all who are starting.

    Ninna & all

    u have succeeded yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    can’t wait 2 get there

    2 the 6:1

    it really is the best lifestyle

    It would be nice to hear how everbody manage to keep 500 calories a day.

    Now in the start I have some Cambridge products to get rid of which I payed a lot for so on fast days I take a protein drink for breakfast, a Cambridge smoothie for lunch and a Skyr (islandic yoghurt) + 100 gr fresh raspberries for dinner. That makes a total of 500 calories. Later on I would like to eat real food on fast days. recommendations are most welcome.

    After all the holydays this Spring and after an early holiday trip I gained a few pounds that I now decided to get rid of immediately and therefore I decided to fast for four days this week (Monday until Thursday) and after that I will keep the weight loss by fasting Mondays and Thursdays and eat without any restrictions on the five eating days. Once you have reached your goal weight I assume you keep it with this diet and do not loose any more weight.

    Hi Ninna, the good thing about the 5:2 lifestyle is that you do it to suit yourself and your needs. If you can manage a 4 day fast and it is safe for you then you make that decision and go for it.
    When you reach your target weight then you need to consider what Michael M calls the maintanence programme. He fasts one day a week but you need to experiment with this a little. You may only need a fast day every 8 or 9 days for example.
    Good luck.

    I dont eat breakfast, I have one coffee in the morning the rest is black tea maybe two cups per day. I have a salad for lunch and keep it under 105 calories then I eat the bulk of my calories 395 for dinner. I might on the odd fast day had a diet coke to take the edge off otherwise Im coping well and have lost 4 kilos

    Hi Ninna
    my fast days go something like this: finish supper on the Sunday (or Wednesday) and then have nothing til 10.30/11am Monday/Thursday when it’s normally something like a nectarine and strawberries plus a small amount of strong tasting cheese, or some soup. I may have a few cherries between brunch and supper as they are in season at the moment. Then hold out as long as I can for supper – often not long after 6pm, or 7pm if I can manage it. I normally have either fish or prawns or some seafood cooked in a tiny bit of chilli oil for zing, with a reasonable amount of veg – mange touts, french beans, courgettes – whatever is in the veg garden. I stay within the 500 cals for the day. And that’s it til the next morning. Hope this helps. THis is so much easier and cheaper in the summer as fresh fruit and veg are all in season and plentiful. I am sure it’ll be more chalenging in the winter and I’ll be on broccoli and cauli with my fish/prawns and no strawberries, cherries or nectarines – will have to swap those for veg soup. Oh, and I definitely DO restrict myself on non-fasting days – an absolute max of 2000 calories, often less if I’m full. Any more and the weight stays on. It’s a bit of a drag to count the cals, but I’m still eating pretty much what I want but not overindulging. No biscuits, no sweets or chocs as a rule. I have had 2 choc ices and one slice of homemade cake in 7 weeks, all within cal limits. And I’m luckier than most as I have no interest in alcohol or fizzy drinks. Good luck with the tranmsition from protein shakes to real food – I always enjoy my fast day supper – making them spicy really helps – the chilli oil or spices or a dab of curry paste.

    Last week I decided to have a quick start to get rid of my “holiday kilos”. Else I reached my dream weight with the help of protein shakes some years ago and after that I did not know how to eat in order to keep my weight loss. But thanks to the 5:2 diet I now do.
    So I fasted Monday to Thursday last week and lost 4 pounds. Then I had three days off, else I would have continued. I felt so good and was not at all hungry (at least not from day two). Friday-Sunday I ate whatever I wanted and to my surprise I had gained less than a pound according to the scale this morning. I could hardly believe it. So this week I decided to fast for four more days. After that I will continue with 5:2 and possibly 6:1 which sound to good to be true. I wonder if the weight loss continued last Friday since I did not gain much weight over the the weekend. Before I started to fast I restricted my eating during Monday-Friday afternoon and always gained 4-6 pounds during the weekend.

    I started the 5:2 diet four weeks ago.

    The first two weeks the weight was exactly the same on the Fridays, when I weight myself.

    In week 3 I fasted four days (Monday-Thursday) and in week 4 I fasted three days (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday).
    My weight loss during these two weeks was 2,1 kilos (4 pounds).

    Next week I will test 4:3 and fast Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

    When I have reached my ideal weight I will continue with 5:2 and later on try 6:1.

    It seems like 5:2 is a way for me to keep my weight loss.

    Have a nice feast Sunday!

    This week I tested 4:3 (fasting Monday, Wednesday, Friday) but I stopped fasting at 5 p m today, Friday.

    I cannot recommend to fast part of a day. The morning after a fastday I cannot eat much for breakfast but I can tell you my apetite this Friday evening was big and I could not stop eating.

    I agree Ninna, I now feel confident, having just about reached my target weight, that provided I monitor my weight I can increase the number of fasting days to stay where I am or to take off a couple of pounds if it starts to creep back on. It is definitely for life!

    Hi Kris,
    yes it is an exiting way to keep the target weight or get rid of extra pounds.
    Next week I think I will fast Monday-Thursday to loose the last pounds. After the first – some times very hard – fastday I think the following days are so easy that it is almost a pity to start eating again.
    I want to get rid of the extra pounds as quick as possible.
    Have a nice (feast?) Saturday!

    I’m reluctant to say I can follow this for the rest of my life, but after 3 weeks and 7 pounds, I’m feeling very positive. It’s just that I have been on many diets in my 55 years so I’m quite the yo-yo dieter. The thing is after 3 weeks I would have most likely failed by now. What I really like about this diet is that it has really made me more mindful of my eating and more in control. I don’t binge on regular days, I’m eating very sensibly on those days. I’m worried about a two week vacation coming up at the end of the month, but the forums are giving me confidence that I can get right back on 5:2 when I return. I’m not going to worry about the diet while traveling.

    Enjoy your vacation and once you are back the pounds will disappear with the help of 5:2.
    After future vacations I will punish myself with two 3:4 weeks. That way I will reach my pre-vacation weight.
    Once the first fastday is passed the second and the following fastdays are so easy. After that you cannot eat anything but small portions of food!

    Hi dwbslp,
    I have been on 2 holidays since starting the fast diet last winter, and both times I have put on a few pounds (one of the hols was six weeks long) but the good news is that I have taken it all off again since and more besides.
    I don’t think I could bear to keep it going through holidays, but knowing I can get back on track afterwards suits me! I was also a yoyo dieter but now feel I can claim success for the first time in my life

    Thanks for the holiday experiences, it is very reassuring. Here is what I will eat today as I fast: For a late breakfast I will have one serving of steel cut oatmeal with Splenda (I don’t often use artificial sweeteners, but anything but plain oatmeal will be more than 150 calories) I will snack on celery, radishes and watermelon. Dinner will consist of grilled tilapia, fresh veggies and 1/2 cup of brown rice. Happy fasting everyone.

    Some thoughts…

    After a fastday I just love it when the jeans I put on in the morning is feeling a size too big. I feel so slim and satisfied with myself. But once I start eating they imediately get tight around my thighs and I feel so bad and miserable. Therefore I almost want to fast every weekday…

    I am getting so used to fasting that I sometimes have to ask myself: “Do I fast today or not?”

    I am testing different versions of 5:2. I think it is fun, almost like a hobby! This week I have fasted Monday and today, Wednesday.
    Yesterday I started to fast in the morning but then I suddenly came up with something that I think suits me in the normal weekdays, since I do not want to cook Monday-Friday and since I think it is wise to be more careful with the calories on normal weekdays than on weekends. So what I did yesterday was to PRETEND it was a fastday and then I allowed myself some nice extra calories that I longed for, like cheese, some nice bread, a delicious apple and a giant juicy Italian peach and some WW salmiac (low calorie!!) in front of the television. I was so satisfied and I can’t imagine I reached 2000 calories. And this morning my jeans were not tight around the thighs although it felt like a feast day yesterday!

    It’s fun to find different ways to do 5:2!
    Next week I think I’ll test DrLL’s version: 5:2 with only dinner (no breakfast or lunch) on the two fastdays and not be so concerned about 500/600 calories. Maybe half a grilled chicken with a nice sallad and some fresh fruit as dessert?

    Ninna, some of your comments in the post above have me a little worried for you.
    Enjoy your fasts but do make sure you eat sensibly at all other times. Weightloss is not the be all and end all of this programme.
    Please be safe x

    Does anyone know how many calories barbecued/grilled chicken that you buy in the foodstores contains? I can only find WITH skin on the calorie tabels. I would like to know how many calories WITHOUT skin. I hope anyone knows.

    Chicken with barbecue sauce, skin not eaten
    ½ chicken breast 93 cals

    Thanks, wiltldnrUSA!
    Here we buy a whole or a half chicken. Do you know how many calories per 100 grams? Are there less calories in the breast than in other parts of the bird?

    Thanks for the fantastic link, wiltldnrUSA!
    To me it seems like half a barbecued chicken without skin would be abt 260 calories (1/2 a breast, one wing and one drumstick). Could that be correct?

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