Feeling a bit defeated

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  • So I’m the kind of person who has a really hard time sticking to things, I can’t even take my vitamins every day.
    I read the 5:2 book last year several months before my wedding, and the 5:2 definitely helped me loose weight for that. Of course, after the wedding I kinda fell off the 6 month dieting wagon, then had a very stressful and freezing cold winter and a herniated disc in my neck that just made me lethargic. Of course, I put the weight back on.
    Last month I got motivated and went back on the 5:2 and lost 2lbs in 3 weeks without extra exercise, becuase of my neck. However I kinda lost my motivation the last couple weeks and let my fast days slide and now I’m back up in weight again.
    Ugh. Also I feel like I was having a much harder time this time around on my fast days trying to stay away from snacking. Snaking is definitely my biggest downfall and it’s seeming like a huge hurdle these days. 🙁

    Rmanzo – snacking is a difficult habit to break, at least for me. I’ve been trying for years and still find myself snacking or wanting to snack even though I’m not really hungry. I think it is easier to change what you snack on. Find something the helps like celery or carrots. Maybe some nuts if you are really hungry. One of my favorite afternoon snacks is an apple with a small handful of walnuts. Not really low in calories but very good for general health. Anyway I given up on deserts and eat that instead later. Not really great for blood glucose, but mentally it works for me.

    When I fast I don’t eat anything. That is actually easy. However once I start eating it is sometimes a real struggle to control it. So I try to surround myself with foods that won’t do too much damage.

    Rmanzo – I too find it hard to take vitamins after a week or so.
    It’s become a bit of a joke at my house. Half empty bottles everywhere… ahhh, good intentions…
    I find, like dykask, not eating at all on fast days can help so much (I have liquid shakes) as you don’t even have to think about food, how much or how little.
    Chin up and good luck.

    Rmanzo – on the surface it may seem good that you recognise that you don’t stick at things but IMHO I’d really try and stop that unhelpful internal conversation – by saying that to yourself you are saying it’s OK to fail…because “that’s what I always do” – so I’d try hard to completely suppress conversations like that about yourself – really – just stop thinking that about yourself and move on. The same goes for thoughts about what you haven’t managed to do in the past – forget all that and concentrate on what you want to do. I always think – “do I want to loose weight/become healthier yes or no?” – that’s the internal conversation I focus on. The same goes for all the stress/injuries/illness/issues/baggage – when you get to know people – everyone has something to deal with but I think you have to be open to the idea that it’s possible, that there is a place you can be where you don’t let any of that deflect you from doing what you really want to do – lose weight – it’s very rewarding to be able to do it. RE: Snacking – just don;t have anything in the house – don’t buy it – if you can’t help sneaking things into your trolley when shopping can you get someone else to do it. e.g. we never have chocolate, cakes, biscuits, fizzy drinks, crisps, etc in the house and I treat bread as cake – as a treat – I just don’t eat it any more). I always have carrots, celery, tangerines, grapefruit and pickled things to snack on (chillies, gerkhins, onions). A boiled egg and an apple are regular things to snack on (I never have more than 1 of each a day though on a fasting day)- they are surprisingly effective in taking your mind off eating – especially the egg I find – I don’t hard boil mine – I make them just on the turn (put large eggs into pan of 75% boiling water/25% cold – reheat until the eggs start bumping hard on the pan and starting timing 4mins 45s then straight out and under cold water to cool – shell/peel them after a few minutes when cool – I just mash mine up and eat with a teaspoon – sounds so sad doesn’t it – but it takes my mind of eating for hours.) The other strategy is to drink something instead of eating something – hot water, lemon & ginger tea or just tea or coffee. The other thing I find important is to keep busy – I have an allotment to go to – I can spend a few hours there with no food or drink and just get on with weeding/digging – my 5:2 fasting days are usually the most productive days of my week – I just concentrate on work or doing things that need a concerted or a lot of effort. IMHO 5:2 is just about the easiest and simplest way to loose weight – it is simple – you have 5 days where you can eat normally without thinking too much about you eat and 2 days where you eat as little as possible – that’s how I see it – on a fasting day I know I’m not eating much so I don’t really have to think much about food. I couldn’t diet everyday and have to think about what I was eating all the time – that just wouldn’t suit me at all – I’d rather be thinking about and concentrating on other things in my life other than what to eat and what it’s calorific value was and how much, etc.

    Rmanzo- I can sympathise with your neck problem; I’ve got a disc problem too & I had to give up exercise, which I loved, then the weight piled on… I agree with the others that not eating on FDs is actually easier, there’s no dilemma of what to eat & when etc. The first few times is hard, but it gets easier. Have lots of water & hot drinks if you’re a cold person (I am!). If I’m really starving I’d have a small bowl of soup at lunchtime, & soup again in the evening.
    Not sure where you are, but if your winter’s over now, then at least you can still walk, & getting out does boost your energy & is good mentally too to lift the spirits.
    If it helps, I never thought I’d be able to lose much weight again, but since September I’ve done ADF (alternate day fasting) & have lost nearly 2.5 stone. So if I can do it, anyone can!
    Good luck!

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