Feeling the cold?

This topic contains 14 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Ris 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hello!
    I started the fast diet last week and am now on my 3rd fast day. I have loved reading this forum for all the helpful comments and advice, so have weighed and measured myself (where did all those inches come from??) and am determined to keep going until I hit my target.

    I am finding the fast days fine, I don’t eat until I get home and try and do more exercise on those days. However, I do find that I get really cold on fast days and wondered if anyone else got cold as well or whether it was just my really bad circulation?? Its not even that cold today (UK) but I have many many layers on at the moment!

    Would love to hear any comments on this….

    Hi and welcome:

    Getting cold is common when fasting. It is not just you.

    Good Luck!

    Digesting food generates a lot of heat that we don’t get when we are fasting.
    That is why nice hot cups of black or herbal tea go down so well on a fasting day.

    Exercising is also good for helping to get yourself feeling a bit warmer too.

    I didn’t the first 3 weeks, but I do now (and it’s the middle of summer here)

    I have done four fasts now and felt extremely cold each time but the last one (yesterday) I just couldn’t get warm no matter what I did. It’s the only side effect apart from hunger, that I get but I found it really troublesome yesterday. Has anyone else felt as miserably cold as this???

    Yes, I get cold as well late afternoon usually. I have a soak in the bath.

    It is very difficult to get warm on an empty stomach, so prevention is the best option. The best thing to do is put some extra clothes on in the morning, and/or get moving. I always exercise first thing on a fast day, and if I have a busy day planned, I get up early to do it. After that I shower and have some coffee and I’m nice and warm. At the first sign of getting cold I have a hot drink, and move around as much as possible. If you are at work, a short brisk walk in your lunch break will help.
    I’ve only had one day when I was cold enough to feel miserable about it, but once I had eaten it was fine.

    Oh yes. 18 months in and still cold twice a week. I suggest investing in a Cherry pit cushion to take to bed. Hunger pangs never keep me awake, but the cold does.

    Upside is that during heatwaves you feel less hot so there’s that.

    So Yeah, lots of tea, good slippers, fingerless gloves and a Cherry pit cushion will sort you out 🙂

    Thanks guys for your feedback. I mostly try all of the above ie I go to the gym or swim on an empty stomach which I actually find much better and I’m sharper and stronger. I do that first thing. I ate twice the last fast to see what that was like and was ok otherwise I have only eaten once in the day after which I’m glowing!!!
    I probably don’t wear enough clothes as I hate being bundled up so Ill try that on Monday. It’s definitely afternoon at about 3-4pm I feel it most. I make lavender wheat bags so I’ll use one of those more often next time! Never heard of a cherry pit cushion but it sounds like a similar appliance. Interesting. Lots of tea too. More tea I think! 🙂

    Yep, am feeling it too..

    I find, on a fast day, I warm up after eating. However if you aren’t eating or it doesn’t help this is my tried and tested method I have used for years. I developed this after years of being outside feeding horses in the depths of winter when it’s lashing with rain when you get so cold it’s in your bones!

    Run as deep and as hot a bath as you can manage. I can easily do 40c. Whilst you are in there have a piping hot cup of tea (or herbal). That will probably do the job but when get out (if it’s the evening) put on fleecy pjs and 2.5 tog socks (Heat Holders- they are amazing). In extreme cases you can pull a thick duvet off your bed and sit under that for a bit watching tv!!

    Please let me know if you try this and it works!!

    It’s the worst thing about fast days! I’m seven months in now and fasting has got substantially easier except for being cold.

    Somewhat ironically I’m based in Dubai where it can hit 50 degrees at this time of year, but the airconditionin in my office is so high that I’m cold on normal days and it’s much worse on fast days (I sometimes go and sit outside for ten minutes to warm up).

    I use the same strategies mentioned above, herbal tea, excercising, a hot bath but nothing works that well; I try to console myself that being cold must mean I’m burning more calories 🙂

    It is so reassuring to hear that others get cold. I am cold all day on my fast days. Today it is in the 70s here in Maryland and I’ve been cold all day -and yup it is my fast day. Good to know it is part of the routine.

    i’m frozen, got the electric blanket on

    My last fast days I was so cold deep inside. I had layers of clothing on. It made me feel quite ill.
    My husband was in a t-shirt.
    Finally I had a nice warm shower and that helped.
    I ordered some nice thermal underwear. Not the old fashioned type it is very lightweight and pretty.

    I find also the fleece tops and blankets help. They are very light and I do not feel bundled up.

    That’s good, not just me then. Been so chilly in the evenings as I’m doing 36+ hour black coffee/tea/water fasting. Feet are icy by bedtime.

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