feeling fab!!!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  lulabella 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Week one being back on the fast wagon, weigh in this morning,…….drum roll……
    I lost 3lbs!!!!
    And that all with a couple of “hic-cups”
    Having friends over tonight, so although no dieting, will TRY not to go mad!! LOL!
    It’s Strictly night!! Making a curry, and a raspberry bakewell cake for pud, will have a wine (or 2) but don’t want a headache in the morning, so water by my side at all times 😉
    Back to it on Monday, I find it so much easier to fast when I’m at work.
    Here’s to reaching that target after all!!
    A very happy bunny!! 🙂

    That’s “amaaaazing darling” as Craig would say :-).

    Seriously, well done…you must be really pleased with that, I know I would be! I am hoping to weigh myself once a month (if I can hold out that long) so only 3 weeks to go…doh!

    Enjoy your Strictly party! 🙂

    Thanks nursebean! 🙂
    It’s given me the strength and determination to carry on

    Good luck with your weigh in, I could not weigh monthly, I’m not obsessed, but it’s been a habit for about 10 years so a hard one to break 😉

    Looking forward to seeing your post in 3 weeks

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