Feeling a bit tired & low – can you help advise

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Feeling a bit tired & low – can you help advise

This topic contains -2 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  scooby8 3 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi and good wishes

    I started the Fast 800 5 days ago. I have had a big work week (on the tools working as a cleaner) and also running my own business.

    I have been feeling a bit whacked out to be honest last 2 days.

    I am doing 16:8 TRE and am eating well but not following the recipes completely.
    Mostly eating veggies, some yoghurt, nuts, blueberries and eggs, lentils. Pretty much cut out carbs completely.

    Urine is flowing very frequently, more than double my usual amount.

    Not sure why I feel a bit low energy & tired.

    Is this normal? Could I be missing out on something?

    @scooby8 – it sounds like you may be experiencing the side-effects of switching to a low-carb diet; particularly as you mention you’ve completely cut out carbs. The link below will take you to the dietdoctor.com site and ‘Low-carb & keto side effects & how to cure them’. It’s quite normal & should disappear in a few days to two weeks. The most important thing is to stay hydrated.


    Thanks very much.

    I will try some salt and perhaps magnesium and monitor it

    Appreciate your help

    I agree, it’s quite normal to feel like that when going low carb/ keto…good luck!

    Hi @scooby8 I find I get like that too when I switch back to fasting, and it doesn’t take me long to stop feeling like it once back in the swing of things. I’m not saying carbs are bad or anything but for me personally, they don’t satiate me, they’re more of a comfort food. I eat lots of veg and soy based protein, it’s processed food but for me it works better than potatoes, bread pasta etc. I also have a meal replacement shake for breakfast which I really enjoy, so I get my carbs from that. I’ve only been back fasting for three weeks now, and I already feel loads better, I just hope I can stick with it! I find that work/family time are the times where I want to deviate from eating sensibly to eating fast food/food on the go/bread etc. Good luck to you! I find this forum really helpful for spurring me on 😊

    thanks mate.

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